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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia


Jan 19, 2018
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ex had two blowups in that game iirc, one because people weren't willing to have the mafia and town form a temporary alliance to deal with an ambiguous 3p and the second when he NK'd KoD and then outed himself.

I certainly wouldn't characterize his attitude that game as calm, either in the thread or outside it


Staff member
ex had two blowups in that game iirc, one because people weren't willing to have the mafia and town form a temporary alliance to deal with an ambiguous 3p and the second when he NK'd KoD and then outed himself.

I certainly wouldn't characterize his attitude that game as calm, either in the thread or outside it
I was town during first blowout that game, I was revived as scum

and I didn't out myself, I agreed with funnier that I'd give up the game with him after a certain day


Jan 19, 2018
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I was town during first blowout that game, I was revived as scum

and I didn't out myself, I agreed with funnier that I'd give up the game with him after a certain day

are you personally of the opinion that you tend to only be emotionally volatile in-thread as town?
Dec 13, 2019
the same ex that threatened to pull out your teeth and shove them down your ears when you were mafia together?

Do you know how many bus gifs I posted at him?

A lot.

Like, using that game as a standard is faulty. That game was a dumpster fire that trumped the performance of you and Rubik. You know that to be true.


Jan 19, 2018
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if you posted a bunch of bus gifs at me I wouldn't bat an eye. Most people might be a little annoyed. Very few people would respond with violent threats. Exlight is by his nature an individual who experiences strong emotions. That your bus gifs were able to set him off to the degree they did is a testament to the kind of character ex has. His emotional outbursts are a result of his personality and he can react that way regardless of his alignment as long as something is triggering him, which in this case appears to be IRL stress combined with an underappreciated effort to focus on the game despite that stress. I don't see his becoming upset at this as AI.


Jan 19, 2018
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also now that town's chance of winning the game is contingent on consecutive scum lynches (i think?) high-reward plays will become more valuable regardless of their chance at payoff.

if sexlight dies and flips scum that makes finding the rest of the scumteam significantly easier because of ex's position in the wagons on both days.
Dec 13, 2019
Here's a question for you rag. Do you think Ex would trigger the way he did if a scum mate votes him early and dipped from the thread for a large portion heading into EoD? Add to that Ex stating numerous times he doesn't feel scum need to bus in this format.


Jan 19, 2018
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Here's a question for you rag. Do you think Ex would trigger the way he did if a scum mate votes him early and dipped from the thread for a large portion heading into EoD? Add to that Ex stating numerous times he doesn't feel scum need to bus in this format.

Its feasible that would add to his being upset, although I think the feelings he expressed in thread were, for the most part, honest, and so I think he was certainly upset about being "punished" for putting effort into a game despite going through a lot irl.
Apr 30, 2019
I don't think Eli/Ex make sense as scum together? I mean, they've damn near partook in killing each other. I'm pretty sure Ex started the Eli wagon, and Eli was if I remember right a relatively early Ex vote. Both of them could've easily died in the first two days which if they're on the same scumteam they probably did not have to have almost happen.

i don't mean them as a team. none of them pairs well with eli really. anyways i'm home and gonna iso eli and ex


Staff member
are you personally of the opinion that you tend to only be emotionally volatile in-thread as town?
no I can be emotionally volatile as both alignments, AoE is NAI and easily fakeable
but as scum I either try to prioritize rationality so you prolly won't see me doing something stupid like throwing the towel on a game I think the best optimal play was to not bus like this one
Apr 30, 2019
ex, you actually weren't pushing dawn that hard. the majority of your posts were self-pres and mechanics talk which isn't a good look. the AtE is defs something spicy but i don't got the meta knowledge for that

vote: ElithePsycho yeah anyways though i'm really sorry about yesterday but like this person's scum, which means kod is prolly town, and idk how i feel about that

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