I thought a lot of the dungeons in this game were quite interesting and unique… but as for a favorite, I was pretty instantly taken by the Lanayru Mining Facility. I found it to be an incredibly interesting experience – I enjoyed the atmosphere and the design, and I thought that the music was quite well fitting for what it was. I also like that it was probably one of the harder dungeons, for me at least, although unfortunately the boss was rather easy (at least its music was very nice, though). Another thing that makes me like it more than others is kind of a silly reason – it’s the only place in the game where I got down to one heart left and almost died, since I wasn’t paying attention. Somehow I guess that gives me a bit more respect for the place. So, on a whole, my reasons for preferring it to the other dungeons mostly deal with a combination of its aesthetics and difficulty. I suppose also the fact that it was right before a rather major turn of events plot wise made the run through it more intriguing the first time around. At least, that's what I think. ♥