People tease me when I talk about Zelda, but the way they talk, it's obvious they just think it's another "kiddie" Nintendo game. Not one has actually tried it, and if they did, they probably wouldn't get very far before deciding it's not as good/more boring than annoying games like FIFA. The thing with the Zelda series is, you kind of have to be into it from the start to really appreciate the game, also it matters which one you start on: Someone who first played Majora's Mask is going to have a radically different view of the Zelda series as someone who played Tri Force Heroes. I think Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword are probably the best for beginners, as they aren't as evilly difficult as some of the earlier Zelda games, but still aren't SO easy, especially for a newcomer to the series...
Breath of the Wild is probably going to bring in a bunch of new Zelda players, and that kind of worries me they won't want to try out the other Zelda games, as botW is so different in structure from the other games. My brother for example has seen reviews of previous Zelda games, and the trailer for BotW, and he only wants to play BotW. A shame, as the earlier games were kind of awesome, and each had their own "feel", while still feeling like Zelda (aside from maybe Zelda II and Tri Force Heroes).