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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Apr 11, 2022
Due to Storm's death his votes were removed from the votecount.
11 Players remain.


Votecount 2.2.

(1) - KingOfDominaria
Jinjo (1) - SoulAdvent
Not voting (9) - Seanzie, Ragnarokio, DawningWinds, 15377, EchoLight, Mint Elv, Jinjo, Minish, Paranoid King

Phase ends on April 28rd, at 9:00:00 PM (GMT-3).

1/3 of the phase over and not even 1/4 of the players voting…. :u

@Mint Elv @Morbid Minish @DawningWinds @Seanzie @15377

You guys are the players I trust the most here. If this is how the game will keep going then sorry I may as well just sub out or post dumb gifs for laughs until my time in the game is over…

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
1/3 of the phase over and not even 1/4 of the players voting…. :u

@Mint Elv @Morbid Minish @DawningWinds @Seanzie @15377

You guys are the players I trust the most here. If this is how the game will keep going then sorry I may as well just sub out or post dumb gifs for laughs until my time in the game is over…

Voting will usually pick up closer to eod. I think it's been a bit less so this phase because we were trying to figure out the Storm situation first. Now that he's dead we can discuss what to do next.
Apr 11, 2022
Voting will usually pick up closer to eod. I think it's been a bit less so this phase because we were trying to figure out the Storm situation first. Now that he's dead we can discuss what to do next.
Voting closer to EoD… maybe I am just used to lots of voting early on but less votes around means less ways to track what people did….


Staff member
ZD Champion
Are you able to answer this?
Sorry! Missed it!
Not sure why specifically auctions but lemme see if I can clarify things as many as possible:

- Tonight's Auctioned item will not be affected, it will still be a single item with a single shot.
- You cannot use the same 1-shot item three times.
- If you have three 1-shot items you'll be able to use them all during the next Night.
- If you have a 3-shot item you'll be able to use all shots during the next Night.

Last edited:

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Sorry! Missed it!
Not sure why specifically auctions but lemme see if I can clarify things as many as possible:

- Tonight's Auctioned item will not be affected, it will still be a single item with a single shot.
- You cannot use the same 1-shot item three times.
- If you have three 1-shot items you'll be able to use them all during the next Night.
- If you have a 3-shot item you'll be able to use all shots during the next Night.


Oops didn't specifically mean just auction, meant the marketplace/auction. But that covers it. Thanks!
Apr 11, 2022
@15377 @Mint Elv @SoulAdvent

Can y'all tell me your top scum leans at the moment? Or who you would be most willing to vote today. You three are probably my top town reads at the moment, and I think KoD is probably included in my town reads too but he's already given his reads.

here, np!! :)

I would be okay with lynching one of these players the most today:

Jinjo, EchoLight, Storm & KingOfDominaria.

Storm was already the most voted player Day 1.

EchoLight got questioned a bit by Seanzie in Day 1.

KingOfDominaria put a vote out and I am trying to figure them out.

Jinjo has not been pushed, has not voted, and does not feel like she is even playing the game to me.

Vote: Jinjo

Been thinking of PK in the back of my head as well. :u

I still need to reread Rag. ^^;;
Dec 13, 2019
Voting closer to EoD… maybe I am just used to lots of voting early on but less votes around means less ways to track what people did….

One advantage of forum Mafia is that everything is on permanent record so even if a player doesn't vote you can still go back and see exactly what they said. Most players are used to playing with majority hammer rules so as the game goes on voting tends to become more buttoned up to prevent easy mislynches with wrongly placed votes (typically this is more an issue for endgame).

@Morbid Minish I don't particularly have any strong scum leans. PK still hasn't done anything I'd town read him for so I'm okay voting there again. Echo kinda pinged me on the storm thing but they said it was only their 5th game, ja? So rookie being rookie is enough to save their neck today I think. Jinjo kinda falls into the same realm as PK while being less active and less at the forefront of my mind. I think one of the bulbas said they are usually one of the less active posters regardless of alignment though. Seanzie I think is on the table today. The Ex focus day 1 is a good cover for scum to not put thoughts down on other players and what little hunting he did do, while consistent with his play last game, is something easily fakeable as he admitted himself.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
One advantage of forum Mafia is that everything is on permanent record so even if a player doesn't vote you can still go back and see exactly what they said. Most players are used to playing with majority hammer rules so as the game goes on voting tends to become more buttoned up to prevent easy mislynches with wrongly placed votes (typically this is more an issue for endgame).

@Morbid Minish I don't particularly have any strong scum leans. PK still hasn't done anything I'd town read him for so I'm okay voting there again. Echo kinda pinged me on the storm thing but they said it was only their 5th game, ja? So rookie being rookie is enough to save their neck today I think. Jinjo kinda falls into the same realm as PK while being less active and less at the forefront of my mind. I think one of the bulbas said they are usually one of the less active posters regardless of alignment though. Seanzie I think is on the table today. The Ex focus day 1 is a good cover for scum to not put thoughts down on other players and what little hunting he did do, while consistent with his play last game, is something easily fakeable as he admitted himself.

Echo didn't particularly ping me with that like she did others but maybe it's because I know her better. She is extremely innocent, so her normal tone of speaking may come across as odd in mafia. It is possible she could be scum this game, but I'm not seeing it much. I'm not discounting it since it's been a good while since she's played a game so she's grown a lot in that time, and she hasn't been super active so she could be avoiding saying too much to slip up. But her original interaction with Seanzie on d1 felt like it would be really hard for her to fake as her first time as mafia.

I need to go back and check some previous games with Jinjo, since Ex is always the one that knows how to read her best and I can't ask for his opinion here. But I know he's given some ways to read her before so I'll look for them. I could see her going either way, she is usually a lower poster, but I almost feel as town she questions things a lot more.

I'm in the same boat with PK/Seanzie. My mind keeps wanting to pair them as scum but I don't know if they would be this bold with defending/supporting each other if they are. I'm not sure if I'm just tunneled on Seanzie, but some things he's said in regards to the cop shot have pinged me. Other than just not being able to see any town motivation behind your plan, the question of who you would use it on if not Ex felt odd to me. Almost like fishing to see if it would be on him/his scum buds. Since mafia is most worried about who the cop shot will be used on.
Apr 11, 2022
Me about Seanzie;

Is this why you are voting Seanzie?

I get his point that there is a difference in lynching the host Day 1 because of what might happen, than checking the host in the Night when there is no hint of anything happening when you do that.

Do you think there is a contradiction in that which makes them look like a wolf?
Jul 7, 2021
Echo didn't particularly ping me with that like she did others but maybe it's because I know her better. She is extremely innocent, so her normal tone of speaking may come across as odd in mafia. It is possible she could be scum this game, but I'm not seeing it much. I'm not discounting it since it's been a good while since she's played a game so she's grown a lot in that time, and she hasn't been super active so she could be avoiding saying too much to slip up. But her original interaction with Seanzie on d1 felt like it would be really hard for her to fake as her first time as mafia.

I need to go back and check some previous games with Jinjo, since Ex is always the one that knows how to read her best and I can't ask for his opinion here. But I know he's given some ways to read her before so I'll look for them. I could see her going either way, she is usually a lower poster, but I almost feel as town she questions things a lot more.

I'm in the same boat with PK/Seanzie. My mind keeps wanting to pair them as scum but I don't know if they would be this bold with defending/supporting each other if they are. I'm not sure if I'm just tunneled on Seanzie, but some things he's said in regards to the cop shot have pinged me. Other than just not being able to see any town motivation behind your plan, the question of who you would use it on if not Ex felt odd to me. Almost like fishing to see if it would be on him/his scum buds. Since mafia is most worried about who the cop shot will be used on.
Nah, I have abilities which can strongarm people into doing things. I was going to force 15337 to target PK so the cop shot at least wasn't wasted on Ex, but due to storm dying, I don't want to strongarm someone who could instead end up using a triple-something tonight. I thought if I was going to be a bit of a jerk and make 15337 target non-ex, I could at least target the player of their choice.

This also could have possibly caught 15337 in a lie depending on what else they said because my ability has some rolestop powers as well, but again that has drawbacks to the whole "ability madness" thing going on tonight, so I've decided to holster.

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