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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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Staff member
I wish I'd noticed the game started.
we did ping you thrice here, and aLiT pinged most of us once in the ZD Mafia server so

just saying again but it's 48h day phases, so we have around 19h left
we have a hardclaim, one softclaim, and brief posts from everyone so far
wutchu got wutchu got gimme some juice I'm excited to play with ya again

Ok but that legit seems like a good strategy this early. Just randomly apply pressure to random ppl and maybe get lucky. Especially seeing how you came in late.
that's a bit innocent lol
I think I'm going to townread you

we don't know if he really came in late or if he was lurking in thread and decided to manifest himself as soon as he noticed the talk being vigishot for being a big question mark gaining some speed
the timing is kinda yeet


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Moe might have been joking but I feel like the Sega/Nintendo thing might be valid. It's also interesting to me that Ex claimed to have typed something "long" to try to stop Moe from shooting Rubik.
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