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General Zelda Do You Use Glitches to Complete Zelda Games?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Depends on what you mean by complete. I typically glitch for fun, like OoT in 24 minutes, but not for a decent completion.


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
Never on a first playthrough. Other than that though . . . *evil grin*. My childhood was broken into a thousand pieces in less than 22 minutes about a year ago by speedrunning, but I love the idea and even though I don't speedrun seriously, I keep up with it and love to watch it. It's fun to see just try to see how much you can break Ocarina of Time with a few bombs and some bugs in a bottle. As Ocarina of Time is, from what I've seen, the most broken game that's ever been made, as well as the easiest game to break, this is relatively simple. And fun.
Feb 23, 2011
Oddly enough, no. Never. I've usually only ever used them to derp around but never to complete a given game. Lots of instances of such tended to be done so by accident as well, so...


May 18, 2013
Never on a first playthrough. Other than that though . . . *evil grin*. My childhood was broken into a thousand pieces in less than 22 minutes about a year ago by speedrunning, but I love the idea and even though I don't speedrun seriously, I keep up with it and love to watch it. It's fun to see just try to see how much you can break Ocarina of Time with a few bombs and some bugs in a bottle. As Ocarina of Time is, from what I've seen, the most broken game that's ever been made, as well as the easiest game to break, this is relatively simple. And fun.

2-That's what makes it fun;)


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
No, I haven't, and I have no desire to. Besides, the only glitch I can actually pull off is the Infinite Sword Glitch, and with a sign ._.
May 14, 2011
I don't think I ever have used a glitch in Zelda to complete the game. Usually, I just use glitches to have a little fun. ^^


Jul 1, 2012
To be honest I'm not that aware of that many glitches within the series, I know of a few here and there but I mainly just try them out for casual reasons, most are small and insignificant, so they barley affect the progress in that specific game. Plus I hardly do speedruns, only occasionally will I attempt such runs, but for the most part I'd rather have the full experience. If I do attempt one though I won't use any glitches of any kind, just basic speed strategies.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Rarely do I exploit glitches in Zelda as they are not as "in your face" as other games. I admit to messing around in MM though. If I were to use a glitch, it'd be after a first run in order to have some fun. The only exception I can think of is AoL if you believe the corner stab to be a glitch. If not, then no, I never have and I never plan on beating a Zelda game first time around with a glitch.

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