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Game Thread C H A O S M A F I A I I

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Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
No no, you misundewstood me. Undewstandabwe, I've been focusing mowe on making suwe I fuwfiww my stupid posting westwiction than I have been owganising my foughts cohewentwy. I meant it mowe as cwaims don't mean anyfing in dis game, since most of dem awe made up and it's no weveaw, so simpwy discussing wowes and such wouwd be a waste of time. I suggested wandom wynching because, even tho nothing is weveawed aftew death, peopwe's voting pattewns and how dey weact to votes, not only theiw own, but othews as well, awe whewe we awe going to get aww the infowmation in dis game. I don't nowmally suggest wandom wynching that eawwy on, it's diffewent dis time because wowes give us no infowmation, so all ouw info wiww come fwom how peopwe vote. Does that make sense? Sowwy if it doesn't, it's hawd to make sense with dis westwiction.

I disagwee. I expwained above how votes awe ouw best fowm of info in dis game. Say we stawt wandom wynching a mafia membew, no weveaw games awe mowe dangewous fow dem than they awe fow town, so they'd be twying to pwevent that wynch fwom occuwwing. Meanwhiwe, if a townie was getting votes, nobody wouwd wush to theiw defense weawwy. That's why I made the suggestion eawwy, so we couwd stawt voting befowe peopwe weawwy get into it, if dat makes sense.

Dude, do you weawwy fink I'd be posting dis way if I didn't have to? And joke ow not, dat post was suspicious to me. If she had just said "haha give me immunity" ow somefing like dat, I wouwd wook past it, it's the bwacketed pawt that weawwy caught my eye.

Obviouswy, it was a joke. Nobody wouwd say somefing like dis sewiouswy in mafia unwess they awe vewy bad at the game. So the bwacketed pawt is unnecesawy, and I immediatewy wead it as sounding despewate. Maybe it's because she's new, but dis was a post dat caught my eye, and it wooks scummy to me. Posts like dis awe unnecesawy.

No, it weawwy wouwdn't. I'm against no wynches in genewal, because they benefit scum mowe than they benefit town. In a no weveaw game, whewe votes awe ouw best fowm of infowmation, no wynching is an even wowse idea. Nowmally, ouw info comes fwom wowe alignments, but we don't have dat anymowe. What's the diffewence between wynching someone day 1 and wynching someone day 2 when we get no info eithew way? Since we don't know any of the wowes in dis game, and that dis is a bastawd game, we shouwdn't be wasting days by wynching nobody. Plus, no wynches awe a vewy easy way fow scum to pwevent demselves fwom getting kiwwed duwing the day, and the fact that you suggested it aftew I decwawed suspicion on Miss Cucco makes me suspicious of both of you. But I'm gonna vote fow hew.

Vote: Miss Cucco

IGMEOY: funnier6

This is the single most annoying post I have ever read, you should be ashamed of yourself and your family

Vote: Mezlo


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I was asking Mido lol but I would be glad if everyone answered. And you voted Mezlo not bok.

I would rather lynch someone, yes; if only because despite the no-reveal setup much like the previous Chaos Mafia, the lynch is the primary weapon we have to fight off scum. Say, we don't lynch someone, we either have a situation that gives the mafia a free nightkill, or one in which the mafia holsters/is blocked, where we have a repeat of Day 1 which does no one good. I don't think that no lynch is inherently a bad idea, but in this case, we're best suited to using our votes to scumhunt.

Obviouswy, it was a joke. Nobody wouwd say somefing like dis sewiouswy in mafia unwess they awe vewy bad at the game. So the bwacketed pawt is unnecesawy, and I immediatewy wead it as sounding despewate. Maybe it's because she's new, but dis was a post dat caught my eye, and it wooks scummy to me. Posts like dis awe unnecesawy.

I think it's tough to wager intent in these cases, although I do agree that she was likely joking. Strangely, I've found at least on this site, the mafia tend to be more complacent with their deaths, and somewhat understandably so as their reaction may be taken as desperation and potentially more likely to be lynched. This being noted, I did get a slight scum lean on this, but it really isn't a true alignment indicator given the circumstances. Especially since she wasn't in danger of being lynched at the time as far as vote count goes.

Obviously many other people have taken note of this vote, but it came out of nowhere with no explanation and seems awfully opportunistic. This just increases my suspicion.

This I agree with as I've hinted at previously in the other post of mine.

All right, in this corner we have those who want to lynch cucco, and in this corner those who wanna lynch mezlo.

Me, I think they're probably both town and we should no lynch today. PEOPLE TAKE YOUR SIDE PLZ.

What leads you to believe they are both town?

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I don't like the idea of day 1 lynch, I don't trust us or the numbers to get a scum day 1. However, I have my eye on Cucco. Still rather prefer no lynch day 1


Jun 7, 2017
the present
What leads you to believe they are both town?

Cucco I think has just been well, trying to have fun and get in the game, she does make me a little suspicious but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Mezlo I absolutely hate his baby talk thing but simultaneously I feel like only town would go through all that effort. I know it's a gut read but that's my read.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Cucco I think has just been well, trying to have fun and get in the game, she does make me a little suspicious but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Mezlo I absolutely hate his baby talk thing but simultaneously I feel like only town would go through all that effort. I know it's a gut read but that's my read.

Fair reads this early out, and I agree on the Mezlo read. I should mention though that his baby talk thing seems to be a role condition, which means it's beyond his choice to do that (which I think he noted previously). The real question here is how alignment-indicative the post restriction is? No matter the case, his read of Miss Cucco appears organic at face value.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Fair reads this early out, and I agree on the Mezlo read. I should mention though that his baby talk thing seems to be a role condition, which means it's beyond his choice to do that (which I think he noted previously). The real question here is how alignment-indicative the post restriction is? No matter the case, his read of Miss Cucco appears organic at face value.

Oh I've never heard of that being a role condition before, must suck.

Deleted member 14134

Ya it looks like all or most l's and r's have to replaced with w. I don't think Mellows post restriction is enough of a reason to vote for him other than to end his suffering.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Wait a minute, this is a Princess Bride mafia, so who speaks like the way Bok does?

Deleted member 14134

I'm starting to think Ken has to intentionally mix people up. It's the second time he's said my name instead of mellows

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
No, I legitimately mix yoi two up all the time, I'm just gonna call Mez Tristan for the remainder of the game.
I thought everybody had that thought already and we just weren't supposed to talk about it.

I didn't see anything saying we can't acknowledge it
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