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Do you think it would be fun to play a Zelda game where you can create your own character?

Do you think it would be fun to play a Zelda game where you can create your own character?

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Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
You need to increase the sensitivity on your personality detector. Links got one, its just not something he readily expresses. You have to be willing to get to know him.

I've been playing games, reading books, and watching movies for years. I'm confident in saying that Link has about as much personality as a soggy plank of wood. The occasional surprised Pikachu face or scowl doesn't change that.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
No. Even though many people argue that "Link is basically not a character anyway", but I disagree. Sure he's not the most developed character, but he is a character nonetheless. The Legend of Zelda has never been a "Nameless Hero RPG" and it shouldn't be one. I don't really get why so many seems to think that customisable characters are automatically better than set ones
Is he though? The whole point of link was to be you, its even in the name. Obviously back in the NES days, custom characters weren't a thing, but now, why not? He has been bland and pretty much emotionless (except tww) for the sole reason that YOU have to react to the things happening, not Link,
At this point, he only exists for tradition sake, which is something they have been trying to break with BOTW.
Honestly, if they break tradition enough to get rid of his tunic, the only thing that sets link apart from any other generic rpg anime hero, might aswell give me the option to make the me character actually look like me.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
The thing is, he was never meant to be "Link" to begin with. Thats just a name we use for him in Smash.
There are only 2 zelda games where you can not name link, and one of them is a multiplayer focused one. It was always meant to be "you"


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Ok, let me put it this way then. How much of a character is Mario? No one would ever dream of changing Mario, but he hasn't got that much more personality than Link. Sure, the games are more cartoonish, so they can put in a bit more comic relief stuff (like falling asleep when idle for too long and then mumbling things in his sleep for example), but other than that Link and Mario has got pretty much the same amount of personality to them.

I'd rather have them give Link more of a personality and make him a better character, than turning Zelda into a "Nameless Hero RPG".
I'd rather have them give Link more of a personality and make him a better character, than turning Zelda into a "Nameless Hero RPG".
Yeah, this I can agree with. Just a shame that Ninty's content to leave him in an awkward place between being a true avatar and an actual character. He has potential. But Nintendo doesn't like to capitalize on potential all that much.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Ok, let me put it this way then. How much of a character is Mario? No one would ever dream of changing Mario, but he hasn't got that much more personality than Link. Sure, the games are more cartoonish, so they can put in a bit more comic relief stuff (like falling asleep when idle for too long and then mumbling things in his sleep for example), but other than that Link and Mario has got pretty much the same amount of personality to them.

I'd rather have them give Link more of a personality and make him a better character, than turning Zelda into a "Nameless Hero RPG".
Mario is way more iconic, and a whole different genre too. You were never meant to be mario. Zelda is way more immersive. A better comparison would be like all the protoganists in dragon quest and other RPG's. Which are basically only still there because of tradition too.

But yeah, I'm fine with that too. Either go full on on you being link and make custom characters, or give link more personality. atleast something like Wind Waker, just a little more.
Nov 9, 2019
Not in a mainstream Zelda title, but maybe in some kind of spinoff like an MMO or something.

Being able to pick your species like a Hylian, Goron, Zora, Rito, Gerudo, etc would be pretty awesome, though I could see gameplay complications where their unique skills might be a little TOO diverse that it throws off the balance. It would probably have to be like a Hyrule Warriors style beat-em-up or a turn-based rpg or something where they can restrict what you can do.

I know one thing, I'd use it to create all my Heart of The Desert characters. That would be fun.

Edit: I wound up making them all using an avatar creator thanks to this. I put it over at the artwork section. XD
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Deleted member 91332

I always thought it would be awesome to have a game with a customizable character, just not have him be the hero. Think like someone trying to battle Ganon in Wind Wakers backstory, and failing to fix things but maybe doing just enough right to ensure the survival of people before the flood.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
No. Breaking tradition purely for the sake of breaking tradition is stupid. If you want a customizable character, play a game that either mechanically benefits from it or is largely online. Link is a character, like it or not. In some instances he’s a pretty good one too.

Link was never supposed to be an avatar. He’s not supposed to be us, rather we’re supposed to be him. Hes an easy to understand character, and that’s the point. Making him drastically different in any way defeats the purpose.

I am OK with having cosmetic costumes like in Mario odyssey though, as long as the green tunic is available from the (near) start and not some ugly blue T-Shirt.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
No. Breaking tradition purely for the sake of breaking tradition is stupid. If you want a customizable character, play a game that either mechanically benefits from it or is largely online. Link is a character, like it or not. In some instances he’s a pretty good one too.

Link was never supposed to be an avatar. He’s not supposed to be us, rather we’re supposed to be him. Hes an easy to understand character, and that’s the point. Making him drastically different in any way defeats the purpose.

I am OK with having cosmetic costumes like in Mario odyssey though, as long as the green tunic is available from the (near) start and not some ugly blue T-Shirt.

I dunno. If something has been part of a series long enough to be "tradition", then it should probably be changed or cut.

Link at this point is barely a character. The only reason he has a companion is so they can wipe the drool from his mouth as he vacantly stares at everyone he meets.

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