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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Apr 11, 2022
Oh yes, I knew I was forgetting something important to do, but that Jinjo post made me remember xD (no joke lol!)

Here are all her posts before she died, ave maria...

From what I read so far I didn't like the mechanic talk since I often find myself getting lost not being able to understand how the mechanic works.
I can't get a read out of players who do mech talk. I remember you said to Mint they outed a read on DW and from reading their posts they said they do not believe DW behavior is scummy. What do you mean as in they outed a read on DW?
At first I thought you meant Mint gave a town read on DW and from reading their posts they didn't give a town read and only said they didn't see DW scummy meaning they disagreed. They asked alot of questions and I see that as nai.
I've only played 1 game with Laurentus and don't know how he usually plays. Laurentus calling Dawning scum to then having another look at their posts changing his mind looked towny since I would expect scum to not reevaluate so quickly.
I come back and there are alot of players not voting. For those who are not voting I'm assuming they don't have any scum reads.
Problem I have here is no one pinged me very scummy so far and players are null with a town lean I have.

Voting the host is a 50-50 since we don't know what will happen.
I'm busy with work right now. I skimmed and saw that there was discussion about Storm. I'm still undecided if Storm should flip soon or later.
@SoulAdvent Forgot to ask about last day phase you gave a list of 3 players you suspected which were Storm, numbers, and Rag. Afterwards on day 1 you said something along the lines of numbers and Rag are good for now and if they are good for you then why did you put them as suspects earlier?
What do you mean mafia abstained last night? There was a kill last night and that could have been done by mafia.
I prefer to hear the actual player answering instead of someone else answering for them. When you replied you didn't sound too sure since I saw you put a question mark at the end. If it was the initial list from the top of her head then surely numbers and Rag had to have done something to why their names were even brought up in the first place or am I to assume it was guessing.
I don't like it when votes pick up closer to eod because there will be some players who don't show up and won't be able to say anything. I have gotten mislynched a couple of times for not showing up in eod and wasn't expecting to get voted.
I feel like as if I'm the only person who is not town reading Soul since she said she is a new player and newbie townies are timider and reserved when they first play. I also didn't like her vote on me since it looked like a way to vote out a player who won't show up and didn't even bother on wanting to interact with me to figure out my alignment.

I'm more used to town interacting with a scum read figuring out their alignment.

I also don't get the town read on numbers and Mint. Numbers vote on PK was for focusing on items but he didn't say anything about PK's posts about Mint and his interaction with the players closer to eod didn't look like he was focusing on items. Mint has been asking questions and was interacting with Seanzie and PK on day 1 and said they would vote Storm and never voted him. They also said it seemed like PK contradicted himself which made it look like they had two players they had in mind for a vote on day 1. Why hold back? Was there no conviction?
Souls reason for voting Storm about making a comment about talkers getting lynched I didn't even see what was wrong with it and it was an nai thing to say. Storm also said it at start of day and that could of been a joke on what he was saying since there will be players who joke at start of day.
You said you are new and which is it? Are you new to mafia forum, new playing on this forum but have played elsewhere on another forum? I saw you say you played mafia game in real life. I have also played and from my experience we are all told to pick who we think is mafia.
From the way how I read Echo's posts she said she is neutral on Soul and then later changed the read to town since she saw other players town reading them. You said Echo suggests people as scummy and I don't remember her saying that.

On night 1 it looked like was when you were suspicious on 15377 and I'm assuming sometime in day 2 you got good vibes from them and can you quote me the posts where you got good vibes? When I had a look at their posts on day 2 it was neutral for me.
Vote: KoD

I didn't like that pop in from kod with that vote on me. I was originally going to vote Soul and now I'm starting to wonder am I wrong on my read since I noticed they are getting town read which makes me wonder if there is tmi going on here.
Why did you ask me if I have anything else to contribute? Seems like everyone has me on their list except for Echo and Seanzie who I don't recall them talking about me which means I am forced to figuring out which of all the players from the list who talked about me is scum.
@Mint Elv Since I saw you say Soul hasn't really done anything that sticks out as scummy then how come you did not comment to the bolded part of my post I quoted above?
I had a look at PK's town read on kod since I'm not town reading him and I saw it saying he posted good reads and the problem with it is kod gave 6 town reads with no explanation. That could be tmi since town doesn't know each other and would show paranoia. PK also said his insistence that Seanzie is bad felt honest to him but kod never explained the read on Seanzie. Dawning I think it was asked kod what was the reasoning to his vote on Seanzie but he did not reply to Dawning and I did not like that he dodged the question.
Accusing is part of scum hunting. You're voting me because of omgus and that is an nai play. I also gave reasons to my vote and it's not like I voted for no reason.

Can you be more specific on what you wanted me to quote?

How have I chosen to waste posts when I gave thoughts and questioned some of the players?
This post talking about kod sort of looks towny for him since from what I am reading here he visited Seanzie thinking he is scum for the role.

Thoughts from anyone wouldn't you guys say this is town indicative from him?
I haven't been satisfied with Mint's approach towards me. Votes me because of omgus which is nai and it felt like they were looking for a reason to vote for someone. They also said I wasted posts and what I find interesting is alot of other players have also wasted posts by talking about mechanics which has nothing to do with scum hunting. They also did not respond back to me but instead talked to Dawning.

Vote: Mint Elv
That's not how scum hunting works. You are doing early pre flipping association and that is useless when he haven't even had a scum flip.
Not sure if I should claim or not.
I'm the twin and what I can do is poke players. I can choose to poke 1 or 2 players.


Vote: Seanzie

Self pres
It does nothing and I think it's meant for a tracker or watcher to see me visit players.
Apr 11, 2022
(I allowed her to make this one last post as this goes into the 'lenience around phase changes' rules, but Jinjo is officially dead and will now become a spectator)

Dec 13, 2019
I found a fix for the countdowns. As such I'll keep posting them. I apologize if there was any issues last phase due to it.

You mean like when I mentioned not liking my time crunch because the countdown was two hours off making me think I had more than 30 minutes to catch up and post? But it's cool, I get it, my comments aren't important. ;_;

Stuffs I want people to talk about...

I want to know EVERYONE's thought on PK, EchoLight and Rag...

Puppet person - I said a few posts ago that I think this person is KingOfDominaria... if people do not want me to talk about this to hide roles, then OK, we can drop this. I think KoD is probably a villager more now that he voted Jinjo and she OMGed him!

Probably I want people to talk about more things but I need to read the game again to remember xD

KoD isn't the puppet master. That strike through isn't his style. I usually see that out of the more light hearted posters that roam the forums so I'm not sure if it's a ZD thing or a Bulba thing and given we've only seen the one post I'd say that the roles major utility isn't in the secondary accounts or the role isn't in the game and that was Ex just exercising a game feature left off the table.

I've spoken on PK and Echo a little before. I'll let you know if my thoughts change as I review the day. Rag I'll let you know my thoughts on tomorrow.
Apr 11, 2022
you're right though, i don't feel good about either of these wagons so i'm going to try to start a last minute shift to PK

Unvote, Vote: PK

When I reread your posts... I need to see what you said you thought of PK before voting him... if either one of you is wolf... it doesn't mean the other is not a wolf...


Staff member
You mean like when I mentioned not liking my time crunch because the countdown was two hours off making me think I had more than 30 minutes to catch up and post? But it's cool, I get it, my comments aren't important. ;_;
Puppet person - I said a few posts ago that I think this person is KingOfDominaria... if people do not want me to talk about this to hide roles, then OK, we can drop this. I think KoD is probably a villager more now that he voted Jinjo and she OMGed him!
I don't know KoD well, but the strikethroughed part is the only line I'd expect to see him post, probably. And Numbers is saying strikethrough isn't his style, which I agree with, it creates a joking vibe that I wouldn't expect from KoD: I think he'd leave that unstrikethroughed.

Honestly personalitywise I think you seem like the closest fit here, with the next being maybe PK?
Jul 12, 2020
Congrats! I feel better about Seanzie now.

Here's the quotes from people defending Jinjo from Storm's lynch onward, as a counterpart to Soul's list.
but why jinjo though? iirc most of your posts about her have been about her lack of presence. Is that still your primary concern?
@SoulAdvent Can you post an explanation for why you're currently voting jinjo? Your votes been there for a while and I want to see where you're currently at with it.
Unvote, Vote: Seanzie

i feel a little worse about jinjo than i did before after seeing someone familiar with her meta sus her, but I still feel more positively about her than seanzie, I think.
i think jinjo's claim has a higher chance of being made on the fly which to me suggests that she's less likely to be mafia, as i suspect mafia would prepare claims ahead of time.

Seanzie's claim makes most of the behaviours people disliked about him make sense in retrospect, although he has handled some other things pretty sloppily still. He thinks his role is minimally useful but its effectiveness probably depends on the details of the total role pool and so isn't really feasible to estimate.
because those two are the most likely to be lynched right now and supporting a third wagon wouldn't affect the lynch. I think jinjo is town and in order to have her not lynched the most viable strategy is to vote seanzie, who i think is less likely to be town than jinjo.
scum had a long time to prepare fake claims based on which roles weren't in the game and jinjo's claim feels pretty underwhelming and poorly presented which makes me think it was made on the fly and not prepared beforehand. While its possible that scum just never bothered to make fakeclaims i think that they'd be inclined to since exlight said he gave them roles that weren't in the game for them to use for that purpose.

I'm currently leaning seanzie for that purpose. I don't feel particularly bad about anything I've seen from him and i feel like a lot of the cases on him are probably not great but i liked jinjo's claim.
This is a bad look for Rag.

@Morbid Minish I don't particularly have any strong scum leans. PK still hasn't done anything I'd town read him for so I'm okay voting there again. Echo kinda pinged me on the storm thing but they said it was only their 5th game, ja? So rookie being rookie is enough to save their neck today I think. Jinjo kinda falls into the same realm as PK while being less active and less at the forefront of my mind. I think one of the bulbas said they are usually one of the less active posters regardless of alignment though. Seanzie I think is on the table today. The Ex focus day 1 is a good cover for scum to not put thoughts down on other players and what little hunting he did do, while consistent with his play last game, is something easily fakeable as he admitted himself.
So what you're saying is you flavor copped Seanzie, voted him because you thought his role was sus and then decided to back off when his claim matched up with what you peeped. Then decided that with the short amount of time you'd just sheep your top town read because everybody seems pretty confident in town!soul and most are sus on Jinjo anyway. Cool, cool. Gotcha gotcha.

(This is all just a guess for those watching at home).

I'm still mulling over Seanzie's claim. On the surface level I'm inclined to agree with PK that putting up a fight on targets you don't agree with doesn't make sense, but I can fathom caveats that would make a player want to holster it, limited use for example. The rolestop bit doesn't make sense to me as a rolestop would prevent other players from targeting me so I don't see how that would catch me in a lie? Maybe it's just been too long of a day and I'm too tired. I would say currently it does nothing to alleviate my willingness to vote there though.
Light defenses of Jinjo.

For completeness-sake, I didn't know everyone town reading Soul or susing Jinjo. Truth be told, Soul's portrayal makes me want to not trust what they're putting out. Jinjo, on the other hand from when I last looked at the thread, hadn't done much from what I'd seen. So I figured voting Jinjo would put pressure there while seeing how Soul would react to an unsubstantiated sheep.

That's kind of pointless though if you're all vibing together.

Jinjo's kneejerk reaction was noteworthy though. Though, if everyone truly is leaning scum on him, that may serve to reverse any scum leaning feelings I may have gotten from his reaction.

Of note, KoD was the first to bring suspicion onto Jinjo in the first place. Just putting this here for completeness sake

It's Jinjo's playstyle. Just like how Storm's playstyle is chaotic regardless of whether he's townie or scum, Jinjo will always focus on those who vote for her. Now, I don't agree with that method of playing, but it doesn't hint to scum or town. If she's chosen to waste posts on it in past games where she's town, why wouldn't she do that here too?
Neutral read on Jinjo's OMGUS

J. Jinjo
Posts less frequently, but posts ask good questions. Pushes for clarification on why minds changed. Seems suspicious of Numbers, Mint, and Soul. I'd like to know their top scum read. True Neutral.
I guess I should say "genuine questions." Things like this, that clear up their own personal questions. I have absolutely no read on Jinjo, good or bad.
This is me. I'm not suspicious of myself.
Probably somebody both very knowledgable about Laurentus's playstyle that made them sniff that they had an investiagion role and so ate them like a wolf. @DawningWinds is Jinjo like that? Would not surprise me if it was PK, lol xD. Definitely not Seanzie...
I don't know. If she's good at identifying power roles as scum I've never had a chance to see it; I've never gotten access to one of her scumchats in the postgame, and I've never been her scumbuddy, and if guessing PRs is a skill of hers, a scumchat she was in would be the place to learn that.
Congrats! I feel better about Seanzie now.

Here's the quotes from people defending Jinjo from Storm's lynch onward, as a counterpart to Soul's list.
This is a bad look for Rag.

Light defenses of Jinjo.

Of note, KoD was the first to bring suspicion onto Jinjo in the first place. Just putting this here for completeness sake

Neutral read on Jinjo's OMGUS

This is me. I'm not suspicious of myself.
You missed me, I told people not to vote Jinjo for OMGUSing several times because she always does that.
It could be Jinjo's really bad at fake claiming? @DawningWinds I need your help here... though 1 minute is left and Jinjo has most votes I think
I don't think she's particularly adept at fakeclaims, no. I referenced that she's slapped different names on existing roles before and called it a fakeclaim; I believe the last time I played with scum Jinjo she faked rolecop with a different name. I do not have high expectations for Jinjo fakeclaims, which was why I switched my vote to her when she claimed; it felt pretty on point for something I'd think she'd fake.
Jul 12, 2020
You missed me, I told people not to vote Jinjo for OMGUSing several times because she always does that.
Gah, right you are. Here's those posts:

This is basically what she always does. I don't know that Jinjo has the capacity to not do it regardless of her alignment. I don't have much of a read on Jinjo but I don't want to watch her get lynched for something she does virtually all the time if its the only reason people have tp scumread her.
Why are people voting Jinjo for OMGUSing? I told y'all earlier that she does that every freaking game. OMGUS is not scum indicative in the slightest from her, if you're going to vote her find a better reason.

And Soul's, too, for good measure
But with that reason, all claims that sound fake can be excused because "mafia would not make a bad claim like that"

It could be Jinjo's really bad at fake claiming? @DawningWinds I need your help here... though 1 minute is left and Jinjo has most votes I think?
This is Jinjo's best post in the game and it makes PK look bad, but the paranoid part of my brain makes it think that the reason it's Jinjo's best post in the game where it feels like she is actually trying to solve the game, is because PK is her wolf friend and she is trying to make herself or PK look better in case one of them dies first. A wolf in trouble can attack their other wolf friend to confuse people - and they are more okay doing it to their friends than their enemies who they have to look good with because their friends can decide to not vote them being on the same side, and the villagers can if they are suspicious of the wolf from bothering them. Hope this theory makes sense!

I don't suspect either of these people.


Jan 19, 2018
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Jinjo did not fakeclaim, what she did was not reveal all the information.

you can call it with you want but my point is ultimately that a more active mafia would probably have prepared a better claim for jinjo
You can OMGUS as Town too but it's how you do it that matters and in this case it comes off as wolfy... what is a wolfy Jinjo to you then?
Also pointless but: Minish pretty much nailed it- a town Jinjo can generally be expected to have good contributions to the game aside from the OMGUSy stuff she always does, compared to the lower content scum Jinjo. I also usually depend on her interactions with a player by the name of Midorikawa who she almost always susses pretty quick when she's town but the couple games I played with scum Jinjo this was not the case I don't believe; unfortunately Midorikawa is not here. I think she was probably more in her scum meta before Minish's callout, but I was paranoid of mislynching after having thought the same thing last game I played with her.

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