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Did You Set Your Expectations too High?

Did you set your expectations to high for Skyward Sword?

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New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
Did you set your expectations to high for Skyward Sword?

I think I TOTALLY set my expectations to high. I LOVE this game but I thought it was going to be the best game ever and there was a lot of things I thought would be there that wasn't. I love the game, but i would love it more if it didn't have a bunch of disapointments because my expectations were so high.

I wish I had set my expectations like i did for WW. I went in thinking that it was going to be an OK game with a bunch of flaws and a mediocre sound track.
BOY was i wrong!! Wind Waker blew my expectations out of the water. NO flaws in my opionion. BEst cinematics, graphics, dungeons, story, gameplay, overworld and MUSIC!! Than any other Zelda game in my opinion. Now if i had gone in thinking it would be this great, I probably wouldn't love it this much.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Well I was already happen it was finally released! All those months of speculating and guessing were over. I actually liked it but I like every Zelda game. What did I expect? I expected it to be a bit harder to be honest. Yes we have the Hero mode which is actually a bit tougher or supposed to be toughter for those among us who didn't find it hard. I also expected the overworld to be a bit different. I actually liked it and liked the way it loked and the sidequests and all but it is not my fav Zelda game ever

New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
Well I was already happen it was finally released! All those months of speculating and guessing were over. I actually liked it but I like every Zelda game. What did I expect? I expected it to be a bit harder to be honest. Yes we have the Hero mode which is actually a bit tougher or supposed to be toughter for those among us who didn't find it hard. I also expected the overworld to be a bit different. I actually liked it and liked the way it loked and the sidequests and all but it is not my fav Zelda game ever

I thought it would be harder to. I thought there would be more sidequests. Not just ones for gratitude crystals. I liked the way it looked ALOT too.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Nope. Skyward Sword turned out exactly how I envisioned it. There were some sections that made me roll my eyes (the Silent Realm on Skyloft even after Fi said Lanayru's was the last trial) but it did nothing to hurt my expectations. The story flowed very fluidly despite all the returns to my aerial home and the provinces surrounding it on the surface. My biggest complaint derives from Fi stopping me in midstep to summate what I already know. Otherwise I didn't and don't mind the extra tasks that go with it.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
From the hell all the way to the no. Skyward Sword delivered everything I thought it would to the letter (besides the plot). It could have been a bit better, but it didn't fall short of any of its promises nor any of my expectations. I love the game to death. It's pretty much as close to perfect as gaming can get.
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Sep 1, 2010
Absolutely not. If anything, I set them too low. I was expecting a solid Zelda adventure, with a good plot and gameplay similar to Wind Waker. I wasn't crazy on the graphics, but they look great in the final game. Everything gameplay-wise is near perfection, and the awesome music helps round out the package. It's not my favorite Zelda game, but it definitely earns its place in my top 5.
Oct 21, 2010
Another thing they could of expanded on was the knight school. If the world was so peaceful, why would they need it? you would think they would be content with just hiring a couple of people, teaching them how to use a sword, and letting them protect the people from a couple of monsters. Again, if there were more lands, there could of been a war, which would be really interesting thing to see.

The characters... Disappointed me. They were a little cheesy compared to MM, and the crystals were a little cheesy as well. And I do agree with the fact they needed more sidequests, and maybe a character plot that had more depth then high school drama.

New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
Exactly.I was told we were going to have great long sidequests maybe more than more Majora's Mask. I love Skyward Sword but this is something i set my expectations to high for. Instead we got one really long drawn out sidequest. They should have done what they did with characters in MM.

It baffles me how they can get something so right in one game, but wrong in a future game and gameS.


May 9, 2011
I loved the elements incorporated in the game and thoroughly enjoyed the fact that the plot of the game did not become tedious.

I did not set my expectations high nor did I want to, so I didn't feel left disappointed.

Overall this game was eerything I wanted to be however there are some elements that should of been included (personally). :)


The 8150th Link
Jul 26, 2010
Looking back on it, I don't think any game in the past, present, or near future could reach the expectations I had set for Skyward Sword, that being said it may be my favorite game of all time. I expected this game to feel like the Mass Effect 2 ending but all the time; I don't even know if it's possible to do that without the game getting stale.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Absolutely. I was anticipating this game at a very high level, with interesting descriptions and whatnot. Also, after hearing it called the "Best Zelda Game" and "Best Wii Game" by many critics, I set my expectations very high.

I was disappointed.

I felt the game had much more potential, be it side quests, plot, and elements like the overworld. The game just felt way too lackluster to me, I wanted much more out of it. I've played much better games, and I still don't get all of the praise, at least compared to my view of the game. I felt that it didn't really catch up to other console titles. This may be because of the motion controls (haters gonna hate). Motion controls make me feel like I'm playing with a toy, not playing a video game. I wish that there was an alternative.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Yep definitely. Skyward Sword really disappointed me due to poor design decisions that could have been fixed very easily. The most obvious problem was the bug/treasure notifications, but there were plenty of others such as slow text speed and the fact that Hero Mode is only playable as a second playthrough despite how Master Quest in OOT 3d is a second mode (meaning you have to play through the regular quest to get to hero mode instead of being able to choose to play it). Having no video game design knowledge whatsoever, I'm still confident that given two weeks and a team of programmers that I could have made Skyward Sword noticeably better than it is.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I feel like I did set my expectations a little high for what I ended up receiving. I portrayed an amazing game with a killer story and immersive, exciting motion controls. What I got was a pretty mediocre game, actually. I did enjoy Skyward Sword, and I felt like some of the puzzles were challenging enough and the gameplay was pretty cool, but it didn't feel like it expanded all the way to me. It's almost like there was so much more they could have done but didn't. I enjoy all the things they added in and how it was so story-driven, but Skyloft itself seemed like a half-baked cake to me. The whole game sort of seems that way. In part I think it's our own fault for always expecting something so spectacular. When we set our expectations so high we're almost always disappointed, but I still feel like Skyward Sword could have done better either way.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I feel like I did set my expectations a little high for what I ended up receiving. I portrayed an amazing game with a killer story and immersive, exciting motion controls. What I got was a pretty mediocre game, actually. I did enjoy Skyward Sword, and I felt like some of the puzzles were challenging enough and the gameplay was pretty cool, but it didn't feel like it expanded all the way to me. It's almost like there was so much more they could have done but didn't. I enjoy all the things they added in and how it was so story-driven, but Skyloft itself seemed like a half-baked cake to me. The whole game sort of seems that way. In part I think it's our own fault for always expecting something so spectacular. When we set our expectations so high we're almost always disappointed, but I still feel like Skyward Sword could have done better either way.

This is true in quite a few ways, although I can't say I agree wholeheartedly. There were so many great ideas offered in Skyward Sword, but a few of them were only used once or twice. I'm not surprised by this, what with it being a highly prototypical game (which is why I don't blame SS nor the developers for it), but there are some things that could easily have been done without receiving the feedback saying they should have been done. Thankfully, that's where I'm certain Zelda Wii U will shine. Everywhere SS didn't reach its full potential, Zelda Wii U should since the Zelda team now knows what to do with the new-found Zelda formula thanks to feedback from fans and critics alike.

Exactly.I was told we were going to have great long sidequests maybe more than more Majora's Mask.

Well, there were more sidequests than there was in MM, but I'm not sure where you heard they were going to be long. Nothing like that was ever said prior to release by developers.
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