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Epona Vs Loftwing?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Epona, to this day, is still my favorite method of transportation. I've always had this feeling of adventure when she galloped across the wide fields of Hyrule. In the past few titles she's only grown to be a better element to Zelda's formula. Twilight Princess brought out the very best of her, though, making her not only an ordinary transport, but a steed that you could fight from as well. Unfortunately the Loftwing was nothing more, I'm afraid. There were barely any enemies for it to fight in the sky, and that pretty much kept its uses to a far lesser degree than Epona's.

Not being able to name the Loftwing really doesn't bother me, because, while it is a neat feature, it hardly has any bearing in the game. Some might argue that would give more depth to the Loftwing, but with the way Nintendo pulled that off, it wouldn't get very far. Thus I'm not all that affected; and the same goes for Epona.
Oct 26, 2011
Aw man! I really loved the loft wing, it was a cute new character, and a fun means of getting around. BUT I grew up with Epona, so she (he:/) is indespensible in my book
Dec 22, 2011
Loftwings are pretty dang epic. I loved controlling it, though it was always a pain when I was almost in a speed tunnel and it lost track of the WiiMote, causing me to hit the bottom of the structure and be unable to go through. Epona is cool beans too, but it's a tough call for me as to which one I like better.


Fish. Citizen of Foo
Sep 30, 2011
The controls for the loftwing were way better but i wish you had been able to name it and stuff.
Jan 2, 2012
I gotta say I like Epona better. You can kill enemies with greater variety while on Epona and she's just as loyal as the Loftwing.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I definitely think you should've been able to name the loftwing, but I definitely prefer epona over the loftwing. Epona just feels more classic, and you cant perform any actions while riding a loftwing
Oct 26, 2011
They should have had you find Epona in this game on the land though I think...After all, they have a boat! So they included two means of transpirtation, how much would it hurt to add poor Epona?
I agree though, they should have at least GIVEN the loftwing a name

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