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Final Fantasy Series


Perfect Harmony
Jun 7, 2008
Sacred Grove
I have one of them but I don't play it to much and I think it's kind of boring. But I was at my friends house one day and I played a different one, I liked that one better! Which one has the game thats underwater??


Hello World
Nov 20, 2008

How do you get away from the dreadnought after it flies away? I am stuck there.

well go back [backwords a cave hole]go to the right go in the room get the dreadnought pass go to teleporter go to the princess she'll give you orders to go to snow cave then go to josef then he'll join you then go back to the cave where you got Mythrill and on 1st floor go to the blue gem thing and josef leads the way you get the thingy then go to exit cave go to the snow part of the land and keep going till you get to the cave get the bell then you get through dungeon then when u bout to leave the cave borghen comes you kill him he bobby traps the place he says then say see you in hell and dies then a giant bolder comes you run and its about to hit you josef says dammit he holds the bolder you get away he dies then you go to kashuan and finds gordon he joins u then get torch then go to dreadnought its north of Fynn


Jul 13, 2008
I liked Final Fantasy cc ring of fates, its one for the DS and its the only one I've actually played. Square Enix (company that makes most final fantasy games) should be coming out with a sequel to it soon I'm pretty happy about that, so over all I like the series, well that is the crystal chronicle games.


Hello World
Nov 20, 2008
well looks like ima going to open my wallet for some new final fantasy gamee and is xx core good


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Final Fantasy is the best series in existence, Zelda falls back to a second. Simply amazing, moreso the earlier games like FF I, not FF II, that sucked, and FF III, IV, V, and so on so forth.

The series was just fantastic, especially if you don't care about the whole they don't even connect to each other thing.
Mar 9, 2008
I have tried 1-9 myself (Exception of 3)

I have beaten 1, almost beaten 4 (grind at end sucks :() half way through 6 (lost save file :() and just out of midgar in 7(once again lost save file).

To all those hateing on 7, and 8... Why? 6, 7, or 8 are usually peoples fav. 6 for its epicness in 2d. 7 for bringing a big audience (because its easy compared to the rest) and 8 because it was inivative.

IMHO I am not interested in 11 (I like MMOs but was this nessesary?) and 12 beacuse I have never been interested in the Ivolice timeline.

I personally did not like 2, and I found 5 underated (lost save file there also, but for a compleatly diffrent reason then those other lost save files)

Anyone else excited about 13 comeing out Q4 09?
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I have tried 1-9 myself (Exception of 3)

I have beaten 1, almost beaten 4 (grind at end sucks :() half way through 6 (lost save file :() and just out of midgar in 7(once again lost save file).

To all those hateing on 7, and 8... Why? 6, 7, or 8 are usually peoples fav. 6 for its epicness in 2d. 7 for bringing a big audience (because its easy compared to the rest) and 8 because it was inivative.

IMHO I am not interested in 11 (I like MMOs but was this nessesary?) and 12 beacuse I have never been interested in the Ivolice timeline.

I personally did not like 2, and I found 5 underated (lost save file there also, but for a compleatly diffrent reason then those other lost save files)

Anyone else excited about 13 comeing out Q4 09?

I didn't like XII's battle system either. I prefer X's or X2's style.

Yeah, I don't like XI. Final Fantasy doesn't work as an MMO in my opinion.

With the crumbs that have been released so far, XIII looks great. But I don't have a 360 or PS3, and it looks like those are the only systems it's going to be for.:(:(
Mar 9, 2008
how can you say that o_O 6 Is veary well known, many call it the best FF out there. I just think its the best 2d FF. And the other FF games are great :)

Also FF 13 wont come out Q4 09 :( but april '10 (yes we have a release date finaly!). So 1 year wait now :cool:

Also why dont you guys go look at the FF retrospective on GT
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