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Breath of the Wild "Ganon" is back

Nov 14, 2015
It's definitely the Ganon we've seen ingame for a while, that's for sure, but I highly doubt it predates Ocarina of Time. We know for a fact the first appearance of Ganondorf in the timeline is Ocarina of Time, and he gets the mantle of Ganon at the end of the game. Where would they have gotten the name Ganon from if not from the Gerudo form he predated from?


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
It's definitely the Ganon we've seen ingame for a while, that's for sure, but I highly doubt it predates Ocarina of Time. We know for a fact the first appearance of Ganondorf in the timeline is Ocarina of Time, and he gets the mantle of Ganon at the end of the game. Where would they have gotten the name Ganon from if not from the Gerudo form he predated from?

There is no evidence to prove that OoT Ganon is first Ganon. Just because he's the one who is currently known to be the earliest Ganon in the timeline so far, that doesn't make him the absolute first. I remember when I thought OoT Link was first Link and I refused to believe that there was ever a Link before him until SS came out. And I eventually realized that before OoT, everyone thought ALttP Link had to be first Link. And who knows how many more Links are before SS Link!

My point, it is definitely "Nintendo Possible" for there to a Ganon before OoT! We all know that Nintendo loves to retcon people and things earlier and earlier in the timeline! So who's to say they won't force Ganon to appear earlier in the timeline, like they did with Link and Zelda, quite literally, multiple times already? There's literally proof and evidence that suggest that MC was supposed to be the first capped Link! But that changed when SS came out!

And as I've explained here:


I've proven that BotW definitely has to be before OoT. Otherwise, it just won't make any sense! I also forgot to mention in that post, another reason why BotW can't set after TP. And that's the fact that the Hylian language in BotW's era is the same as OoT's era, while in TP's era, the Hylian language appears more translatable to English and more modern. Why would they change back to old language after TP? BotW is definitely closer to OoT's era than TP's or Zelda II's, but has to be before for basically what just explained in my post in the thread I linked and in another post in thread posted in. Here's the link to that post:


That said, the only logical placement for BotW is before OoT, centuries after SS. Again, otherwise, it wouldn't make sense.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
It's definitely the Ganon we've seen ingame for a while, that's for sure, but I highly doubt it predates Ocarina of Time. We know for a fact the first appearance of Ganondorf in the timeline is Ocarina of Time, and he gets the mantle of Ganon at the end of the game. Where would they have gotten the name Ganon from if not from the Gerudo form he predated from?

There is tons of evidence this is not pre OOT. E.G Temple of Time in ruins, Koroks, the great bridge of Hylia.

However Ganon could easily come before OOT. He already did in the form of Demise, who although went by a different name they were one and the same being. There was some debate before about wether he was the literal reincarnation or not but BoTW confirms it by stating Ganon is Hylias ancient enemy.

As for the Dorf bit of his name. It could be the Gerudo added that bit. It could be made a thing that all their male names ended in dorf perhaps it having a kingly connotation in the Gerudo tongue. Since the powerful witches Kotake and Koume raised him they could have and probably did know all along that the Demon King was reborn to their tribe and therefore called him Ganon and added the dorf bit as all Gerudo male names ended in dorf.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
There is tons of evidence this is not pre OOT. E.G Temple of Time in ruins, Koroks, the great bridge of Hylia.

I hate to disagree you...again, but:

1) You know people can always just repair and rebuild. There is also evidence that prove there could be a form of time travel like in SS. Watch this video by Zeltik:

He explains how time travel could be in the game and how it will work much like SS, only much more emphasized with a bigger role than ever, even more than it did in OoA. I believe that there will be two endings in BotW, just like OoT. Only instead one for the present and one for the future, there is one for the present and one for the past, but unlike OoT, these endings are by choices instead all in one go.

This is how I think it will go. Present ending, You beat Calamity Ganon in the present, peace is brought back to Hyrule, TP's Hyrule Castle is still there and so is the Great Bridge of Hylia. This is ending that would lead to TP. Then there is the altered past ending which changes the present, where Calamity Ganon was stopped before he could wreck Hyrule Castle apart. This would lead to OoT, where OoT's version of Hyrule Castle is still standing and so is the Temple of Time. And the Temple of Time would still be intact in this altered present. Thus making a pre-OoT placement perfect sense. Especially with these details known about BotW's Temple of Time:

a) In OoT, the Temple of Time had a Master Sword chamber and an altar mentioning the Hero of Time, the Song of Time, the Ocarina of Time, and the Spiritual Stones.

b) In BotW, the what starts off as the ruined Temple of Time at the beginning of the game has a Goddess Statue exactly like the one from SS and pews for people to sit and praise the Hylia as a goddess, which doesn't happen in OoT's era or later, since people forgot about Hylia as a goddess in OoT's era and forward. So the Temple of Time is like because, in BotW's time period, the legends/prophecies of the Hero of Time are not a thing yet.

With these two points said, it's highly suggested that BotW's Temple of Time is an early version of the OoT era foundation of the Temple of Time. Basically the OoT Temple of Time, the way it was, before the whole "Hero of Time" thing in OoT. And guarantee that the Hero of Time from OoT's legends as hinted at to Link by Sheik, who came before OoT Link is none other than BotW Link.

Thus, this evidence you're talking about, as debunked, corrected, and expanded on by me, is actually proof that this game is definitely before OoT. Now the next one.

2) A lot of people are saying now the koroks can exist in any point in the timeline now, which I agree with, except, as long as it's not too far deep in the timeline. So this "evidence" doesn't prove anything in this case at this point. Sorry.

3) And finally, last but not least, another easy one to debunk. And this could actually be one of the reasons why I decided to have TP on a separate timeline branch in my current fan timeline. That being that along the way after the past ending of BotW up until by the time of OoT, the bridge may have gotten destroyed. Either that or Nintendo just couldn't find a way to fit such a huge bridge in OoT back in the N64 era due to technological limitations. And the bridge may not have been in the 3DS version either, simply cause it wasn't intended to be a full on remake and that the map of OoT was too small to fit such a huge bridge, which is mainly due that such a small map originated from the N64 era. So this doesn't really prove anything in this case either. Again, sorry.

With that all said, there is more evidence that this is Pre-OoT than evidence that this isn't. Thus making a Pre-OoT placement still plausible. Especially since it's the placement that would make any sense at this point.

However Ganon could easily come before OOT. He already did in the form of Demise, who although went by a different name they were one and the same being. There was some debate before about wether he was the literal reincarnation or not but BoTW confirms it by stating Ganon is Hylias ancient enemy.

I mostly agree with this. Except, I believe that the monster Ganon is more like a son to Demise, the same kind of way that Jesus is the son of God. Only except Demise and monster Ganon are evil instead of good. And I believe that the son of Demise is actually originally known as Calamity, as in a curse of hatred, misfortune, greed, and chaos. Also that Calamity may have adapted to the name Ganon sometime around BotW's era. Then later, Ganondorf came along, bearing the dark cloud and evil aura of Calamity.

Also, if put the name Demise close to Calamity, this theory really starts to make sense as Demise and Calamity are so similar in nature, that it suggests that they are connected. Which further points at Calamity being the incarnation of hatred that Demise was talking about in the end of SS. Calamity's presence in the form monster Ganon in BotW would explain more as to why Ganondorf appears in OoT.

As for the Dorf bit of his name. It could be the Gerudo added that bit. It could be made a thing that all their male names ended in dorf perhaps it having a kingly connotation in the Gerudo tongue. Since the powerful witches Kotake and Koume raised him they could have and probably did know all along that the Demon King was reborn to their tribe and therefore called him Ganon and added the dorf bit as all Gerudo male names ended in dorf.

Now this, I agree with the most about your post. Very interesting theory there. :)'

Edit: I just changed the shades and colors of colored words and colored numbers so it will be easier to read. I did this instead changing them to black because it's important for to which part of Deus's first quote in this post, I was talking about otherwise, people will be confused!
Last edited:
Nov 14, 2015
I've proven that BotW definitely has to be before OoT. Otherwise, it just won't make any sense! I also forgot to mention in that post, another reason why BotW can't set after TP. And that's the fact that the Hylian language in BotW's era is the same as OoT's era, while in TP's era, the Hylian language appears more translatable to English and more modern. Why would they change back to old language after TP?
Actually, the Hylian writing we see appears to be a portmanteau of Ocarina of Time's Hylian and the Gerudo language, possibly a Lingua Franca that went into effect during the Downfall Timeline during the 7 long years of Ganondorf's rule over Hyrule (presumably not in the Adult Timeline, where Hyrule was still saved in the end)

Also, we don't know how old the Sheikah technology is from Breath of the Wild, meaning it could easily just be a dead language that has remnants spread across Hyrule through the Sheikah.

Also, how do you explain the placement of the Master Sword? It was stated that, during the era of Chaos, the Temple of Time was constructed on the ruins of the Sealed Temple, and the Master Sword was placed inside of it as a seal to the Sacred Realm. However, if this is the Temple of Time we know of from Ocarina of Time, why is the Master Sword not within it? We know that the Temple of Time must have been already constructed and given the task to hold the Master Sword (and the Sacred Realm) in a safe location, considering it has the three spires that weren't present during Skyward Sword, so it really doesn't make any sense for the Master Sword to be anywhere but the Temple of Time.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Also, how do you explain the placement of the Master Sword? It was stated that, during the era of Chaos, the Temple of Time was constructed on the ruins of the Sealed Temple, and the Master Sword was placed inside of it as a seal to the Sacred Realm. However, if this is the Temple of Time we know of from Ocarina of Time, why is the Master Sword not within it? We know that the Temple of Time must have been already constructed and given the task to hold the Master Sword (and the Sacred Realm) in a safe location, considering it has the three spires that weren't present during Skyward Sword, so it really doesn't make any sense for the Master Sword to be anywhere but the Temple of Time.

There is nothing that says when exactly the Master Sword was put in OoT's Temple of Time, just that it was put there, likely at the tail end of the Era of Chaos in the altered timeline leading to OoT, after Link saved Hyrule from Calamity in the past.

I am going to continue to believe that BotW has to be before OoT until unless Nintendo for whatever dumb reason decides to say otherwise. Which if Nintendo places BotW anywhere but before OoT, I will boycott the game cause a placement that is anywhere after OoT, TP, WW, or Zelda II, would not make any sense and just be plain out dumb! The timeline by logical terms (and yes, including spinoffs) should either go like this:


or this:


Only one of those two will ever be the timeline I follow by until notice of another new Zelda game to add in or not. Heck, just to makes things simple, I might as well just go by this timeline:


I'm really drawing to the point where that's going to be my fan timeline soon anyways cause I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about this ridiculous nonsense about the Downfall Timeline, TP, the Adult Timeline, HW/L not being canon, TFH being in the Golden Era when it's clearly in the Era of Decline, and all these crazy BotW timeline theories that don't make any sense! Which is really driving me to the point of just counting SS, OoT, and MM as the only canon games from now on, cause it's much simpler and easier for me work with and understand. Especially for whenever I come out with fan-fics to place into my fan-fic head canon timeline.


Apr 3, 2014
To be fair, we do only have a heavily incomplete account of the events in the game, something the townspeople or the Old Man might say later will add a lot more critical information.

For all we know, both Ganon(dorf) and Calamity Ganon could even be in the same game, but as enemies towards each other. A Demon King and an attempted usurper, both fighting for control. :)

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