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Best Supporting Villain

Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Oh yeah...does he count as a villain?

I count him as a villain... for the beginning. I would actually label him as a great hero. So, sort of.
Along the same lines, the Happy Mask Salesman. I count him as a villain because he creeps me out, and his actions are antagonistic.

Ghirahim. Who is FABULOUS. He's on my list. But my favorite supporting villain... actually, I tend to like the big baddies. Hmr... *scrolls through games in her mind* OH! the Helmaroc King was cool! I found his battle to be fun, and he had an excellent buildup. Also, the design rocked, and if you didn't know better the first twenty minutes of the game have you thinking he's the main villain.

Thinking on it, King Bublo was actually my favorite. I hated his first few battles, and he seems evil. He captures Colin, an innocent child, because he was there. He refuses to give up and pops up at the randomest moments, often the crucial ones. He disappears for so long in the game that you almost forget him. But his final moments really got to me.
After so long of his minions attacking you and face-to-face confrontation, you do it one last time in the castle. You fight him one more time, and finally he shouts "Enough!"
HE TALKS. But what really makes me say that he's the best is his last statement in the game.

"I follow the strongest side!... That is all I have ever known."

He vocally acknowledges that his race is not an intelligent one, and that that's all right. In a single statement and the small action of giving you the key, he says that he's on your side now. He says that he believes that you are stronger than Ganondorf.

And frankly, that's all the encouragement I need to finish the darn dungeon.

Azure Sage

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For me, this is a toss-up between Byrne and Ghirahim.

Byrne started out as a villain working with Chancellor Cole to rob Zelda of her body and revive Malladus. His true identity as a Lokomo and Anjean's former apprentice was a great twist, and the boss battle against him in the Tower of Spirits was a lot of fun. Once Malladus was revived, he knelt before him asking for power... And instead received a fierce wound because he was a servant of the Spirits. While resting in the cabin of Link's train, he seemed to go through a change of heart, probably because of his crushed dreams. His last effort to help Zelda regain her body during the final battle was touching, as was the scene where he was essentially killed by Malladus afterwards.

All in all, Byrne is a very dynamic character with great development. He was a cool character to the end. He's definitely one of the best supporting villains.

Ghirahim started out as an enigmatic villain who seemed to have much more power than he first showed. In the Fire Temple, he reveals that he is working to free his imprisoned master, and while I was a little disappointed that he wasn't the main villain, I was at least glad that they revealed this early on, thus avoiding ruining his character for me. Over the course of the game, you encounter Ghirahim quite often, making him very involved. He also had that arrogant attitude we all know and love in Zelda villains. The boss battles against him were neat, too. They got progressively more challenging, and the final battle against him was very satisfying.

All in all, Ghirahim is a really cool villain. His attitude and his mannerisms, as well as how... erm, flamboyant he was, really made me like him. I also loved how involved he was with the story. All of this makes him a great contender for best supporting villain.

I can't seem to decide between Byrne and Ghirahim. I like both of them a lot. Each of them has their strong points and weak points. I think that out of all the supporting villains in the series, these two are very near to the top, if not already at the top.

Azure Sage

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The fights were awesome, but a young Ganondorf or . . . anything really would have been better in the characters place.
I assume you're referring to Ghirahim, right? I don't think a young Ganondorf would have worked well in place of him. After all, Skyward Sword had Demise, who was meant to explain the origins of Ganondorf (which was that Ganondorf is the reincarnation of Demise's hatred toward the Gods), so including the person whose existence is explained by the main villain wouldn't make any sense, even by Nintendo's standards.

I think Ghirahim fulfilled his role quite well. I can understand if you don't like him (some characters aren't for everybody, after all), but I think he was fine just the way he is. [noparse]:)[/noparse]


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Oh Really?

Justify this claim. Ghirahim pranced around like a ballerina while making sounds that resemble a squealing fangirl. He is a downright disgrace. Long live the King of Evil. Replacing Ghirahim with Ganondorf would necessitate some story changes, but I would've made Ganondorf his apprentice. This would place the game just a few decades before Ocarina of Time and the Unification War. That would be a real prequel.

Azure Sage

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Justify this claim. Ghirahim pranced around like a ballerina while making sounds that resemble a squealing fangirl. He is a downright disgrace. Long live the King of Evil. Replacing Ghirahim with Ganondorf would necessitate some story changes, but I would've made Ganondorf his apprentice. This would place the game just a few decades before Ocarina of Time and the Unification War. That would be a real prequel.

It's part of Ghirahim's character. He's arrogant and conceited. As shown by his actions in the Fire Sanctuary, he's pretty much obsessed with himself. That's how I justify it. Calling him a disgrace is a bit much if you ask me. If you simply hate his personality, then that's fine. It doesn't make him any less better of a supporting villain, however. You can't deny his heavy involvement in the story and how he fulfilled his role as a supporting villain just because you hate him as a character, however understandable that hate may be. You may not like Ghirahim, but that doesn't make him a bad villain. It just makes him a villain you hate.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Well. . .

It's pretty hard to hate something that you consider good. I want Ganondorf. We've had 16 games and he's only been in three. That is the true disgrace.

Azure Sage

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It's pretty hard to hate something that you consider good. I want Ganondorf. We've had 16 games and he's only been in three. That is the true disgrace.

Actually, I think Ganondorf was in at least 6 games. I don't know about the Oracle games or the Four Swords games because I've never played them, but I just counted,and it's at least six. Anyway, that's off-topic, so let's end the talk about this here. the purpose of this thread is to discuss supporting villains, and Ganondorf is a main villain. Let's not stray too far off-topic. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Dec 3, 2008
I thought that Zant was a fantastic villain in Twilight Princess up to the point where he took off his mask, went insane, and Ganondorf was revealed. Early to mid game he was a very threatening and distant opponent who had very cool design and actually fairly interesting interaction with Link. His back-story was also fairly interesting, though I believe that it could have been dug into a bit deeper. Scenes that show is brilliance that come to mind are the flashback scene where Hyrule Castle is taken over and the bit just after Lakebed Temple.

Unfortunately, Zant was kind of ruined for me once you actually got to fight him in the Temple of Twilight. His boss fight and final scene was an absolute joke and really did him no justice at all. I was even more disappointed when it was soon revealed that Ganondorf was the actually the primary villain and Zant was simply a puppet. Even though Zant was kind of ruined for me, he is still my favorite supporting villain in a Zelda game. I would love to see a character similar to him appear in the future.


Cucco Butt
Jun 5, 2012
Justify this claim. Ghirahim pranced around like a ballerina while making sounds that resemble a squealing fangirl. He is a downright disgrace. Long live the King of Evil. Replacing Ghirahim with Ganondorf would necessitate some story changes, but I would've made Ganondorf his apprentice. This would place the game just a few decades before Ocarina of Time and the Unification War. That would be a real prequel.

Hey, Ghirahim is much better than that! And Skyward Sword wouldn't be any better without him.

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