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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Dec 13, 2019
For completeness-sake, I didn't know everyone town reading Soul or susing Jinjo. Truth be told, Soul's portrayal makes me want to not trust what they're putting out. Jinjo, on the other hand from when I last looked at the thread, hadn't done much from what I'd seen. So I figured voting Jinjo would put pressure there while seeing how Soul would react to an unsubstantiated sheep.

That's kind of pointless though if you're all vibing together.

Jinjo's kneejerk reaction was noteworthy though. Though, if everyone truly is leaning scum on him, that may serve to reverse any scum leaning feelings I may have gotten from his reaction.



Jan 19, 2018
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thats a lot of pages to catch up on

should be able to provide a substantial post within the next few hours hopefully but if you want/need my immediate attention for anything feel free to ping me


Jan 19, 2018
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This feels like a weird position to take. It's oddly defensive of storm and seems to assume that they are town. Nothing Storm has done indicates that.

i mostly wanted to prevent a situation where mafia felt it was advantageous to kill storm and then give sloppy justification afterwards by putting heat on them. I didn't know whether storm was town or even telling the truth about his role but i was acting off the assumption that he was both when i made this post. Making the warning (in theory) would work if storm was telling the truth and was town and wouldn't hurt anyone if it wasn't the case.

Nah, I have abilities which can strongarm people into doing things. I was going to force 15337 to target PK so the cop shot at least wasn't wasted on Ex, but due to storm dying, I don't want to strongarm someone who could instead end up using a triple-something tonight. I thought if I was going to be a bit of a jerk and make 15337 target non-ex, I could at least target the player of their choice.

This also could have possibly caught 15337 in a lie depending on what else they said because my ability has some rolestop powers as well, but again that has drawbacks to the whole "ability madness" thing going on tonight, so I've decided to holster.

Why did you claim?

Someone tell me about KoD.

They are distinctly differen to try han they were last game, and D1 they did loud stuff up until they were in an okay threadposition, then stopped, which is wolf-indicative (wolves often slow down posting when they're in a good position - they have no need to post to further their goals, and sometimes struggle to post as they worry they might say something that will destroy their current threadstanding by accident)

KoD generally plays very loudly and dramatically one way or another. He's been uncharacteristically mild this game. His meta is typically nearly identical whether he is town or wolf though he does seem to have a preference for power wolfing and for driving lynches on targets who he suspects have power roles.

I feel like as if I'm the only person who is not town reading Soul since she said she is a new player and newbie townies are timider and reserved when they first play.

I'm undecided on soul. She isn't brand new to mafia, just forum mafia as a format, is my understanding. I would expect someone in her position to act more insecure if she were isolated in an unfamiliar environment but people can have very different personalities so i don't think its a particularly strong tell. I appreciate her trying to instigate activity, regardless of her alignment.


Jan 19, 2018
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the wagon day one swung off of PK at the last minute and onto storm which makes PK look marginally worse.


Jan 19, 2018
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no-lynching is probably an effective strategy here. In mechanics heavy games town typically has the advantage in a longer game as the PoE becomes progressively narrower. Its not a particularly satisfying way to win but I'm willing to do it at least until i find someone i want to kill.


Jan 19, 2018
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Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Tomorrow - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
The Day After - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Day 3- 10 (6T 3M 1S)
Day 4 - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
Day 5 - 8 (4T 3M 1S)
Day 6 - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

we can get two extra night actions if we no lynch four times and one extra night action if we no lynch twice. This is heavily influenced by mechanics and is likely to change over the course of the game though. 13 players is also an awkward game size. nine town three mafia one self seems the most likely to me but ten town three mafia is also feasible. Anything else is probably a lot less likely but not impossible.
Jul 7, 2021
So what you're saying is you flavor copped Seanzie, voted him because you thought his role was sus and then decided to back off when his claim matched up with what you peeped. Then decided that with the short amount of time you'd just sheep your top town read because everybody seems pretty confident in town!soul and most are sus on Jinjo anyway. Cool, cool. Gotcha gotcha.

(This is all just a guess for those watching at home).

I'm still mulling over Seanzie's claim. On the surface level I'm inclined to agree with PK that putting up a fight on targets you don't agree with doesn't make sense, but I can fathom caveats that would make a player want to holster it, limited use for example. The rolestop bit doesn't make sense to me as a rolestop would prevent other players from targeting me so I don't see how that would catch me in a lie? Maybe it's just been too long of a day and I'm too tired. I would say currently it does nothing to alleviate my willingness to vote there though.

You couldn't say you got "no result" because of a roleblock.
Jul 7, 2021
Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Tomorrow - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
The Day After - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Day 3- 10 (6T 3M 1S)
Day 4 - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
Day 5 - 8 (4T 3M 1S)
Day 6 - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

we can get two extra night actions if we no lynch four times and one extra night action if we no lynch twice. This is heavily influenced by mechanics and is likely to change over the course of the game though. 13 players is also an awkward game size. nine town three mafia one self seems the most likely to me but ten town three mafia is also feasible. Anything else is probably a lot less likely but not impossible.

The TK is literally town's best weapon, and mech locks rarely ever happen without TK's helping things along. Furthermore, wagons are extremely important for reads. Occasionally the idea of no-eliming is good, but IME the uses of a no-elim are extremely few and far in between. I strongly strongly veto this plan.


Jan 19, 2018
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The TK is literally town's best weapon, and mech locks rarely ever happen without TK's helping things along. Furthermore, wagons are extremely important for reads. Occasionally the idea of no-eliming is good, but IME the uses of a no-elim are extremely few and far in between. I strongly strongly veto this plan.

I'm not sold on it either although i'm not as strong-minded as you. Do you often play in games as mechanically complex as this? In my experience its not that uncommon for them to be breakable via mass-claim, let alone this sort of slowplay strategy. This is ex's first time designing a game afaik, so there's no real basis with which to guess how well a job he did at balancing it.

I wouldn't be surprised if leaning hard into the mechanics ended up being a more effective strategy than traditional solving but traditional solving could still be stronger and its how most people prefer to play the game so I think its probably the way to go.


Jan 19, 2018
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Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm.... hmm...

Thinkin' about if you need to NK me, Rag?

it struck me as very unusual and so i was curious about your thought process

if you don't want to answer you don't have to, i don't think its telling or anything
Apr 11, 2022
Oh wow so many posts that made 180 degrees change my read on players…

I will be quick now and explain when i can (i will probably manage to in the last few hours because rehearsals will be very late tonight) but KingofD looks A LOT better, 15337 I am feeling more confident is a villager, I am a bit paranoid of Seanzie now, and I think Paranoid King and Jinjo might be scum partners. More on that bombshell later.

I also reread Rag’s posts and… they are okay overall, I am not worried they are a wolf. :) I feel like there is good enough posts for the less posts they have. I might probably explain tonight quoting everything.
Jul 7, 2021
I'm not sold on it either although i'm not as strong-minded as you. Do you often play in games as mechanically complex as this? In my experience its not that uncommon for them to be breakable via mass-claim, let alone this sort of slowplay strategy. This is ex's first time designing a game afaik, so there's no real basis with which to guess how well a job he did at balancing it.

I wouldn't be surprised if leaning hard into the mechanics ended up being a more effective strategy than traditional solving but traditional solving could still be stronger and its how most people prefer to play the game so I think its probably the way to go.

I play a lot of role madness, yes, and IME usually hosts do a lot to try to avoid having mass claims or pure mech be game-deciding. Perhaps Ex didn't add anti-claim mechanics (even though roles were possibly randomized across alignments and mafia knows which roles are in play, which is at least somewhat anti-claim), and as far as pure mech, from what I've seen, I doubt that will work. Outside of the possibilities of roles being inest immune, Ex seems to have added caveats to roles which make them not game-breaking (storm can survive an elim but can also die from votes, Laurentus can watch, but gets only partial information, my own role has certain caveats that make it so it could have amazing consequences, but also could backfire on town if not used properly). As such, I don't believe we should be overly-reliant on mech and instead should focus on both mech and solving together to win.
Dec 13, 2019
Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Tomorrow - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
The Day After - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

Today - 11 (7T 3M 1S)
Day 3- 10 (6T 3M 1S)
Day 4 - 9 (5T 3M 1S)
Day 5 - 8 (4T 3M 1S)
Day 6 - 7 (3T 3M 1S) (Lylo with 3P?)

Is the first grouping just a no lynch today? That's what it reads to me but then you go on to talk about two no lynches vs four so I wasn't sure if you were consider it lynch baseline and forgot to account for storm already dying today or if you were considering the failed lynch yesterday the second no lynch.

You couldn't say you got "no result" because of a roleblock.

Ah, gotcha. It indeed was too late for my brain. Also change my earlier answer to your cop question to Rag. I find it odd to take the no lynch option to a four no lynch conclusion. And then there's post 37. So yeah probably reading too much into that but that's where I'd go and why.

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