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Game Thread Bloodborne Mafia: A Paleblood Hunt

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The game is on!
This also seems odd to me. This was the first vote on ALIT. The call for action, as well as the lack of explanation with the post feels like it could be scum trying to start a lynch on someone. Especially after he had been a bit passive before this.

My vote for ALIT did not lack explanation. I had given my reason for suspecting him as early as day 1 and also once again on day 2 before I voted, if I'm not mistaken. I tend to be a very cautious player, so you're right about that. And I'm especially cautious early in the games when there's next to nothing to go on. Everything I've done this game has been explained and I'd say I've shown a natural progression of going from being rather passive to being more active and taking necessary initiative. This is usually how I progress through most games that I'm in. Also, I had been suspicious of ALIT since before any night actions had been performed in this game. I had expressed those suspicions early and they were genuine.

This post is a little more aggressive in scum hunting than his others, and does feel kinda townie at first. However, it could be a really smart move to gain town cred by throwing suspicion on some scum buddies. He would know that he could use the no-lynch as an excuse not to vote, so he could cast doubt on anyone without really any consequences.

If I was Mafia and if I was as close to winning as the Mafia is now, I would never cast suspicion on one of my fellow Mafia members. As I explained earlier, as we get further into the game it becomes easier for me to form concrete options and convey my thoughts.

Dividing the living players into groups of who I suspect the most and who I suspect the least would look something like this from my perspective:

Leaning Town: Minish_Link, DekuNut, Kristofer Cain

Leaning scum: karu

Very wary of: Libk, Jamie, Tristan

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Basically nothing happened, I can't really make a cool scene for this.

Day 3 Begins!
Day 3 will end on Sunday, February 19th, 2017, at 6:00 PM, EST.

The Living Hunters: 8
Kristofer Cain

The Slaughtered Prey: 4
LittleGumball - Valtr, Master of the League - Town One-Shot Vigilante
Kaio-Kenshin - Eileen the Crow - Town One-Shot Cop
A Link In Time - Arianna, Woman of the Night - Town Doctor
Prophecies About Bok Choy - Retired Hunter Djura - Town Odd-Night Watcher


Hey guys, I'm going through that self hatred self depression what the heck phase rn, so I'm probably not even going to try in this game for now
I'm sorry Johnny, you mentioned before that there was no replacement list whatsoever and if I leave now you'll kill me, doesn't matter since I'm the number 1 suspect either way
Hope we won and mafia loses bye


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Hey guys, I'm going through that self hatred self depression what the heck phase rn, so I'm probably not even going to try in this game for now
I'm sorry Johnny, you mentioned before that there was no replacement list whatsoever and if I leave now you'll kill me, doesn't matter since I'm the number 1 suspect either way
Hope we won and mafia loses bye
Karu this is literally a game breaking post I hope you realize.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
In the early stages of the day, one figure came out who shouldn't have. She definitely was lost, drunk with madness and blood. She giggled as one of the large multi-armed monsters reached and grabbed her. As it dragged her into a portal, he laughs echoed, but nobody was around to hear.

karu was Adella, Nun of the Healing Church, a Vanilla Townie.

Minish_Link snuck through the shadows, silently, stalking his prey. He aimed a shot at the crow feathered figure, but he as he loosed the arrow the figure disappeared. Minsh_Link rapidly glanced side to side, looking for the person. Suddenly, a striking pain erupted in his chest as the bloodied blade of the man stabbed from behind him. In one fluid motion, Minish_Link was evicerated by the man.

Minish_Link was Simon the Harrowed, a Vanilla Townie.

With their power at full, Micolash, Host of the Nightmare, Iosefka, and The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst strolled through town, unafraid. Nobody could oppose them now. Climbing atop the towers of Yharnam DekuNut, Jamie, and Pendio looked down on the town. The Nightmare was truly beginning now, and it would never end. The Paleblood would bend to their will.

...And that's the game guys. Sorry it kinda ended so abruptly. Unfortunately because of karu's statement I had to modkill her which in turn lead to the end of the game. Sorry to have an ending like this. I hope you all liked this game though! More game info below.

Matrix14, setup #9 (modified with one less Vanilla Townie).

Prophecies About Bok Choy - Retired Hunter Djura - Town Odd-Night Watcher
A Link In Time - Arianna, Woman of the Night - Town Doctor
Kaio-Kenshin - Eileen the Crow - Town One-Shot Cop
LittleGumball - Valtr, Master of the League - Town One-Shot Vigilante
Libk - The Plain Doll - Vanilla Townie
Kristofer Cain - Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods - Vanilla Townie
Minish_Link - Simon the Harrowed - Vanilla Townie
Karu - Adella, Nun of the Healing Church - Vanilla Townie
Tristan - Old Hunter Yamamura - Vanilla Townie

DekuNut - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare - Mafia Jack of all Trades
Pendio - The Blood Crow of Cainhurst - Mafia Rolecop
Jamie - Iosefka - Mafia Goon

Night 1
Prophecies About Bok Choy watches A Link In Time
A Link In Time protects Jamie
DekuNut kills Kaio-Kenshin
Pendio investigates Prophecies About Bok Choy

Night 2
DekuNut strongman kills Prophecies About Bok Choy

Night 3
karu is modkilled
Pendio kills Minish_Link
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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Sucks the game had to end this way. Thanks for running this game Johnny - it was a pretty damn great game if I do say so myself.
Anime Girls, Night Hut, Bloodborne... Pendio, bro, I'm starting to figure out how you felt back in the day.
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Deleted member 14134

Deku has been scum all three games I've played. I'm voting him day one next game mod or not.

Deleted member 14134

It was my first time with a power roll and I kind of messed it up. I didn't watch kenshin the first night because I didn't even realize he was in the game since I looked at post count and not the actual player list. I also sent in my night action very early into the night, I should of taken more time to look everything over. I guess I learn from that and move on. As to why I voted Karu the night before my death was because I wasn't convinced that ALIT was scum and I wanted to create a tie to try to make more discussion. I had a hunch Jamie was scum but no one else seemed to want to go after him. I felt like I had good hunches, I just need to get better at articulating arguments. They sound really strong in my head until I go to write them down. Then I have trouble wording them and they end up feeling weaker than I wanted but I have this problem with writing in general. All three mafia were experienced and therefore harder to kill, just like bloodborne, way to keep with the theme there RNG or whatever people use to determine who's what.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Bok, as a suggestion, I feel like getting a target in early is good, in case you get busy later in the night period and can't put one in. But I also know that most mods allow you to change your target up until the deadline, so be sure to make use of that fact.
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