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Dreams thread.

For almost a month now I've had dreams of dead relatives telling me how much they still hate me.
I can't stop them and it isn't like I need reminded that people who hated me who when they were alive still hate me when they're dead.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I had a dream the other night and it was really realistic even though nothing much exciting happened within it. I was in a heavily snowy forest region and I was trying to survive. I hadn't eaten in a long time and then I got out into a jungle region and ate some of the shrooms there to nourish myself and then this man in a safari hat came over and saw me eating the shrooms and told me they were poisonous. I looked at the mushrooms again and they were fly agaric. But when I saw them the first time they were something else!


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I dreamed I ganged up with a couple of ZD members to hire a bunch of truck drivers to spy on Geoff in order to find out the Game Awards winners. The plan miserably failed, and thus we had to resort to divorced moms instead, but they wouldn't have it because their kids were all playing an online game about horizontal skyscrapers and tinned can food with small pink snails on them.
Oct 30, 2018
I had a dream that I was stuck in the forest with no way to get back home, and I was part of a deforestation prevention effort, then when all hope had died that I would make it out alive everybody assumed I was dead, but when they resumed the deforestation they were in for a shock, cuz I look like a caveman destroying all of the machines used for cutting down trees with nothing but my spear.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I think I have a dream girlfriend, or at least I think I'm dream flirting with someone.

A few weeks ago I had a dream in which I walked around a house on the corner near my home. Round the back was a large paved courtyard type place, like something you'd find in the middle of some old houses in a city centre. Cracked paving stones, lots of terracotta pots, clutter. Anyway, it doesn't exist, but while I was there I found things to suggest a young woman had started living there while it was empty. I think I found photos of her on various holidays but all I remember is a big hat and sunglasses.

I got a text from this woman, who doesn't seem to have a name, and she basically bullied me, but in a playful way. She was very extroverted, boisterous and confident, the exact kind of thing I would almost immediately think of as annoying but it was a dream so the rules are different.

The next thing I knew I was in a car with my friend Wiggy and we were driving to meet this woman and her friend at what I think was some kind of industrial estate/port but it looked like a space centre. Smooth white buildings, lots of open, grassy space. I don't remember anything else from that dream because it's been too long.

Anyway, today I had another dream with the same courtyard, the same girl, and the same port. I was circling the house on the corner again, then in the courtyard round back doing handstands. I got a text from the woman goading me into a meeting. Me and Wiggy were driving to the port again, but there was a large crowd of people near the water. I began to worry that this woman would think I'm ugly and not want to spend time with me. Then Wiggy, who for some reason was Falco Lombardi, jump kicked a man and I stood over another man on the floor with film cameras watching me. I was James Bond, apparently, and if I was James Bond then I couldn't be ugly, so it was ok.

Then I was playing a video game of some kind and sending messages to this woman's friend. I made a vaguely self-deprecating remark and immediately got messages from the woman herself calling me names and making fun of me for being so dramatic and such. But it was, like, with a smile in her voice. Over instant message. It was a dream, you just know things in dreams.

It felt very much like a sequel to the earlier dream, but before it could continue I woke up because my phone was ringing. Until next time, you energetic, loud-mouth, ***** :rosa:


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I watched a couple of episodes of the Haunting of Hill House before I went to bed last night and I dreamt about some killer ghost lady as a result. It was a very scary dream though my dreams often are.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I dreamed that I, my grandmother, sister, and brother were at a really busy pavilion, and to big dudes snatched up my bother and was going to kidnapped him. I then ran at them screaming, and beat them up. I then returned to my grandmother with my brother safe. This was just after finishing a self defense class.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I dreamt I was playing a demo of REmake3 but it was too hard. I was getting chased by about four Hunters and ran into a new corridor that was almost completely pitch black, and I heard a voice shout "STAAAARS" from the darkness and I got really scared and woke up :(


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
My phone was cut in half and i was still tryna use it...and get others to use it...
Last edited:
Jun 7, 2016
I found a wallet with exactly 4 £20 notes and an american $1, but my old best friend saw me pick it up and made me walk miles to the nearest police station to turn it in :dry:

It's weird, because I've had a bunch of dreams in the past where I find a mix of USD and GBP, where the larger amount is always GBP. It doesn't make sense, and I have no clue why it's reoccurring,
Oct 20, 2008
I dreamt that some extremely aggressive Mormons showed up at my door and basically started berating me the instant I opened the door, eventually forcing their way in side. They started just like, trashing things and yelling at me and I was trying to get them out and yelling at them to leave while trying to call 911 and they basically just started lecturing me about religion in some bizarre anime villain way. I don't know what any of this means.

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