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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Apr 11, 2022
I scanned Rag last night with the tracking bug. Rag didn't target any living players, but they visited the cemetery. So Medium or Necromancer, I'm guessing.

Vote: Rag
Interesting… and no one came back to life, unless Rag stole something from there?

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
What!! So you did not use it on someone else to learn their alignment??
I used it on ExLight!!!

But no. As you saw my role erases a whole role pm. So if someone has a confusing role they cannot check how to use it. So I seriously considered who to use it on. All night phase….and maybe couldn’t decide who the third should be….so I ran out of time….

vote: echolight

Still have t seen much from you and you only voted rag after I pointed out just now that your posts on her were neutral and the fact that you weren’t voting her
Apr 11, 2022
Only one other person actually. Sorry but the way you talk sounds like you’re roleplaying so I was paranoid. All it does is take the text not the role. You can still use your role.

the other stolen one is exlight…. Definitely not worth bothering with. The stuff in that PM…..

I waffled hard on using my role since it does take your text away and I didn’t want to possibly hinder too many people. So I decided with getting a three shot to check light and one person that made me paranoid. That was you. Literally sat there debating the whole night phase hence not posting at all. Sorry!!!!

After lynching Jinjo, and you voted and agree with me, you treat me like this… I feel like I have to re-investigate you. I do not understand what you mean by roleplay. I know what it is but I don’t understand what you mean. Is it a way that Mafia act to look good? It feels like an excuse when you could have used your role to see the text of players who are seen as more suspicious. Not like 1 more person not being able to see their text will have a hard time to remember their role…
Apr 11, 2022
No I used it on Rag.

Good :)

I had a feeling like you could have been making stuff up about checking ExLight with it to make the Mafia not think of killing you. ;)

So with Rag, this is a clear unless 15377 is lying which he would if he was a wolf with Rag
or Rag has something that makes her look villager like Jinjo’s poking.

Vote: Echolight

You should not have gambled on Jinjo’s voting role saving her.
Apr 11, 2022
I used it on ExLight!!!

But no. As you saw my role erases a whole role pm. So if someone has a confusing role they cannot check how to use it. So I seriously considered who to use it on. All night phase….and maybe couldn’t decide who the third should be….so I ran out of time….

vote: echolight

Still have t seen much from you and you only voted rag after I pointed out just now that your posts on her were neutral and the fact that you weren’t voting her

Oh well… too late but I don’t think you did the best move. If people forgot about their role it is their fault.

I agree with you about Echolight. I wonder how EchoLight and PK will react to Rag’s clear xD

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Okay, I have a lot to explain. I couldn't post until now. And can only post at certain times. I would be restricted in my posting entirely if it weren't for other things that I will explain.

I'm going to claim because it will become apparent at some point anyways. I get the abilities of the people who have previously died. N1 I didn't have any since Storm didn't die d1. Though I did have my watcher shot. When Laurentus died I got his abilities, and when Jinjo died I got her abilities. I decided to use Laur's 3x last night because I figured if I had overlapping colors I could maybe figure out stuff from an invest standpoint. I was able to divide my actions between the twins, which I did incase I was roleblocked or something so that I could still get actions through. I decided to target Numbers, Rag, and PK. I figured Numbers was going to cop Rag so I figured that maybe I could get their colors from that, and see what colors overlapped with the targets and whatnot. PK was a target because of their tracker so I knew there would be some colors there as well.

I divided the my actions as twin one being Rag, and twin two being Numbers and PK. The results for twin 1 were Purple, Magenta, and Cyan. From the claims this would be Rag, Numbers, and PK. The results for twin 2 were interesting...

My action failed for twin 2 and I lost my voice. That means that when I am twin 2 I can only post non verbally in thread unless it's to vote/quote something.

I suspect that Seanzie may have been afflicted by the same thing but I'm not positive.

Now that the cop shot has been used I want to explain d2 as well. Seanzie said if I was town than town deserved to lose for me supported Numbers copping Ex. I was supporting the copping Ex plan for a couple of reasons. One being that if people were seriously going to keep pushing the lynch the host idea then I was fine with copping him. The second being that I wanted it to look like Numbers was going to cop Ex so that he could actually cop whoever he wanted and mafia might leave him alone because it wouldn't matter to them.

Part of why I was voting Seanzie yesterday is well I thought he was scummy, but also I thought that his role (before he claimed what it actually did) sounded scummy and that if that were the case it might be better to gamble with it and chance it in my hands in case it were a scum role.

Maybe I'll draw y'all ****ing pictures or something when I can't speak. I dunno.


Jan 19, 2018
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Votecount 3.2.

(3) - Echolight, Seanzie, Paranoid King
Echolight (2) - Mint Elv, SoulAdvent

Phase ends on April 30th, at 9:00:00 PM (GMT-3).

my calendar says april 30th has already passed and it made me :panik:


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
i just woke up and legit thought for a second that i slept multiple days and missed the deadline somehow


Jan 19, 2018
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But neither me nor Jinjo were under trouble in Day 2 until I made her that way and even fought for it… Wolves do not think to betray the other of their kind unless they fear their own life.

They do. (though whether or not you would is another question). One common pattern that results in wolves mislynching teammates is the wolf initially starting a case on a teammate because they think they're acting scummy and want to fulfil the dual objectives of making themselves look like they're playing the game as town and make it seem like they aren't both wolves in the event that one dies. The hope in this play is that the player will not end up picking up much heat as a result of the vote, and that the player can leave their vote there without the person ever being threatened with a lynch. In the event that the person does end up picking up a lot of votes than the player needs to make the decision to jump the wagon (and perhaps end up looking bad as a result, especially if the person ends up being lynched) or to stick with the wagon and end up looking townier once the wolf flips. There are a lot of other situations where wolves can vote wolves for reason other than self-preservation but this is the most common pattern i've seen. There are some players who think that this sort of strategy is good and some players who think that its bad, and thats part of why i town-read a bunch of people, because those are players who i would think would never act this way, at least on purpose.

Here's my two cents on Rag

She asks this before players start to bandwagon on Jinjo in the last bit of the day. Out of all the players being suspected, her asking about Jinjo specifically is pretty suspicious in retrospect, especially when you count in her behavior coming up.

That was at a stage where I didn't have a solid read on either of the leading wagons and had less than an hour to develop some. I read back on why players were voting for seanzie and why they were voting for jinjo and evaluated the cases. I found that soul hadn't talked much about jinjo recently and that her original version for voting jinjo was lukewarm so i was curious to hear an updated account of why she thought jinjo was scum, both to better understand her as a player and to better inform my vote between jinjo and seanzie.

This makes sense as a townie, but if we're viewing Rag as scum, this just seems like an excuse she made to keep her scumpartner from being lynched.

if it makes sense as both alignments its typically NAI.

I told her to vote who she thinks is scum, so she does. Keep in mind Seanzie had the most votes when she said this.

Both Minish and Dawn decide to vote Jinjo between these two posts. Is this an effort to at least make a tie between the two? She said she would vote PK, but that was when Jinjo had less vote than Seanzie. Once Jinjo was in danger of a lynch, Rag immediately switches over to Seanzie.

This seems like more than just a mistake in reads Rag.

I switched onto PK because i was townreading both seanzie and jinjo at the time. I switched back onto seanzie because i was townreading jinjo more than him and it didn't look like PK was getting lynched before deadline (i think there were something like 5-10 minutes at this point).

Also, Rag had a hard time making decisions for herself. She instead took others' views and made it her own:

She didn't even have a reason for voting Ex other than just because other players said they thought it was a cool idea.

Then she immediately switches positions when faced with opposition. She says she realizes there isn't a reason, but she also didn't really have a valid reason when she did vote Ex. To me this signals she was trying to gets on the townies good side and agree with their opinions.

Any thoughts?

I was unable to evaluate the value of lynching the host as a maneuver because i'm entirely unfamiliar with the tradition. Deferring to people who know more than me about it to decide whether its a good play or not seems entirely rational as either alignment.

the other stolen one is exlight…. Definitely not worth bothering with. The stuff in that PM…..

Are you saying you saw the contents of exlight's role PM?

Also, why did you decide to target soul?

Am I misreading your list or are you town reading everyone who is a ZDI player?

I don't know what ZDI player means exactly but if you mean "someone who has played on zelda dungeon before" then i'm townreading everyone but echo and dawning winds. If ZDI refers to something else then you'll have to explain it to me, I'm not familiar with the acronym.

I scanned Rag last night with the tracking bug. Rag didn't target any living players, but they visited the cemetery. So Medium or Necromancer, I'm guessing.

Vote: Rag

I am indeed the necromancer. By the sounds of it I'd guess minish is our medium. I already soft-claimed my role in the form of the role post. I can visit dead players at night to gain zombie versions of them that have weaker versions of the abilities they had when they were alive. What I didn't claim earlier that I will now is that I can also use the zombies for other miscallaneous things, like stealing player's money or blocking kill attempts on me.

My role overlaps very heavily with minish's claimed role and appears to be significantly weaker. Each of my zombies can only be used two times total, whether for their ability or for a miscallaneous action, and i can't both raise and use zombies in the same night.

Last night I used my triple shot to revive every dead player as a zombie. Zomblaur lets me get a colour result from one player (which may be helpful in combination with minish's role if both of us are telling the truth), Zombinjo lets me poke one or two players at night, and Stormbie lets me double someone's night action. I can use all three of these abilities tonight if i so choose, and will almost certainly use at least stormbie and zomblaur. It might be interesting to double minish's action and then use zomblaur myself to get three more colour results.

@15377 For clarity's sake, you're claiming a town result on me?
Apr 11, 2022
Ok lots of info… I trust Minish more. 15377 could be Mafia lying about Rag being Town but ehh I do not find it important because I trust 15377.

I do not understand the colors, maybe it is like a language of colors (like for flowers?).

So… if we go through the list it is still probably EchoLight.

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