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Do You Curse Often?


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
Not really, the worst I usually say are "darn" and "heck", although rarely when I get really angry I'll swear. I don't really like hearing other people swear, but I've had to get used to it.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
All the ****en time, for many ****en reasons. I curse when I'm mad, annoyed, excited, when I make an error, or just to increase emphasis on a statement.

Just like the song says, express yourself.
Aug 1, 2012
I have been told that I have the mouth of a sailor on a sinking ship on multiple occasions. Although I do refrain around work and those who it bothers extremely but I rarely censor myself completely. I've never seen a big problem with it since they are just words and their definitions and interpretations are different for everyone.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
I do.
I really do. Probably more than I should, I kinda just start slipping curse words into everyday conversation which is pretty bad, but sometimes I can't really help it. It just "fits," ya know? There's also the fact that they can be put any***ingwhere in a ****king sentence and it just works.
It's a lot more frequent when I'm mad or just
emotionally freaking out
I should probably work on doing that less :P

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