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First Experiences with the Silent Realms


Master Swordsman
Jan 9, 2012
I'm curious to know what your first experiences were like in the silent realms. I wonder if you were scared, or did you breeze through it without the slightest bit of fear.. How did you react to to close calls and failed attempts?

My first experience with the silent realm in Faron Woods is a memorable one. As Fi explained the challenge, I mashed a repeatedly ready to start. Because of this, I only read a little bit and thought the guardians would only come to life if you entered their line of sight. I was wrong for when I stepped out the circle, The screened turned a reddish hue and different music began to play. The sudden change startled me, and the sight of a guardian whipping his head around in search of me didn't help. In fact, it scared me that much more. I felt an immediate relief as I grabbed the first tear. I continued searching for the sacred tears until I accidentally wandered into the light of one of the creatures patrolling the area. I struggled to find another tear until I spotted one across the tight rope. I tried my best to hurry across it and grabbed the tear, seconds away from being attacked. After a minute or two, I accidentally touched waking water when searching for the last tear. Needless to say, I couldn't find it so I was attacked by a guardian and had to start over. Coming so close to passing the challenge frustrated me to no end. I did what I did with any other game in this situation; I saved and turned the game off and decided to try again in a week or so. After a day though, I found myself putting the game back in the wii and playing again. This time I completed the silent realm with relative ease as the tears were now marked in my map. That's my first experience. What's yours?


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
If I can remember correctly, the tears were marked on the map the very first time I did the Faron Silent Realm. I'm sure the later ones will get harder and harder, which I am looking forward to (I haven't done any others yet).


I was super scared the first time in Faron, because it was so small, but then I got to Lanayru and it was kind of funny. Everytime I ran out of time or got into the waking water, I could just outrun the Guardians. I found the prospect quite hilarious because in Faron it was a different story. I got to say by far the Lanayru Silent Realm's was the easiest.

But one thing is, I couldn't handle the music. It just heightened my fear and anxiety so for Lanayru and Eldin I muted the sound. Having it muted made it seem fun and not a crazy, adrenaline-inducing goose chase.
Sep 2, 2011
Clock Town, used to live in Skyloft
In Faron, I wasnt as scared because prior to me playing it, I watched gameplay videos of people beating it, and I didnt die once on my first try, getting the dragons sea scale. When I got to the lanayru silent realm, I was scared out of my mind because I didnt know how to navigate it, and it was the first time I got killed by a guardian. After I wrote out a strategy (thats right, I wrote it out, like a boss), I finally beat it. After the 5th dungeon, I heard how difficult the Eldin trial was, so I had a map on my 3ds(with areas of the tears of light marked on it) alongside me while playing it, beat it on maybe my 5th try. I havent yet gotten to the Skyloft silent realm.


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I was really on edge during all of them. The music kind of set me off, and when the guardians awaken it really makes me almost genuinely scared. Nintendo did a great job of creating the silent realms to frighten you and make you nervous. It isn't quite the same as resident evil though. The combination of elements unsettles you and your heart rate goes steadily up until you finish. In Sky keep I was pretty anxious when I saw a spirit world area before I got the first triforce. I might like to see them again. It's a way to make the game frightening without making it M-rated (just amp up the ambiance). I am pretty used to them now, and failing a few times makes you more comfortable. Din's silent realm I failed on 4 times, and the others I never did. I got used to having the guardians chasing me around and swinging their giant weapons at me. Though I still do get nervous in the trials.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It took me a bit to pick up on the rules, even with Fi's instructions. For the most part I had to figure out everything for myself. Finding the Light Tears in each Silent Realm gave me trouble in every area, and almost the same with Lanayru's Realm, but I aced it the first time. Otherwise, the rest induced panic quite a bit. The music and the atmosphere impelled me to rush through the stage. Worst part was definitely the Guardians awakening, though. Hearing the earthbound giants' footsteps clamping on the ground freaked me out. The Realms were the most intense part in the game. Their stealth aspect truly inspired tension, and that's just what a trial/activity of this caliber needs.
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Master Swordsman
Jan 9, 2012
I remember after I beat the ELdin Silent Realm, my heart was beating so fast because I had just escaped a guardian. I had to turn off the game and go to bed after that,


DJ Barricade
Jan 26, 2012
Newberg Oregon
OMG i felt so... i dont know they really gave me a rush i did like them but that kind of way people worship the water temples, theres a lot of people that hate them because there so intense but then you realize that thats what nintendo was going for in the first place.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
my first impression was that it was just a rip off of Twilight Princess but being chased by the....things made things SO much more interesting and i grew i more fond of them
Feb 21, 2012
I really liked the Silent Realms from the first time. I liked the obstacle-course type of minigame that they were.
Lanayru was the only one I messed up on. The rest I took really slow and used up the 90 second per tear just to plan the route to the next one and the next one after that.
Feb 6, 2012
Well, I wasn't really awake when I read the explanation. So I stepped out of the circle and the music started to play. It was scary, I saw the Guardian walking through me, and my face was like O.O Really scared I picked the tear and after my time was over they came after me. I still needed one tear and couldn't find it. I seriously ran 3 times across the woods, completely shocked (All those Guardians after me) and then they got me. I cleared it the second time. But it was really exciting to do. Really I love the silent realms.

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