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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Jul 7, 2021
Do you think it’s possible that mafia has a rolecop type of role of some kind and used it and knew it was too risky to let DW live because he could scan money amounts?

If this is the case then we should immediately kill 15337. Them taking the cop check from PK was super scummy, the only thing that wasn't obviously scum-oriented about it was the fact that they claimed it, but if scum knew someone could find out who bought it, then claim is not actually townie.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Did you also see soul's?
Yes. I’m fact I have it Till death do us part. I don’t have Soul or Lights roles, just their pms. And they can no longer view their role Pms.

wait a moment….

@ExLight You cheater!!!! You’re not supposed to be able to see you’re role PM after I take it!
the only "native" ZD players in this game might be minish and echo. most of the people who play mafia on ZD come from other sites, myself included. The amount of experience people have playing on here varies from person to person though.
I see. Everyone seemed to know each other so I thought it was mostly ZD players.
That's correct. I'm self-aligned and my win-con is to be alive at the end of the game. Whoever bought the role-cop can presumably confirm this tonight if they want. I've been playing as if i were town and intend to continue to.
Rolecop tells role names not win cons. I say we lynch you. Survivor is a very common fake wincon for indeps.
If this is the case then we should immediately kill 15337. Them taking the cop check from PK was super scummy, the only thing that wasn't obviously scum-oriented about it was the fact that they claimed it, but if scum knew someone could find out who bought it, then claim is not actually townie.
Main issue is this is the first time a rolecop item has shown up, so who is the rolecop?

I can say for sure it’s not me since my role was originally a 1-shot, and Soul is my proof of the effects of my role. I also didn’t get their role pm till after the night phase like with any informative role.

I know for sure it’s not Soul. And it seems strange that numbers would have that in addition to their possibly proven roleblock.

Is KoD and Echo the only two that haven’t claimed? Or did I just miss their claims?
Dec 13, 2019
If this is the case then we should immediately kill 15337. Them taking the cop check from PK was super scummy, the only thing that wasn't obviously scum-oriented about it was the fact that they claimed it, but if scum knew someone could find out who bought it, then claim is not actually townie.

Like none of this flows logically. Outbidding PK isn't scummy because that's the point of an auction. Further without confirmation of PK's alignment we have no reason to trust that he'll 1) do what he says and 2) be truthful about what he does. As town it's much more logical to take it into your own hands than leave it in somebody else's especially if you have the means to protect it like I did. It also doesn't take into account my actions occurred night 1 before roles would have resolved, which means my claim would have come before this supposed Mafia role cop would have gotten any information too.

Honestly this kinda smacks of desperation to get rid of me now that you know I can acquire items with no way of stopping me from using them except to publicly out yourself to limit my choices in target.


Jan 19, 2018
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Rolecop tells role names not win cons. I say we lynch you. Survivor is a very common fake wincon for indeps.

I assumed that was what the flavor cop on day 1 did, and that rolecop gave role pms. I guess it makes sense that it wouldn't show wincon though, since thats tied with alignment. I guess I thought of it as being part of my role itself.

While I don't expect you to believe me, I at least have no killing ability (at least until the night after a killing role flips, and even then only maybe since i get weakened versions of the dead player's roles). This could be verified via rolecop as well, or your ability. Speaking of which, your ability is a very powerful information role and so you should be using it every night. If you're worried about inconveniencing people then just tell everyone in thread to make a backup of their role pm.

In any case you'd probably do better going after the mafia than me, since they're going to be actively killing you and you know they're definitely a threat.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Last night my action was tripled, and I'd like to share what I found out, so, going to start this day off with a role reveal:

I'm the Medium. I can see a dead player's full role pm every night. Everyone see the first post when someone dies, but I can see all of it. Last night I used it on all the dead players at that time: Storm, Laurentus, and Jinjo.

Jinjo: Didn't reveal as much as I hoped, but here's what I could gather. We all know that Jinjo role is split into Twin 1 & 2. At night, she can poke a player with one twin and do a night action with the other. Further down in the pm Ex explained that she can do that to protect herself from trackers or watchers. For example, if she nightkilled with one twin, and poked with the other, there's a 50% chance the tracker/watcher will just see Twin 2, who poked someone. They would have no idea she's scum.
She said to poke Rag on night 1, but switched it to Storm instead.
She also bought the 'A Plane Ticket to Hawaii! (1-shot Commuter)'

Laurentus: He was going to use his ability on KoD, but was nightkilled before it could go through. When he was killed, he saw three colors of the three mafia players who killed him, light pink, black, and red. He also realized his color is white.

I divided the my actions as twin one being Rag, and twin two being Numbers and PK. The results for twin 1 were Purple, Magenta, and Cyan. From the claims this would be Rag, Numbers, and PK. The results for twin 2 were interesting...

This is crucial information!!!! Rag, Numbers, and PK are confirmed Town then, since the colors Laurentus saw before he died don’t match up.


Storm: Didn't reveal much at all, just discussed how his role worked and then the rest of the pm was Ex posting his health going down.


Jan 19, 2018
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well thats a bombshell


Jan 19, 2018
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When he was killed, he saw three colors of the three mafia players who killed him, light pink, black, and red. He also realized his color is white.

nothing in his role pm said this would happen. Do you know why he got this information?


Staff member
ZD Champion
nothing in his role pm said this would happen. Do you know why he got this information?
I'm assuming you're referring to him identifying his own color?

The ability's user also interacted with their target, so they would also smell their own color. I will confirm that I would confirm to the user what their color was since it's logical from a flavor standpoint.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
While I don't expect you to believe me, I at least have no killing ability (at least until the night after a killing role flips, and even then only maybe since i get weakened versions of the dead player's roles). This could be verified via rolecop as well, or your ability. Speaking of which, your ability is a very powerful information role and so you should be using it every night. If you're worried about inconveniencing people then just tell everyone in thread to make a backup of their role pm.
It was a one shot. I only had extra shots because of storms death. I have no more shots.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
If Morbid Minish or I die tonight we're on the right track.

First post for reference:
Welcome Laurentus! I'm glad to have you as a player in my first mafia game uwu

Let's see... you're The Synesthete, and you're Town aligned!
Your senses are a bit jumbled up: you look at someone and ends up smelling a color! But that's fine, right?

View attachment 60185

> Every Night you can target a player and get a result with who interacted with that player, aka who your target visited and who visited them. You'll NOT be able to distinguish who visited from who was visited.
> But here's the catch, your results are a bit unusual: instead of receiving the name of the players you'll receive the colors associated to them. The players don't know what colors they are.

Submit who your targets will be directly to this chat.
You win when all threats to Town are removed from the game.
Use your role wisely, good luck, and have fun!

nothing in his role pm said this would happen. Do you know why he got this information?

I honestly don't know. All I get access to is his role pm. This is basically how the convo went:

Post #2 Laurentus confirms his role
Post #3 Ex says hello
Post #4 Laurentus targets KoD with his ability
Post #5 Ex tells him he was nightkilled
Post #6 Ex tells him he smelled Light Pink, Red, and Black right before he died. He also realized his color was white.

That's the end of the conversation.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Laurentus: He was going to use his ability on KoD, but was nightkilled before it could go through. When he was killed, he saw three colors of the three mafia players who killed him, light pink, black, and red. He also realized his color is white.
Are you sure it was the colors of mafia? Or could it be other players that targeted him? And what about Jinjos twin role? Would that be two colors or one?


Jan 19, 2018
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Sorry! Missed it!
Not sure why specifically auctions but lemme see if I can clarify things as many as possible:

- Tonight's Auctioned item will not be affected, it will still be a single item with a single shot.
- You cannot use the same 1-shot item three times.
- If you have three 1-shot items you'll be able to use them all during the next Night.
- If you have a 3-shot item you'll be able to use all shots during the next Night.


@ExLight would this have applied to all limited-shot abilities or only to the items specifically?

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