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Bosses Gigantic or Man-sized??

Jan 22, 2011
I like the bosses to be HUGE.. but they could throw in some mini-bosses link sized. for a change of pace and challenge..


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
I would love to see link-sized bosses. Or maybe even take a page from MM and have a huge, but humanoid, boss, and Link has to somehow become a giant in order to fight him (or her). I personally think it would be awesome for there to be a boss where you actually don't have to use the dungeon item. Or in the game, you have to use a bunch of different items, and the actual item you get in the dungeon isn't as important as it's been in the past.


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
Im usually impressed by the bosses in zelda games with the exception of TP because they were way too easy and predictable (Even though I love that game to death)...but with the Motion Plus I think it will add a new challenge to the series with the bosses. The Scorpion boss looks like a mid-difficulty boss, so I hope they put in some challenging ones that will kick my *** like many of the bosses did in ALttP when I played through it for the first time

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
The bosses don't nessesarially have to be skyscraper sized to be challenging. Although big monsters are more threatening Ganondorf is man-sized and he's the final boss. I'd expect most bosses to be big monsters but someone Link's size once in a while could make the boss battles new and less predictable.
Jan 11, 2011
I'd like to see both, but raise the difficulty. Just because the boss is bigger doesn't mean it's more powerful, which we saw in TP. I'd love to see more bosses that you have to use more items than just the dungeon item. I'd also like to see man size bosses that are trickier, faster, and a little more powerful. I'd like to walk into a boss room seeing a normal size boss, and be totally surprised at how powerful it is.
May 25, 2008
In my house
There's always one dislike I've had for gigantic bosses: that they're gigantic. While they are pretty cool to fight and usual look pretty cool too, they're usually more of the....easier bosses to defeat, such as Fyrus, or Armogohma. That's really what I've found throughout the years, and why I've come to dislike, except for appearance.

Smaller, more humanoid bosses on the other hand, are almost always great battles. They challenge you, they make you really think about what to do and how to beat this guy, and it's almost like fighting a replica of yourself, and you have to combat all the moves you would make like in a real sword fight. Such battles like Dark Link, and the Darknut battle from the Temple of Time in Twilight Princess, those were real fights, and the ones I want to see more often.
Nov 30, 2010
Seattle Washington
it seems like most mini-bosses are humanoid (darknuts, gerudos, etc) i think they save the normal sized bosses as the halfway point, then try to totally freak out you out with the final boss of the dungeon.

I want the bosses to ALL be as hard as GYORG. from majoras mask. holy crap. that owuld be great.


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
There could be the possibility that large bosses could be pretty hard. Looking back at Ocarina of Time, the first time I played through it, I struggled against some of the larger bosses such as Bongo Bongo, and Volvagia, but I struggled more against the smaller bosses such as Dark Link, Barinade, and Morpha....so the its possible to incerease the difficulty for bigger bosses as in TP they were way too easy and predictable. All the bosses hardly took off off two hearts....I think TP would be the easiest to do a 3 heart challenge in.


The size of the boss shows a specific level of difficulty and specify the enemy from regular enemies.


*Insert title here*
Feb 9, 2011
Midwestern US
I personally prefer the larger bosses due to how intimidating they can be. However, as much as I liked TP and the boss designs in the game, they were a bit too predictable. It would be nice if the fights were longer. You'd think a giant monster like Morpheel would take more than three hits.

Some more smaller bosses and/or mini-bosses would be great, though. As someone else said earlier, Skyward Sword is more focused on swordplay and so we'll probably see more of these types of bosses.

What I would like would be that most sword fighting is used for these smaller enemies (things like the Darknuts in TP would be awesome) while the larger bosses can't really be hurt with a sword. That way, you'd have to make use of other items in your inventory. I think they took a step in the right direction with Blizzeta, but it would be great if we could use more than just the dungeon item or maybe even we'd have to use another item along with dungeon item. That could make things more interesting, I think.

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