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Favorite Main Boss in Skyward Sword

What is your favorite main boss in Skyward Sword?

  • Ghirahim

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scaldera

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moldarach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Koloktos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tentalus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Imprisoned

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demise

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Fierce Deity
Nov 7, 2011
Ikana Canyon
What is your favorite main boss in skyward sword? I liked Koloktos because he was different, and i enjoyed beating him with his own weapon. My least favorite was the imprisoned because he wasn't very fun to me, and he was kind of repetitive.


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I love Demise. He was one of my favorite Zelda bosses of all time. He was challenging, and he had awesome music and was a very climatic battle. The lightning and the amazing fatal blow to finish him off.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Ancient Automaton: Koloktos for the win….just the fact that you hack him apart with his own weaponry…..such a fun and epic Boss battle ^::^


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Ghirahim was my favorite, and Koloktos would be second. The Imprisoned was definitely my least favorite by a wide margin, and the other four were quite enjoyable.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I thought Koloktos was pretty fun to battle. Not only did I absolutely love the design (I immediately thought Buddha lol), but the battle itself was really engaging and fun. It wasn't very hard when you figured out what was going on, but the way those blades were swinging was something to admire. The ability to pick up his own weapon and deal the blows with it was something I thought was a nice twist. Between the aesthetics, animations, and strategy, Koloktos was for sure my favorite.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
I'd have to say Koloktos. His weakness was fairly obvious, but you had to really time and be quick at taking him apart or you'd have to go through another cycle of attacks. His second form was a nice throwback to Wind Waker by picking up and using his own weapon against him. A nice twist, imo.

I freaked out when I had the true master Sword and was at his second form in the Lightning Round. I'd put down his sword and start hacking with my sword thinking it was stronger and He wouldn't die. After three rounds of just using his sword he was finished off.
I think It has to be his sword or the hit doesn't count.

Azure Sage

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While I enjoyed many of the boss fights, I have to say Ghirahim was my favorite. I mainly like him the most because you have to fight him multiple times. Each time, he gets harder to beat, and you need a different approach the third time. That's what I liked about him. Plus, I had a lot of fun during the third fight. I also really like his character. He was arrogant, and thought that he could never lose to Link in a million years. I tend to have the most fun knocking that type of enemy down a few pegs. :)


Master Swordsman
Jan 9, 2012
I'd have to say Demise was my favorite boss. Him along with Ghirahim. What I was really looking forward to in Skyward was a 1 on 1 swordfight and I got it when fighting these two.
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