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Ocarina of Time Dodongo, Link's House, Time Travel Theory


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
Ok, first I have to give credit to "Fisharox" for making me think of this(He/she posted something talking about the drawing on Link's tree house in Oot).

Second, I rely hope this hasn't been brought up before.

Now for the theory, if you have never noticed it, there is a drawing on the front of Links's treehouse in Kokiri. It looks like this

Some have theorized that it is a picture of Link fighting King Dodongo, or some sort of dinosaur like creature. But how did it get there? Link obviously hadn't fought him yet, or anything for that matter, so where did it come from?

At the end of Oot Zelda sends Link back to his childhood and his home in Kokiri, to give him back the seven years that he lost. This is when I think HE drew the picture, therefore making it appear at the beginning of Oot.

You may think, how would that affect anything? After all, it is from a different timeline. But if you think about it, it would appear there. Link defeated Ganondorf, when he gets sent back, Ganondorf is still defeated, so when he draws the picture, it appears on the tree. Thoughts?

EDIT: it may also be a drawing of Ganon.
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Skyward Sword Anticipator
Apr 27, 2011
The one thing that could possibly destroy this theory is the fact that we have absolutely no idea on the exact time Link returns to the past. Personally, I believe that he came back right after he first opened the Door of Time. But that's just me. I don't think he came back to before the game started, then there would be two of him co-existing at the same time. Who knows? What if the Great Deku tree knew Link's destiny and made his house grow with that pattern already etched into the tree.


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
well, the goal is to give link back the time he lost saving hyrule, so theoretically he would be sent to the exact time the Deku tree decided to give link the task of saving the world. I've thought about the theory more, and I strongly believe it is what happened. Why else? I mean, could there possibly be another explanation? In fact, it actually gives the timeline theory more merit, right?

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Or it is just a simple easter egg. The theory sounds nice, I don't want to complain against your theory, but maybe this one is a big too much. I realized this painting 1998 or 1999 the first time. And I've looked at this painting again a few hours ago after I've read the "Have anyone noticed this before?" thread (playing Ocarina of Time on Virtual Console).

But then again, your little time travel theory is some kind of romantic. It's a bit charming. So, why not. You sold your theory successfully to me ;)


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
Or it is just a simple easter egg. The theory sounds nice, I don't want to complain against your theory, but maybe this one is a big too much. I realized this painting 1998 or 1999 the first time. And I've looked at this painting again a few hours ago after I've read the "Have anyone noticed this before?" thread (playing Ocarina of Time on Virtual Console).

But then again, your little time travel theory is some kind of romantic. It's a bit charming. So, why not. You sold your theory successfully to me ;)

Thank you! I get a little annoyed with everyone on this forum doubting every theory presented. I mean, why are you on this forum if not to theorize and have fun?


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
At the end of Majora's Mask, Skull Kid drew a picture of him and Link, so my theory is that the drawing on Link's hut is done by a Skull Kid, but whatever the dinosaur-looking thing reprisents is anyone's guess.

Azure Sage

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This isn't really Zelda Theory, as it's not really in-depth analysis of the game and its placement.

Oh. Alright then.

It IS a drawing of Ganon. Your theories are very good, but it's an easter egg of Link fighting Ganon, I think from the original LoZ, I don't remember. But I DO know that it's an easter egg. But don't let that stop our theories; they're still really good. :)


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
I just think that Link thought that he was more than just a normal Kokiri, so he drew the picture on his tree house because he longed for adventure...Haven't any of you guys ever dreamed of fighting monsters as kids? I sure did, so I just think it was that really. Cool topic to bring up though :P


Apr 19, 2009
I like your theory, but I'm sorry it doesn't really make sense. Zelda sends Link back to before to enjoy the seven years he spent in isolation. It's hard to pin-point the exact time that she sent Link back to, but we do know that it falls somewhere before Zelda and Impa flee Hyrule castle -as otherwise Zelda wouldn't be hanging around the castle courtyard which is where she is shown in the cut-scene at the end of OoT.- and some time after Zelda and Link first meet as otherwise Zelda wouldn't trust or believe Link. Even if this was not true, We know Navi is still with Link after he is sent back in time as she is shown flying out the window after Link returns and as Link meets Navi at the start of the game we know that he is sent back to sometime after the beginning of the game.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I just think that Link thought that he was more than just a normal Kokiri, so he drew the picture on his tree house because he longed for adventure...Haven't any of you guys ever dreamed of fighting monsters as kids? I sure did, so I just think it was that really. Cool topic to bring up though :P

That's actually what I was about to say completely.

Given that Link was different from the other Kokiri, it COULD be possible that he just drew whatever was happening to him at the time before the whole Hero business started. For example, Mido bullies him pretty much every day. That drawing could signify that Mido is a big brutish beast to Link, and Link is the hero fighting against him. If not that, it may show that Link is a heroic person and trying to win Saria's heart. Of course that would all be non canon, fanfic fodder but it's still slightly possible.


Skyward Sword Anticipator
Apr 27, 2011
We're all overlooking one thing here though, Navi's in the picture. Is this possibly because he already wanted a fairy, or a prophetic dream of some sort?

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