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Majora's Mask Can ANYONE Describe the Weird Feeling of Majoras Mask?


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Only one word comes into my head when I play that game: Fright.

The game, as stated by many users above me, has many factors that contribute it to being dark. Each factor has it's way of showing a sign of peace or a sign of evil. The game tore my safe zone apart, and put me into a predicament that was unique, Everything will either end, or everything will live as to what I do to the world of Termina.


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
It really wasn't really dark or frightening to me until I played Ocarina of Time soon after.
It must be the contrast between the two that magnify its darkness.


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I played the gam at a particularly young age, and I didn't really understand what was going on. It wasn't until leter on in my life that I fully "got" the concept.

There is an evil being living inside of a mask, which is living inside of a person, and that evil being is attempting to conquer all of Termina.
-If you run to the Swamp, you may get out alive, but the water is tainted and poisonous, as is all of the swamp, so you would not be able to survive because of lack of food and or water.
-You would not be able to flee to the Snowpeak mountain, because it's so dang cold! Also, there is a blizzard going on there, so you would be lost in a matter of hours at most.
-Running to the sea would be the most probable idea in my opinion, because it at least has food. But, due to the fact that it's the ocean, there would be a huge lack of water.If you attempted to flee via boat, you would simply get lost because of all the fog that Majora has put there. And, as if to add to that, there are Gerudo Pirates patrolling the area.
-Last but not least, Ikana Canyon. This would be my personal last choice. Let's face it. Ikana was by far, the spookiest place in the whole game. It's haunted by the dead for pete's sake! Although not so menacing at first glance, once you enter Ikana, you ain't never gettin' out.

All in all, I do think it's a pretty spooky game. The moon is about to crash to earth, and there is nowhere to go but death.


I can't describe it, but you feel some kind of wierd feelings, I feel like the plot of the history drains me.


Storming Twilight
Dec 8, 2009
Twilight World
I don't know how to describe that... Even after reading the story about BEN's haunted cartridge. It was not real, but it gave the creepier feeling to the game. I remember when I was young I couldn't play it alone, I always had my brother play it with me or staying at my side. Sometimes my parents and my brother had to leave me home alone. And it was a pain for me... I played the game, and my hands started to sweat, I had headaches, my breath faded away many times. I don't remember exactly how it was, but it was horrible. I felt like I was being observed, I were always scared, and I always called my parents to come home soon. I kept all of the lights of the house lit, I sometimes heard some music to calm down... On the street I lived, the blackouts were common. When it happened, I cried, I only could stay at the couch.
I've had my whole childhood haunted by it. At least a part of it. I shed many tears because of that game, I kept my friends away because of it, I couldn't have a good sleep at night... How come did I love this game now?
I survived all those experiences, and that was past. It isn't eerie, creepy, as it had been for me when I was little. I came to love it, and I wonder how...


The Meat Shield
Mar 9, 2010
What is this place?!?!?
I don't find it scary or creepy. What I do find is that there is that feeling of being rushed because you have to get things done within a certain time period. I don't know if I like the feeling, but there is not enough of a guiding force sometimes in order for you to have a strong feeling of where to go.


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
I've always felt that the game itself was, in form of analogy, its own mask. The unsettling feeling has, for me, always come from gradually removing the mask throughout the course of the game. It's the way the game presents itself, then after playing it, it' revealed to be not quite what it seems.

Look around, and you see the bright color scheme that permeates so much of the game. Your first glimpses of the world as you emerge from the clock tower reflect this too. It looks like a happy, bustling town. The music also seems upbeat. But this is only a mask.

Underneath, you find that the world is not what it appears. Many people in the game express regret or sorrow over the events in the game, namely the moon falling. Everything seems to be in disarray. You begin to realize that the world of Termina is not full of life, as you might have thought, but instead dying.

Even the way the time limit is introduced seems innocent enough at first. The mask salesman tells you that you must retrieve his mask in three days, before he leaves town. This is before you've even entered Clock Town for the first time. Once you leave the clock tower though, you quickly see the reason he, and almost everyone else in town, is leaving.

Even the undead can dance for you in this game. The undead who are supposedly full of regret, which keeps them bound to Termina. It's strange and unsettling because it doesn't quite add up. The mask causing all this, Majora's Mask, is brightly colored. Perhaps it's a bit like how some animals have bright colors to warn other animals not to eat them, because they are poisonous.

These kinds of details give that weird feeling to me. Darkness disguised, even if easily seen through, is always more unsettling to me than unconcealed darkness.


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
I just beat the Stone Tower Temple last night playing through Majora's Mask for the first time, and I've definitely had an eerie and almost uneasy feel the entire game. I've played all of the other Zelda console games before and none of them give me the dark and sinister feeling that Majora's Mask does. I think the main thing for me that contributes to the eerie-ness is the unavoidable moon constantly hovering above you. The timer definitely contributes to the uneasiness. All-in-all, though, I've loved every minute of the adventure. :D


Hi Fwiends!
Feb 19, 2011
Gabesawakening's house in Castle Town.
It tottaly does have a weird feeling..
The weirdest feeling I got while playing the game was when I was in the hotel in the town and I was just wondering around until I bumped into a room.
I bet you can't gess what happened next!.........................A hand popped out of the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEIRD !!


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
To some up the feel I would use words like; dark,evil,eerie,and difficult. It is one of my favorite games and is an absolute masterpiece.
Feb 1, 2011
It seems when the whole world is about to end, it is going to have a darker feeling.

The game is also scary because mostly everyone is afraid of the moon.

So now you might not feel as comfortable, as in OoT when everyone in the town (past) was really happy and having a good time, because the majority of people are scared.

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