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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

I almost always pressure people who agree with me, and you responded to the pressure in a way that does not ping me.
...I've agreed with you and you haven't pressured me, what am I doing that warrants you not doing so?

And for the record, just how is knowing how long I've played helped with reading me? Is it helping? I bet it isn't.

And no, I've thoroughly read Numbers' post and your response to it. As far as I am concerned, you didn't understand his post or, at the very least, the point of it. It's as I described in the above post about how you're locked on this whole "setup spec" which it isn't. It's literally a proposed strategy and that's it.


Unvote, Vote: DawningWinds
Well, I asked for tjis I guess, but care to explain what makes you feel I've once again become the scummier between me and Seanzie? Did Seanzie say somethinv that makes you feel he's less scummy and/or did I say something making me more scummy? If so, what?

anything that isn't too common in a mafia game lol
you can say "rhinoceros" or whatever lmfao anything is better as long it's searchable, just slap it in the message you put your target on

alternatively though we can just keep updating with the other players targets as they post it, so we have it posted multiple times throughout the day and relatively close to the phase changes so it's easier to locate which is like
what I would expect
like just have some people or even everyone just keep track of the target claims as they happen
Please take like a minute give something resembling thoughts on some people. Thoughts on the hypoclaim strategy nice to have and your points about it are good points but they don't really contribute much to people's ability to read you.


Staff member
Please take like a minute give something resembling thoughts on some people. Thoughts on the hypoclaim strategy nice to have and your points about it are good points but they don't really contribute much to people's ability to read you.
yea yea I still haven't caught up with the thread
I'll share more substantial stuff like reads and all tomorrow, I've just been hopping in sporadically and wanted to make sure we were all on the same page on the hypoclaim thing because it guaranteed takes down a scum at worse, and exposes the whole scumteam through poe at best so it's a very solid power move
Jul 7, 2021
And for the record, just how is knowing how long I've played helped with reading me? Is it helping? I bet it isn't.

And no, I've thoroughly read Numbers' post and your response to it. As far as I am concerned, you didn't understand his post or, at the very least, the point of it. It's as I described in the above post about how you're locked on this whole "setup spec" which it isn't. It's literally a proposed strategy and that's it.


Unvote, Vote: DawningWinds

Knowing that you're not a newbie completely negates my >>>>rand!town read on you. Knowing that you've been playing since before mafia grew in intensity and popularity to the point that people study the game puts into context your confidence in what I'd consider bad tactics, and lack thereof in what I'd consider good tactics.

I consider speculating about the best strategy for a given setup to be "setup spec". I am not the one fixated on this, you are. My only point regarding setup spec has been that DW gave 15733 town points for asking about strategies, and I think that is NAI for 15733. (I have made other points on 15733, but this is the only one regarding setup spec, and you've been saying I'm misrepping 15733 or whatever, when really all that is going on is that the way you are using the words "setup spec" is different than the way I am (recall my point about semantics).
Dec 13, 2019
Hey DW, stop trying to be the voice of reason. Seanzie made his point. I read their posts and do not disagree with him. Seanzie already made it clear he doesn't want to engage with me, and he feels I am not listening to him.

Which, duh, why would I listen to someone that I do not agree with/view as being wrong? It's neither here nor there.

Anyway, as to your question, I've already determined, through my interaction, that Seanzie is just wrong town. That's why I've dropped voting him and have gone back to you since, you know, I'm not going to vote him if he comes off as town to me (no matter how wrong I think he is).
Jul 7, 2021
...I've agreed with you and you haven't pressured me, what am I doing that warrants you not doing so?

Well, clearly you're doing a better job of pocketing me.

On a more serious note, you've given enough content that I don't feel like I need to push you atp to form a read on you. Giving as much content as you have without me being majorly pinged bodes well for your alignment.


Staff member
meta stuff post so people get to know themselves better faster maybe

erh not sure how much experience yall have with DW but I'll throw my cents here since he's from bulba and I played quite a few game but DW is extremely rational as both alignments and I prolly agreed with everything he said 99% of the time ever (the 1% I disagreed was when he was serial killer and ****ing put a bullet on my head as soon as I started hounding hm)
if he's acting like the voice of the reason he's prolly pushing his glasses in an anime fashion and is likely right unless it's something biased like a read on someone because those are arbitrary maybe but still valid knowing him maybe

the other way around being for people that haven't played with kod he's sassy and quite rude, sometimes tunnels
makes lots of walls of text when he's feeling evil
sometimes nails games down sometimes is completely off, no in betweens

surprised fext hasn't claimed hider or done any 4D chess already honestly
he has laurentus syndrome

kreeal's convoluted planning reminds me of the other two times I remember playing with him, and he wasn't town in any of them
they live in a parallel world and I personally think they're more disruptive than helpful

looking forward to seanzie posts because he nailed it the past times so I have high expectations for him
he may not be as rooted on rationale but his gut feeling and ability to pick on small details is honestly terrifying
not sure how much he mistunnels because the time he tunneled me he was right lmfao

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