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Dreams thread.


Twilight Princess Master
May 30, 2020
A bit of a weird one. I was in 10th century Scotland. There was this very moldy stone castle in the middle of nowhere and I believe I lived there, or was a friend of the princess. As I mentioned, there was a princess whom was an only child. Her mother had to give a speech about if she wanted more kids or not. I switched bodies somehow with the queen and got to announce that I didn't want any more kids. Of course the princess was ecstatic. We went to the beach after and I woke up.


Jan 19, 2018
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i keep having dreams that i'm in japan but i don't know how to speak japanese so i just kind of mumble under my breath whenever anyone expects me to say anything


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I freaking hate my brain, I had a dream the other day of me enjoying the xenoblade remake [game was a bit different in that dream for some reason] then in that dream I get into a weird argument w/ my friend through text message in which they'd call me "pathetic" and block me soon after, it was a relief to wake up and know that's not the case in reality
it literally went from a decent dream to a nightmare, if my subconscious had a physical form, I'd punch it
Jun 7, 2016
I dreamt about someone who never existed, but who felt so real to me. I had actual memories of growing up with her.

In the dream, I had an older sister, Emily, and a twin sister (I don't remember her name though). Emily took me caving after I asked her, but there was a rockslide that killed her. I was pulled out in time by a caving instructor/expert.

I blamed myself, and actually mourned her, and then I woke up feeling distraught over an incident that never happened, to someone who never existed.

it was so ****ing weird. usually i understand where parts of my dreams come from, but i have no clue about anything during that one.

the next dream was literally just me buying bread. like, a huge amount of it.

wtf, brain?


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I had a cool dream about a new Zelda, a 2D Zelda, releasing on the Analogue Pocket. You began in Hyrule castle and traveled the world in search of sacred nuts. I dreamt about having an old friend into it, and we both helped each other. It had a really good sense of discovery, kinda like BotW.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I’ve had strange dreams before (like the time Mr.Spock and I beamed down to a Walmart that had death traps everywhere) but none of them have been as bizarre as this one.

I’m in this mansion, and while it has a ton of rooms in it it’s also incredibly claustrophobic due to the rooms not being tall enough to stand in, as well as them all being at different heights and angles relative to one another.

I remember there being a large party, not like a college party, more like a really big cocktail party. This isn’t quite important as they all leave in a bit.

eventually while exploring the mansion I wake up. Normally I’d be in this daze where I think I’m still dreaming, but it was pretty bright outside my bedroom window so I easily realized that I had just woken up.

I immediately fell back asleep, only to be put back in the same dream, now devoid of people. I eventually wake back up, only to fall asleep again. At this point I’m actively trying to wake back up in the dream, and I’m getting pretty terrified that I will never be able to get out of my bed again. Over and over again I wake up, and immediately fall back asleep. Every time I wake up I try to get out from under my covers and sit up to no avail. This goes on for a bit, until eventually I wake up for good.

looking back, I’m not entirely sure if I was actually waking up, or it was all part of a dream.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I’ve had strange dreams before (like the time Mr.Spock and I beamed down to a Walmart that had death traps everywhere) but none of them have been as bizarre as this one.

I’m in this mansion, and while it has a ton of rooms in it it’s also incredibly claustrophobic due to the rooms not being tall enough to stand in, as well as them all being at different heights and angles relative to one another.

I remember there being a large party, not like a college party, more like a really big cocktail party. This isn’t quite important as they all leave in a bit.

eventually while exploring the mansion I wake up. Normally I’d be in this daze where I think I’m still dreaming, but it was pretty bright outside my bedroom window so I easily realized that I had just woken up.

I immediately fell back asleep, only to be put back in the same dream, now devoid of people. I eventually wake back up, only to fall asleep again. At this point I’m actively trying to wake back up in the dream, and I’m getting pretty terrified that I will never be able to get out of my bed again. Over and over again I wake up, and immediately fall back asleep. Every time I wake up I try to get out from under my covers and sit up to no avail. This goes on for a bit, until eventually I wake up for good.

looking back, I’m not entirely sure if I was actually waking up, or it was all part of a dream.
"My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And its lonely inside this mansion..."


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Dang I feel bad about triple posting but I had one the other night where I was watching the NASCAR championship race, and somebody different won it, and I was just like "Well, that's that" and I woke up thinking "DANG I wish Chase (my driver) had won. It slowly came to me that he did in fact win it and that was just a dream that the other guy did. Still a little confused about it tbh.

Deleted member 90890

I dreamed myself at my grandfather's house a few nights ago. I stayed there for 3 days, but my grandfather was nowhere to be seen. After 3 days, I had to leave, and that's when I woke up.

I guess it's because I really miss him, and I hope to go see him once the pandemic's over.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
just had a dream that I was in some game store at a mall, then for some reason, people started looting the mall and began taking from the game store I was at....so I joined them
I specifically remember coming out w/ Final Fantasy 7 - 9, Threads of Fate, Breath of Fire 4, Mega Man Legends, and Crash 2, then I attended some class where I immediately began hiding them in my backpack

then I woke up to no haul sadly


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I had a dream I was hanging out with @ExLight . You looked like Nagito haha. And for some reason you really liked foxes, so I made a snow-fox for you with coal pieces for eyes and twigs for whiskers. (it was winter)
That's funny, because I dreamed that I was riding bikes with you and @Magolor04726 (I don't remember what y'all looked like, I just knew who it was.) and then Ex pulled up behind us and passed us in an 18 wheeler.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
That's funny, because I dreamed that I was riding bikes with you and @Magolor04726 (I don't remember what y'all looked like, I just knew who it was.) and then Ex pulled up behind us and passed us in an 18 wheeler.

haha I can just imagine Ex grinning and waving at us as he passes and leaves us in the dust.

I wonder where we were biking to...

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