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you lost me
if you think Hapi's votes are unfounded or mislead due to a lack of meta why do you think she's the most likely to be scum?
From my understanding it's just a case of the person she's seen as having been the least town indicative of a group of people she doesn't see as scummy. I don't think a'lana's suggested she feel's Neon's play is town indicative in her knowledge of the meta, simply that she sees it as not specifically scum-indicative, while she seems to imply that everyone else of the four people involved in cross-votes (myself and KoD, Seanzie and Neon) has been town-indicative on some level.
In voting me with absolutely zero context what have you even accomplished? I flip town and we learned nothing. I flip scum and we learned nothing. There's no engagement and no information to be gathered.
While I agree completely unexplained votes are not great I disagree with your flip not telling people anything. It's not like you haven't engaged with anyone so those interactions would become readable with the context of your alignment.
I do agree it doesn't say much about Seanzie though because without any explanation for the push you flipping just means we have to sit there using basically WIFOM to guess his intent.


Staff member
I don't think a'lana's suggested she feel's Neon's play is town indicative in her knowledge of the meta, simply that she sees it as not specifically scum-indicative, while she seems to imply that everyone else of the four people involved in cross-votes (myself and KoD, Seanzie and Neon) has been town-indicative on some level.
did I miss any posts? I'm going based on her last few ones

she literally said she thinks hapi is leaning scum
and she didn't say the cross votes were townie, she said they were neutral
did I miss any posts? I'm going based on her last few ones

she literally said she thinks hapi is leaning scum
and she didn't say the cross votes were townie, she said they were neutral
I don't see where she says Hapi is leaning scum? Just that she's the most likely scum of a group of four not actually scummy players. Which to me implies that the other three have presumably made themselves seem specifically townie to her where Abi hasn't.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
While I agree completely unexplained votes are not great I disagree with your flip not telling people anything. It's not like you haven't engaged with anyone so those interactions would become readable with the context of your alignment.
I do agree it doesn't say much about Seanzie though because without any explanation for the push you flipping just means we have to sit there using basically WIFOM to guess his intent.

Aside from my barely existent reads and my actually not liking Seanzie not giving me anything. There's not much to read unless you are going to read joke interactions and you can do that but I don't know what actual readable info you'd find there.

I agree with Hapi that "don't be defensive towards Fext at all" is a pretty poor take. Obviously since he's sick we should be somewhat easier on him but that is not equivalent to "you may not defend against his accusations".

We agree throw a party.


Like as long as you aren't using real life things as the basis of decisions or reads in game mafia is still mafia and will be played like mafia. But if the mafia wants to give up I'll take it.


Staff member
I disagree with your interpretation of her message, she clearly backflips into her read on KoD and drops a sudden "oh actually Hapi is the scummiest of the bunch" right after defending her by saying the other are voting her without considering meta


Staff member
if she really considered all cross voting players to be townie then how come she's throwing shade at half of them?
if she considered them townie why even waste time talking about them instead of potential scum that had interacted with them?


Jan 19, 2018
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I agree with Hapi that "don't be defensive towards Fext at all" is a pretty poor take. Obviously since he's sick we should be somewhat easier on him but that is not equivalent to "you may not defend against his accusations".
I disagree with your interpretation of her message, she clearly backflips into her read on KoD and drops a sudden "oh actually Hapi is the scummiest of the bunch" right after defending her by saying the other are voting her without considering meta
if she really considered all cross voting players to be townie then how come she's throwing shade at half of them?
if she considered them townie why even waste time talking about them instead of potential scum that had interacted with them?
She said accusations against Hapi without meta were unfounded, a statement she reiterated when she stated Hapi was the most likely to be scum out of the for cross-voters.
And she didn't call KoD scum, just less townie than me beteween our crossvote. She made it clear she wouldn't be happy with either lynch.
Mostly to me it just looks like she noticed there was a bunch of crossvoting happening and decided to analyze to see if she thought there was anything scum indicative in any of it. And since that's what she was looking for she wanted to decide who the most scummy of them and that was Abi due to everyone else just seeming more townie to her.
Aside from my barely existent reads and my actually not liking Seanzie not giving me anything. There's not much to read unless you are going to read joke interactions and you can do that but I don't know what actual readable info you'd find there.
Sure, you might've been joking during much of your earlier interactions, but that doesn't mean the people responding to you have been 100% of the time-- I'd say that constitutes readable content. Maybe not a whole ton, but I'd put it as more than none.

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