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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia


Staff member
ex, you actually weren't pushing dawn that hard. the majority of your posts were self-pres and mechanics talk which isn't a good look. the AtE is defs something spicy but i don't got the meta knowledge for that

vote: ElithePsycho yeah anyways though i'm really sorry about yesterday but like this person's scum, which means kod is prolly town, and idk how i feel about that
please space both lines so the vote is visible, moe showed he does not count some improperly formatted votes

also I'm not comfortable with voting Eli here after his nonsensical move last phase can we give a better look somewhere else


Staff member
I think my mind keeps going back to DW, I'll try giving his votes a better look
also slightly iffy on Rag/fg

KoD said this high effort rag is townie, but I remember fairly well a game where she played like this and destroyed everyone (I think it was Tristan's mafia where everything was opposite? was it canadian themed?) so I'm not going to just use meta here specially considering I know she's been tunneling me hard, and I know I'm town here
Dec 13, 2019
@ Rag

Ex was brutally abused by me. That and he was drunk, and trying to talk to me while we're all drinking didn't work out.

To his credit, at least he tried to make nice after sleeping it off. I shunned him. So yeah, I don't blame him (I do) nor do I hold it against him (I still do) wrt to this game (that part is true).

@ Ex

What changed between now and yesterday wrt to you voting Eli?
Dec 13, 2019
But Eli had switched off of you to vote me with more than enough time left as opposed to a last second switch. Are you contending that Eli, with his singular vote on you, endangered himself more by voting you earlier in the day as opposed to voting me later in the day when I become more of a wagon to match or possibly exceed Eli's own?
Dec 13, 2019
I already mentioned it, him jumping out of any relevant votes to vote me

it's suicidal as scum and unless the entire mafia team is out of their minds there was no reason to do that
Yeah I'm not seeing where you get this. His vote on you didn't really affect the game state. He was the second vote on KoD and shifted to be the second vote on you literally with 1 minute left in day. Fext still had a 2 vote lead there and there was still a competing tied wagon with his own wagon. His vote shift didn't affect the danger he was in at all in terms of being able to go over.


Staff member
It was a three way tie with three players with three votes on them.
Eli removing his vote from one of the main wagons turned it into a two way tie, with them still leading. KoD was kingmaker and could pick between Elie and Fext, and considering Elie was voting KoD until up to that moment it's not absurd to think KoD could've (and would've it if he wasn't seconds late) vote Eli and get them lynched.
Elie should've been fearing getting 4 votes here, so if Elie was scum here why not vote Fext so he himself was at best tied and never a guaranteed lynch? By doing so they'd've been able to turn it into a 50/50 at worse no matter what KoD picked. Instead they wasted their vote on an absurd wagon and completely exposed themselves over literally nothing. While this isn't exactly towny, no decent scum would ever do this given the circumstances.

Yeah I'm not seeing where you get this. His vote on you didn't really affect the game state. He was the second vote on KoD and shifted to be the second vote on you literally with 1 minute left in day. Fext still had a 2 vote lead there and there was still a competing tied wagon with his own wagon. His vote shift didn't affect the danger he was in at all in terms of being able to go over.
Fext didn't have a two vote lead, Mikey's votecount has the wrong number, Eli had 3 votes on himself and so did Fext before KoD moved his vote into Fext 5 minutes before the deadline. His vote on Elie didn't count because it was after the deadline, votes after :59 (aka at :00) aren't counted. So the very fact Elie could've died there instead of turned it into a 50/50 shows him placing his vote anywhere other than Fext or even keeping his foot on KoD was nonsensical.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
You're giving Eli way too much credit here. When he voted you, Fext had unvoted KoD and voted you. Making the vote 4 Fext, 2 KoD, and 2 Eli. Fext was wanting Rag to join your wagon and if she had that would have made you at 3 after Eli's vote. Eli voted almost last minute on you before Fext removed his vote on you and put it back on Eli.
Dec 13, 2019
Fext didn't have a two vote lead, Mikey's votecount has the wrong number, Eli had 3 votes on himself and so did Fext before KoD moved his vote into Fext 5 minutes before the deadline. His vote on Elie didn't count because it was after the deadline, votes after :59 (aka at :00) aren't counted. So the very fact Elie could've died there instead of turned it into a 50/50 shows him placing his vote anywhere other than Fext or even keeping his foot on KoD was nonsensical.
You're looking at the EoD count. Fext moved his vote to Eli after Eli voted you. So at the time of Eli's vote he was sitting at two votes, as was KoD. So when he moved his vote from KoD to you, it changed nothing about the current state. Then Fext jumped to Eli and encouraged KoD to get back on but KoD was too late. As I pointed out before Eli jumped in the literal last minute of day, so the logical assumption isnt going to be "I'm going to get trained into the ground" from Eli's perspective, it's going to be "people won't have enough time to respond to swing a lynch on me". It's far less suicidal than you're making it out to be.
Dec 13, 2019
You too, Eli. You've been noticeably lacking in the discussion department in terms of putting forth details perspectives. Where are you at with everything that has occurred?
Dec 13, 2019
Ex, you are one I am completely sure about if only because the blow up certainly seemed like something I would expect from you as town vs you as scum. I can't say that I've ever seen you self vote, but I doubt as any flavor of scum you'd willingly game throw like that.

How you're playing here is different than Worlds Collide, and you were scum there recently. This is drastically different to the characterizations of MSP3 which has majorly unique situations that gave rise to what occurred between us. Personally, I think Rag just wants to throw that game, and your actions there, out to make mention of it because it was funny. In truth, your scum game then is nowhere near an accurate characterization of how you've recently played.

I say this because with only 8 alive, a wrong vote could end the game (I don't know if mafia straight up wins with parity). I already drove an incorrect CFD on KillJoy, and my attempt to push Eli was met with Fext being the that ultimately went over (Eli being extremely close -- and I do regret not being quicker on wifi). Anyway, Eli is still up and is my go to atm. What I'm afraid of is that I was defended by mafia so as to be allowed to keep being wrong if you will.

Like, what are your full thoughts so that I may converse back and forth with you? How do you fully see Numbers and Cin Min? DW and Funnygurl?

I've given my personal take a few times, more or less, but to surmise as best as possible:

- Outside of you, I'm most comfortable with Cin Min being town here. She's put a lot of effort into her posts that I've seen. She's read my responses. She seems genuine. Like, I honestly believe if it came down to yeeting me yesterday as opposed to Eli, Cin Min would have acted to prevent that per her word. What's your feeling on her? Have you noticed any posts of hers that pinged you greatly?

- Numbers I am decidedly unsure about. He hasn't actively pursued me this time around like last game (granted he was an arsonist in Worlds Collide that hid behind you and utilized your perfect play to burn everything -- I'm just saying this so you never forget it). Here, on D1, he wasn't overly aggressive to my ideas -- I mentioned this wrt to the CFD on KillJoy wherein Numbers only said it was the wrong CFD target. D2 saw a more directed response when I posted about Funnygurl and Eli. It pinged me for a bit though I've worked myself trying to resolve him. Has anything about him stuck out to you or made you town read him?

- Rag I'm entirely reading based on activity meta. Obviously you and I have a difference in viewing Rag here. I suppose, to be more diligent on my part, what is it that Rag has done that makes you think she is scum here? I am aware that Rag was one of the people voting to elim you D1 just so we're on the same page.

- I get your reasoning for Eli based on votes. I've read the responses from both Numbers and Cin Min on it. I have plenty to review here.

- Funnygurl is a replacement and has done small posts in bursts. That's it. Content-wise, eh.

- DW is one that is present, but in the back. I know you brought him up once. I'll have to read up on him for D2 as that is when labeled him as town given his rl post.

All of that is based off of how I reasoned, to myself, who is still likely town compared to who I think the scum team may be (with the last slot being what is left).

But yeah, I want to reflect on your perspective a bit more.

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