I had a dream last night I was in some kind of abandoned city in a Battle Royale style survival game though it was a team based version. I was in a team with some friends of mine. I saw one of the enemy teams and Kylo Ren was on it.
There was a part during a truce period that a wingless seagull was dropped in front of us. I thought it was dead but then its friend came down with it as well. The winged seagull was just carrying the other one to help it get around. Though I think it needed to work on landing because it fell with such a thud.
After discussing strategies we went to a weapons stash to find all that was left for us was broken knives and a gun that fired chess pieces instead of bullets. It was a pistol but it required you to add your own gunpowder.
I never actually got to do any fighting as I was rudely awakened by my alarm, but this has been my first memorable dream in about 10 days.