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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Jul 7, 2021
Read their role PM again; it does not apply to the factional kill. It seems like they were trying to bait Mafia into blowing actions on them based on the "any action will kill me" thing, or blow the nightkill.
So it does. Well that is a lot better than expected.


Staff member
Due to Storm's death his votes were removed from the votecount.
11 Players remain.


Votecount 2.2.

(1) - KingOfDominaria
Jinjo (1) - SoulAdvent
Not voting (9) - Seanzie, Ragnarokio, DawningWinds, 15377, EchoLight, Mint Elv, Jinjo, Minish, Paranoid King

Phase ends on April 28rd, at 9:00:00 PM (GMT-3).


Jan 19, 2018
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i was busy yesterday and i'll probably be busy today too so i haven't caught up on the thread just stopping by to say i got $90 unexpectedly

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
I’m going to rant for a moment.

If you do not care to play then do everyone a favor and sub out!

What Storm did was basically game throwing. That role is beautiful and so useful. They could have worked with town and made mafia waste nightkills and possibly role uses as well. Instead they decided to be unhelpful and literally throw the game because people dared to ask questions IN A MAFIA GAME!!!

I don’t view them as trying to bait the mafia. They didn’t care about the game, and have done more harm than good. Time and effort were wasted on them. A beautiful role was wasted on them.

And while mafia may not have a three time factional kill, they have three uses of their roles. We don’t know what their roles are. Town may have three uses but what use are they if we don’t have more information?

Seriously if anyone else is going to pull a stunt like Storm, sub out and save the game the trouble and the headache, instead of what is basically game throwing.
Dec 13, 2019
If Storm had tricked mafia into killing them instead of someone else, that would have been really good. Well played, Storm.

I'm a big ball of conflicted because this was still a very real possibility by just claiming their hp rejuvenation and conflating how much a kill would harm them. Possibly under-exaggerating how much they'd heal. You could even shoot to speed up mafias timetable by portraying yourself as only on deaths door for just the next night before healing out of range of their kill. So offing themself takes that off the table for the unknown benefit of triple town roles. Flabbergasted is probably the best word for my mindset right now. Like why spend the time laying the groundwork if you're gonna be the one that blows it up yourself?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I told y'all, Storm is chaotic. He lies for no reason. This is how he plays all the time. I suspected he was lying about the factional kill being tripled. I did think he might have been lying about everyone getting a 3x multiplier as well and thought it may just be whoever dealt the killing blow on him. So briefly thought of a crazy plan to vote him enough times to get rid of his hp myself, since I know that I'm town but decided against it.

I am down to no lynch today. We already lost one townie. And having the 3x actions means that we can't risk losing a good town role before tonight. Though if we can hit scum with a lynch them we get rid of 3 scum actions as well. Basically we need to weigh the risks/rewards for the lynch today.
Jul 12, 2020
I told y'all, Storm is chaotic. He lies for no reason. This is how he plays all the time. I suspected he was lying about the factional kill being tripled. I did think he might have been lying about everyone getting a 3x multiplier as well and thought it may just be whoever dealt the killing blow on him. So briefly thought of a crazy plan to vote him enough times to get rid of his hp myself, since I know that I'm town but decided against it.

I am down to no lynch today. We already lost one townie. And having the 3x actions means that we can't risk losing a good town role before tonight. Though if we can hit scum with a lynch them we get rid of 3 scum actions as well. Basically we need to weigh the risks/rewards for the lynch today.
Seconded. We've got enough scanning roles that we should be able to learn a lot of good stuff tonight, so I'm good to wait.

Vote: No Lynch

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Actually, I know what I just said but scrap that. Lmao. I think I would rather lynch today. I have reasons for this, plus realizing that we technically had a no lynch d1 so it doesn't put us as far behind as I was thinking. So the reward of potentially hitting scum here outweighs the risk I think.

@ExLight do the auction items triple in use as well?
Apr 11, 2022
This Pinata role is very fitting for Storm,

@SoulAdvent Forgot to ask about last day phase you gave a list of 3 players you suspected which were Storm, numbers, and Rag. Afterwards on day 1 you said something along the lines of numbers and Rag are good for now and if they are good for you then why did you put them as suspects earlier?

I don’t remember calling them suspects, but that they gave me strange feelings. I said why I got the strange feeling in the same posts I went over their posts - IIRC, lots of talk about money mechanics that could be Mafia just doing it so they have something to say.

If this is all you have, sorry I do not think you are Townie.
Apr 11, 2022
Actually, I know what I just said but scrap that. Lmao. I think I would rather lynch today. I have reasons for this, plus realizing that we technically had a no lynch d1 so it doesn't put us as far behind as I was thinking. So the reward of potentially hitting scum here outweighs the risk I think.

@ExLight do the auction items triple in use as well?

I agree we should lynch when we can. We could hit a Blocker.

Unfortunately most of the players in this game are not voters so the wolves have no reason to panic to keep up with the game. I fear we will probably lose because the Mafia will know to work together on who to lynch while Town do nothing. :/
Apr 11, 2022
If Storm had tricked mafia into killing them instead of someone else, that would have been really good. Well played, Storm.

The idea is good but the execution… bad.

How was it well played? You do not vote the host if you want the wolves to kill you. If eating him in the night is so good for them, he could be the higher priority for Protection so they don’t try in case they get no kill, and in turn we guarantee losing somebody else :u.

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