To be honest...if they did not let you name the bird, then we will see a change to the typical creature formula used by Nintendo. I am pretty sure that in every other game you get to name 'Epona' whatever you wish, with the exception of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask...unless of course my memory fails me. I like that you aren't stuck to keeping a set name for the creature as you are never really stuck with always naming Link by...well, Link. It would be nice if the bird had an official name that we could use when talking about it, but if 'Link's Loftbird' suffices then I guess things would work. Sticking to the sky theme of Skyward Sword, why not call it Redfeather, Windcatcher or something along those lines (with the exception of Wind Waker....the potential confusion would be a disaster...). However, anything is possible and they might pull the reworked creature name idea (as DinNayruFarore pointed out with Epona being derived from pony). I guess we can all make our speculations, but I strongly believe that if they do set a name, it will definitely be sky related.