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Game Thread Dungeons and Dragons Mafia

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Hi Moe. I realized you've played here for a long time and I know you but I don't recall if we've ever actually played together which is weird but I'm here now soooooooo hey friend hows it goin :D

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Also my landlord decided to break my contract and make me move next door so he can rent my suite out to some other people so now I have until next weekend to move all my stuff next door on top of looking for a job so I'll try to be active but if not that's why, I have to clean this whole place before the new people move in. Pls kill meh


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Hey Svaz, welcome to my home field. Better go make five posts somewhere.

...Did you really need to ask an rng in order to vote me? :suspicious::suspicious::suspicious:

Can't wait to take you down just like old times. :cool:

Hey fg go make five posts somewhere!

LAME. Your goal isn't to live it's to hunt scum! ...Unless it isn't. :suspicious:

Considering she didn't post "OMG GUYS I FINALLY ROLLED SCUM!!!!!! :party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party:" I don't really see anything out of the ordinary lol.

Does it still count if they posted it as like the twelfth post?

How about joining in for that two pages of content? D:<

We really need to get new emotes, I kept trying to use bulba and discord ones but we no haz. </3
Why is everyone ughing this post?? lol
LMFAO watch me accidentally celebrate rolling scum in public
"Accidentally" :bubsy:
finally i can express my true feelings :bubsy:
If funnygurl555 and funnier6 got into a fight who would win and why
funnier isn't the kind of guy to hit a woman
We fight with words of course! We beith knights of pen and paper!
he would also lose in a game of zelda trivia
Now listen here you THAT WAS A TIE! :ananger:
right now I town read funnier, which means he's scum
Give it some time, this isn't even my final form.
this seems like a real vote but I can't recall tristan making any real posts to begin with
how are you getting this read
Yeah this is from the sign up thread where he called himself flip floppy and I called him self conscious.
i mean i'm not the type of girl to hit a man but i can wreck this man with my SICK WORDS

by sick words i mean jokes

because i'm actually funny, unlike (not)funnier
My SICK WORDS are hard facts and logic to totally DESTROY your argument!

And then I make SICK JOKES all over your shattered dreams. :)
speaking of being funny i'm performing standup tomorrow night :D

and i have to finish my set but ayy procrastination
I don't know if this counts but like every speech I've ever given in class has come off as a standup routine lol. Just because you're professional doesn't mean you're better than me! I could be a better professional if I wanted! D:<
Vote: Mido

Isn't it your nap time??

Why do you think that was a real vote?
Minish!!! :D

It feels like sooooooo long since we've played together and I think its only been like a month. I miss your wall posts! D:
Also my landlord decided to break my contract and make me move next door so he can rent my suite out to some other people so now I have until next weekend to move all my stuff next door on top of looking for a job so I'll try to be active but if not that's why, I have to clean this whole place before the new people move in. Pls kill meh
I thought you'd never ask! :D

For some reason every time I tried to quote the last bit 90% of the post would literally disappear off my screen for some reason so I just quoted all of it.


The game is on!
Day 1 Current Vote Tally:
Ryuken - 1 (Mido)
LittleGumball - 1 (Tristan)
Tristan - 2 (LittleGumball, funnier6)
Moe the Moblin - 2 (DekuNut, Funnygurl555)
DekuNut - 1 (Doc)
Mido - 1 (Morbid Minish)

Not voting: Zelda18, Moe the Moblin, ZinnLav, Ryuken, Link 182, leetic

With 14 players alive it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Sunday, May 26th 2019 at 6:00 PM EDT. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190526T18&p0=4243&msg=Day+1+End&font=slab

Link 182

Blame It On My Youth
Jun 29, 2016
Hey Svaz, welcome to my home field. Better go make five posts somewhere.
Thanks!! I’ve had this account for a few years actually (was looking for a home base Zelda forum after my old one died) but I guess I never got into it. I think I might have about 5 already I might need to double check~

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Minish!!! :D

It feels like sooooooo long since we've played together and I think its only been like a month. I miss your wall posts! D:

It feels like it's been forever since I've played mafia in general. And we didn't even get to play in the last game I played together! So it definitely seems like it's been way too long.

I dedicate all my wallposts this game to you!


...if you tell anyone else that I'm up past my bedtime then I'm telling on you! For what, I don't know; but I can't let my avoidance of naps be found out!)

Okay, okay your secret is safe with me. I don't want to get in trouble with the big bad mods of this game! I mean have you seen HeroOfTime and Pendio....they're scary! :sweat:

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I have been. I questioned funnier about his vote for example

what do you think about gumball?

Meh, guess I don't really consider questioning funnier about his vote as stuff happening. If he hadn't joked about it in the signup thread than it'd be fair to wonder why he was saying that about Tristan. But questioning a joke vote that most people knew was a joke doesn't give others much to discuss.

I don't really have any solid opinion on LG yet. I haven't seen her as scum before so I can't say if she acts differently day 1 as scum or not. Usually takes me a bit to form an opinion on her. And I don't really think her not saying she didn't roll scum again means anything by itself. I think she just didn't say it because no one brought it up and people know how she feels rolling town over and over, rather than it being a scum slip. If you try to read into that one thing too much I can see arguments for either alignment. So it's NAI to me.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I have been. I questioned funnier about his vote for example

what do you think about gumball?
Question wasn't asked to me, but I'll give a response.
I feel like Gummy not complaining in the first post is NAI. If she didn't at all Day One it'd be weird, but the fact that she was already called out for it kinda ruins waiting for that, since now she was reminded that it's something she should be doing.
So nice work Moe ;P

Moe, question for you: as it was pointed out that funnier's vote on Tristan was referencing talk in the sign-up thread, are you still considering it a serious vote? Has that realization changed anything for you? Or do you think it's still related to the four pages of game we've made so far?
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