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Ocarina of Time Dodongo, Link's House, Time Travel Theory

We're all overlooking one thing here though, Navi's in the picture. Is this possibly because he already wanted a fairy, or a prophetic dream of some sort?

Mido teased him and I am sure he felt like an outcast, he probably dreamed of having his own fairy to and that's why he drew it on there. He wanted be a hero, strong and brave but also not to be an outcast. Though it seems other than Mido all the other kids accepted him. But one bully is more than enough.


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
Mido teased him and I am sure he felt like an outcast, he probably dreamed of having his own fairy to and that's why he drew it on there. He wanted be a hero, strong and brave but also not to be an outcast. Though it seems other than Mido all the other kids accepted him. But one bully is more than enough.

Sure sure, but my theory is still more fun, and there is still no evidence AGAINST it. We're both arguing the same points, the only difference is WHEN he drew it. I say he drew it after being sent back, you say before. Navi is in the picture, Ganon may be in the picture(let's remember this is a kid's drawing, it doesn't have to resemble him perfectly). So did he draw it because he was remembering his adventures, and the fact that he saved the world(which if I was link, I'd be drawing my adventures everywhere)? Or just because he's a kid and he was bored? Unlike some people here, I like to imagine the funner and more flamboyant theory, especially if it makes sense.
Even being a kids drawing it doesn't resemble Ganon even closely, even a kid would draw it more recognizable, baisc major features are different or not there at all. The theory is fine but it doesn't make sense really. I mean we see it at the beginning when we start the game, then we go 7 years in the future and beat Ganon, then Link gets sent back and goes to Termina and starts the CT.
So if he did that how would we see it on the AT then?
The timeline we started the game on is AT because the CT does not start until he gets sent back.


Apr 19, 2009
Sure sure, but my theory is still more fun, and there is still no evidence AGAINST it.

No offence, but my post completely disproved your theory.

I like your theory, but I'm sorry it doesn't really make sense. Zelda sends Link back to before to enjoy the seven years he spent in isolation. It's hard to pin-point the exact time that she sent Link back to, but we do know that it falls somewhere before Zelda and Impa flee Hyrule castle -as otherwise Zelda wouldn't be hanging around the castle courtyard which is where she is shown in the cut-scene at the end of OoT.- and some time after Zelda and Link first meet as otherwise Zelda wouldn't trust or believe Link. Even if this was not true, We know Navi is still with Link after he is sent back in time as she is shown flying out the window after Link returns and as Link meets Navi at the start of the game we know that he is sent back to sometime after the beginning of the game.

Both of these points prove he was definitely sent back to sometime during the time over which the child part of the game takes place, you said that the drawing was done somewhere before the events of the game (as it is there at the start) but I have proved this is impossible.

The Silence

Silence will Fall
May 10, 2011
Behind you
Some have theorized that it is a picture of Link fighting King Dodongo, or some sort of dinosaur like creature. But how did it get there? Link obviously hadn't fought him yet, or anything for that matter, so where did it come from?

At the end of Oot Zelda sends Link back to his childhood and his home in Kokiri, to give him back the seven years that he lost. This is when I think HE drew the picture, therefore making it appear at the beginning of Oot.

You may think, how would that affect anything? After all, it is from a different timeline. But if you think about it, it would appear there. Link defeated Ganondorf, when he gets sent back, Ganondorf is still defeated, so when he draws the picture, it appears on the tree. Thoughts?

EDIT: it may also be a drawing of Ganon.

I doubt that Link was sent back to a time before the game started. Anyway as Zelda says:
Zelda said:
When peace returns to Hyrule...
It will be time for us to say good-bye...
Now, go home, Link.
Regain your lost time!
where you are supposed to be...
the way you are supposed to be...

She says he will regain his lost time, this means the 7 years that he was sealed away for without the choice of whether to be sealed or not, not the time he spent collecting the jewels and opening the temple of time, since he had the choice of whether to go on the quest or not, so he didn't technically lose that time.

Also the picture on his tree house is just the kind of picture that any small boy may draw, its not Link predicting his future or anything. It's just a normal easter egg, like Malon having a Bowser necklace, it doesn't mean there's any deep meaning, like the ranch is run by Bowser.


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
Ok, you're right, that does kind of disprove it, my bad. Dang it, lol. I'm willing to admit I was wrong, good points. angelkid

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