The only thing I want -- to know more about Rito (as they appeared to be entry point for me to try playing BoTW).
Rito, out of all bird-like designs that I've ever seen, appeared to be literally perfect for me. I see them -- and I see real birds, but intelligent.
They have nice anatomy:
Wings with non-zero surface area that makes them able to fly;
Their chests, where I see keel with pectoral muscles, necessary for flight (instead of typical human-like breasts);
Even their bird faces, but additionally emotional.
Their village is highly specific too:
Fenceless houses with randomly stacked planks under the floor are looking like nests;
Windvanes among the entire village (and large mighty ones around Tabantha Frontier), which purpose is to show direction and strength of wind (critical for flight);
"Starting points" for flight -- simply pathways to the abyss;
Even their angled ornaments, which represent real birds' fast and precise movements.
Thus, Rito have the most specific visual design, but have great lack of lore.
I already have a Switch and BoTW, so I'll buy sequel only to know more about Rito.
(Yes, I love birds. And even Revali -- my most beloved character ever -- have visual design that reminds me of my truly beloved azure-winged magpie, that no more lives with me. And his personality is literally mine (my special skill is electronics engineering), but I'm slightly more aware of my psychological issues).