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Spoiler Ghirahim: Your Thoughts?

What do you think of Demon Lord Ghirahim?

  • Awesome

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pretty cool

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Okay...I guess...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Disturbed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Don't kill me but I have chosen the last option. I HATE Ghirahim so much. Yes he was a cool villain and very evil but there is nothing about his character I like. He annoyed me with the way he acted and talked. I cannot stand him and every cutscene with him I was getting myself something to drink. Zant remains my fav Villain

But leaving my personal hatred out he was a very calculated villain and if Zant was as calculated like him Link would have had a hard time to defeat him.

I Love Ghirahim

He is the best character and boss in Zelda history! I just love his attitude. <3

*points to username*


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ghriahim was quite the character. One moment he'd be all arrogant and flamboyant, and the next he'd be ruthless and cunning. Usually that would clash in a character, but Nintendo somehow managed to pull it off with flying colors (as vibrant as the rainbows that filled Ghirahim's heart). I've seen quite a few people claim he was just another Zant, but that can't be farther from the truth. His character was never ruined, as it stayed the same, even though he had personality swings of sorts. He wasn't tossed aside like Zant was. (Seriously, he was necessary to Demise's revival, whereas Zant was a useless tool of Ganondorf's.) And his character development was flat-out great. He's a very entertaining character that had me cracking up more and more with every encounter. Nintendo nailed it with this guy.


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I thought ghirahim was awesome. He was creative. His personality was different. As a boss, he was pretty fun, especially when you got to do a fatal blow on him from 20 feet in the air when he falls onto the lower platforms in the final fight against him. He was revealed steadily and I felt like every encounter I learned something about him. His fashion sense was new, and unlike many main enemies in games these days, he wasn't just an jacked up buff guy with strong attacks and a high amount of life/health. Ghirahim was more complex than that. He was pretty cunning and I wish maybe we encountered him more, and not just in a dungeon. I want a villan like ghirahim in another Zelda game, because I don't think he will reappear. Ghirahim was AWESOME!!!


he was frickin AWESOME!!!!1111!!! i loved his crack about groose's hair.:P
Nov 26, 2008
I'm a big fan of Ghirahim. Basically knew I would be as soon as I saw the cutscene of his appearance in Skyview Temple. Loved him right off and the full game definitely didn't disappoint. Love the detail and complexity to his character, and how he develops not by changing throughout the story but by showing more of himself as it goes on. You get to see elements of his evil and brutality, and then later his class and then his anger. I also love how he was a very consistently funny character, even at the same time as he was scary. Very enjoyable to see.

Ghirahim's my new favorite Zelda villain, and he's my favorite character in Skyward Sword itself.

Don't kill me but I have chosen the last option. I HATE Ghirahim so much. Yes he was a cool villain and very evil but there is nothing about his character I like. He annoyed me with the way he acted and talked. I cannot stand him and every cutscene with him I was getting myself something to drink. Zant remains my fav Villain

But leaving my personal hatred out he was a very calculated villain and if Zant was as calculated like him Link would have had a hard time to defeat him.
Not trying to change your mind or challenge you at all, really, just sort of curious... I get what you're saying about not liking how he acted and talked, but it confuses me a little with you saying you don't like anything about him while still really liking Zant, because I thought Zant and Ghirahim were always pretty similar. To me, Ghirahim was a lot like an evolution of Zant and an improvement on his concepts. They have nearly identical character archetypes in a number of ways, though Ghirahim is a lot... more. xP Zant is a more subdued version, more serious. Just found it unusual you'd hate Ghirahim but still like Zant.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
I loved Ghirahim. He is actually now my favourite Zelda villain. Yeah, he does have that whole fabulous and flamboyant attitude, but that isn't the only reason why I like him. The ways he worked to his goal(as well as him succeeding in his goal) were amazing. I also like the fact that while he is an underling to the main villain(Demise), it seems more believable than the relationship between Ganondorf and Zant. You could really see him working towards his goal of reviving his master.

His personality is awesome. I loved how it was developed. At first he's all flamboyant and toying around with you, not being very serious. But by the end, he's had enough with Link, and that can easily be seen. It's too bad I highly doubt we'll see him again, unless some plot hole opened up to allow it...Nah.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I chuckled to myself a bit after reading the options. :lol: Also, I swear to God, I replied to this thread before but apparently not.

Ghirahim wasn't a terrible villain and represented a clear foil to Twilight Princess's Zant in terms of the development factor but he certainly does not rank above those criminals who established themselves with a flare right away and were more developed in that they felt remorse for their wrongdoings, Ganondorf from the Wind Waker especially.

Ghirahim, however, does have some spunk and sass that nearly ever villain in franchise history has been missing. This completely justifies hi appearance in random dance and music videos. :P

As a threat, the Demon Lord, evolves gradually but effectively being a mere pushover at the Skyview Temple and already desiring greater bloodshed by the second encounter in the Fire Sanctuary. I admire his final, metallic form, however, because he uses different and decidedly more varied offensive tactics. The spice of life as they say. ;)

Ghirahim definitely is disturbed but my primary vote goes towards being, "Pretty cool". :yes:

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
He filled my heart with rainbows.

Seriously though, the guys fabulous, not to mention a totally disturbed psycho. He's awesome. But yeah, really insane :$
Apr 17, 2011
Where you least expect it!


I'm really curious about Ghirahim as he seemed to just come out of nowhere in my eyes which raises a lot of questions. How did he start to serve Demise? What does he get out of all this (besides Demise's Resurrection)?

Please could someone enlighten me a bit here?

Just a side note, but do you think Ghirahim could be in anyway connected to the Twili and Zant?

Feb 6, 2012
My thoughts are that Demise used some kind of magic, before he was sealed. Using magic on a sword to transform it into a physical person after a certain point in time (when Zelda is alive in the future)... At least that's my thoughts on it... If that is true though, then I don't think he has any purpose BUT to revive Demise.
Apr 3, 2012
I liked him, he was quite a villain with such sadistic qualities at times... and that tongue... I do like him, he was quite a different character.


Jan 2, 2012
He's one of the greatest villains of the Zelda franchise. He's such a unique villain. There's just so many awesome things about him and I definitely enjoyed fighting him.

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