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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]


Jan 19, 2018
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i decided to share what i think some of the roles might do primarily just for fun

> The Prodigy
-Chooses a player to watch each night and gains a permanent copy of whatever ability they use
> The Medium
-Can talk to people in the dead chat and probably something else thats spicy but i can't really think of anything maybe they can let dead people post in the thread or something to personally testify that'd be cool
> The Polyglot
-some sort of weird networker variant and maybe they use ciphertext somehow
> The Streamer
-another network variant i'm guessing they invite people to their stream and then the viewers can donate money to them or something which gives them bonuses and money
> The Cinnamon Roll
-some variety of negative action immunity and babyfacedness
> The Matchmaker
-can target two people to make them lovers
> The Marketeer
-as claimed
> The Karateka
-joat with a bunch of random gimmicky abilities
> The Clairvoyant
-their predictions probably become true so maybe this is seanzie's role and the flavour of forcing someone to target someone else is that he foresees that they target them
> The Piñata
- as claimed
> The War General
-can invite people to their army and then depending on how many people are in their army can do different special abilities
> The Snake Charmer
-can use snakes to steal things from people or to scare people which either roleblocks them but snakes are cute imo
> The Librarian
-has like 30 one-shot abilities that are mostly vanilla
> The Defenestrator
-can move up to a higher floor at night or throw someone out a window at night which roleblocks them or kills them depending on how high the defenestrator climbed
> The Puppeteer
-has an alt they can post on and vote on and maybe they can redirect abilities targeting them to their puppet
> The Synesthete
-as posted
> The Slowpoke
- abilities that target them are delayed and they can target someone to give them the same effect and maybe if they keep targeting them abilities on their target will be delayed indefinitely
> The Gremlin
> The Tech Support
> The Bullfighter
> The Twins
-acts as two players
> The Betrayer
-can form neighbourhood with people and then kill anyone in their neighbourhood each night
> The Wiretapper
-can get messages from targeted player's private chats
> The Gambler
-can challenge other players to gambling games for money
> The John Doe
-doesn't know their own role or alignment. Whenever anyone dies there is a chance they'll flip as john doe instead of their actual role and john doe will gain their role.
> The Necromancer
-can "resurrect" dead players as zombies, gaining a weakened version of their role power.
> The Slasher
-just a vig


Jan 19, 2018
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we don't talk about the gremlin
Dec 13, 2019
I'll take that as confirmation that I am, in fact, going against a Sicilian with death on the line.


Jan 19, 2018
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to be clear, i'm not claiming gremlin (or confirming that i am not gremlin)

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Why did you ask me if I have anything else to contribute? Seems like everyone has me on their list except for Echo and Seanzie who I don't recall them talking about me which means I am forced to figuring out which of all the players from the list who talked about me is scum.
And your posts have been accusing us of mafia instead of building cases or not OMGUS.
@Mint Elv Since I saw you say Soul hasn't really done anything that sticks out as scummy then how come you did not comment to the bolded part of my post I quoted above?
Are you saying Sould seeming like a new player is scummy? Not sure what you want.

I personally think they don’t seem to be inexperienced, and thus am not giving them the newbie pass. I town read them for their actions not if they’re new or not.
I had a look at PK's town read on kod since I'm not town reading him and I saw it saying he posted good reads and the problem with it is kod gave 6 town reads with no explanation. That could be tmi since town doesn't know each other and would show paranoia. PK also said his insistence that Seanzie is bad felt honest to him but kod never explained the read on Seanzie. Dawning I think it was asked kod what was the reasoning to his vote on Seanzie but he did not reply to Dawning and I did not like that he dodged the question.
Can you quote the post?
Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Tomorrow - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
The Day After - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Day 3- 10 (6T 3M 1S)
Day 4 - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
Day 5 - 8 (4T 3M 1S)
Day 6 - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

we can get two extra night actions if we no lynch four times and one extra night action if we no lynch twice. This is heavily influenced by mechanics and is likely to change over the course of the game though. 13 players is also an awkward game size. nine town three mafia one self seems the most likely to me but ten town three mafia is also feasible. Anything else is probably a lot less likely but not impossible.

That’s giving mafia free kills. This is a game with custom roles that are not alignment indicative. That means it’s highly possible we don’t have typical investigative roles. Look at Laurentus. His was investigative but would have been extremely difficult to decipher.

Wasting the day phases on no lynch is giving mafia the win.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
because even guessing what the gremlin does could give it entrance into our world (this and everything i have said about the gremlin is a joke please do not read into it)

Vote: KoD

low presence KoD is very strange and makes me nervous.

I'll be gone for a while and i should be back about an hour before the deadline if i did the time zone math right
Also not huge on no lynching today, lynching someone today would essentially just put us at the same number of deaths as there would've been had Storm died yesterday and I doubt people would suggest it in that situation.

Not sure who I'd prefer to lynch though; I'd have to take a bit of time to reasess my reads. I think my top scumread at the moment would probably be Numbers though but they just bought the cop that's presumably getting tripled as far as I understand and having that used would be preferable.

I still think KoD is town though so I would prefer not to lynch him.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Why are people voting Jinjo for OMGUSing? I told y'all earlier that she does that every freaking game. OMGUS is not scum indicative in the slightest from her, if you're going to vote her find a better reason.
It’s been stated several times how meta can be abused. You may let her off for it but those of that do not know her are not. And it’s more than the OMGUS. It’s that she chooses to waste posts on that instead of looking at people.
Also not huge on no lynching today, lynching someone today would essentially just put us at the same number of deaths as there would've been had Storm died yesterday and I doubt people would suggest it in that situation.

Not sure who I'd prefer to lynch though; I'd have to take a bit of time to reasess my reads. I think my top scumread at the moment would probably be Numbers though but they just bought the cop that's presumably getting tripled as far as I understand and having that used would be preferable.

I still think KoD is town though so I would prefer not to lynch him.
I thought only actual role actions were tripled but maybe I misunderstood.

Why do you think KoD is town?

Have they done anything outside of broken promises? Because I haven’t seen it.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
It’s not about the amount of posts but the content of them. Storm is the perfect example of multiple posts but no real contribution.

That's what I meant.

Not always. Soem have bad scumplay and some will perform outrageous maneuvers to fool town.

You're right...guess I was just thinking of the stereotypical scum character.

From the way how I read Echo's posts she said she is neutral on Soul and then later changed the read to town since she saw other players town reading them. You said Echo suggests people as scummy and I don't remember her saying that.

That's right. I wanted to let you guys know why I was uncertain about Soul, and you guys gave really good points on why she's town. I now view her as town too.

It’s been stated several times how meta can be abused. You may let her off for it but those of that do not know her are not. And it’s more than the OMGUS. It’s that she chooses to waste posts on that instead of looking at people.

It's Jinjo's playstyle. Just like how Storm's playstyle is chaotic regardless of whether he's townie or scum, Jinjo will always focus on those who vote for her. Now, I don't agree with that method of playing, but it doesn't hint to scum or town. If she's chosen to waste posts on it in past games where she's town, why wouldn't she do that here too?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't agree with the Echo sus. My posts on her haven't been an explanation of meta, they've been an explanation of her as a person. Which she absolutely can't change. So her tone comes across in an innocent way that may look scummy because it's usually incompatible with how Mafia is played. She has sounded fairly genuine to me. I think it's possible she still could be Mafia, but at the moment I think it's a lower possibility. Personally, I feel like scum Echo would have an EXTREMELY hard time promising that she is town the way she did without prompting. Again, not because of meta but because of her personal character.

Seanzie claiming out of nowhere is a bit odd. Well I mean I guess it was in response to me sussing him for him asking Numbers for his alternative cop targets and explaining why. But why was he so against the plan in the first place then if it didn't matter to him? Like full on saying that town deserved to lose if me and Numbers were town and that he might just ignore us because of it. If I have his role and can change what I think is a dumb plan then I just sit back and shut up about it. Could be an AtE act? And claiming could also be to try to make himself look more townie since people will think he had no reason to so it must be townie for him to do so. I dunno, I just see him doing stuff that I feel I would be more inclined to do as scum than as town. Maybe I'm just tunneled.

@Seanzie did you use your ability n1?

Jinjo was someone else I was scum leaning. Though I'm getting a little more hesitant with it seeming like everyone else being on board with her lynch. I feel like she didn't pick up on prodding people until I pointed out that I felt town Jinjo usually questioned people more. But could also be that she started to get a lot of heat at that time.

Rag has been doing a lot of mech talk which is NAI of her. But I also feel she's been lacking a bit in discussing other things which I feel like she usually does as town. It's hard to get a good read on Rag since she really tends to do her own thing and I feel like her activity just depends on whether she gets invested in the game or not.

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