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The Legend of Zelda Beating Zelda Without Any Help or Guide.

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
I beat the original LoZ without a guide (first quest only). I had to use a guide a few times for the second quest.

I also beat AoL without a guide.

All the other games I've used a guide, mainly for sidequests. It's virtually impossible to 100% a game without using a guide once, especially something sidequest heavy like Majora's Mask.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I actually found this site because I needed help in the last section of the Tower of Spirits in Spirit Tracks.

By and large, Zelda games can be beaten without a strategy guide. I tend to bulldoze my way through the games without any help if at all necessary.

Sometimes, though, I just need a slight nudge in the right direction. In MM, it didn't occur to me to use the Song of Storms on the Poe in the well, and I needed a guide to tell me that. In SS, the last Imprisoned battle was really pissing me off because I just couldn't get on top of it while it was flying towards the temple, and I needed to look it up in a walkthrough to make sure I was doing it right; I was, just my aim was off. And in ST, the puzzle that got me confused was the one where you had to warp a Phantom over the sand pit using a phantom eyeball; it never occurred to me to stun it instead of killing it, blow it over the sandpit inch by inch, and THEN warp over. That particular one's burned into my memory; I was stuck there for 3 FREAKING HOURS!!!


Game Maven
Jan 30, 2013
Allentown Pa
I actually found this site because I needed help in the last section of the Tower of Spirits in Spirit Tracks.

By and large, Zelda games can be beaten without a strategy guide. I tend to bulldoze my way through the games without any help if at all necessary.

Sometimes, though, I just need a slight nudge in the right direction. In MM, it didn't occur to me to use the Song of Storms on the Poe in the well, and I needed a guide to tell me that. In SS, the last Imprisoned battle was really pissing me off because I just couldn't get on top of it while it was flying towards the temple, and I needed to look it up in a walkthrough to make sure I was doing it right; I was, just my aim was off. And in ST, the puzzle that got me confused was the one where you had to warp a Phantom over the sand pit using a phantom eyeball; it never occurred to me to stun it instead of killing it, blow it over the sandpit inch by inch, and THEN warp over. That particular one's burned into my memory; I was stuck there for 3 FREAKING HOURS!!!

I agree. I also found this site very helpful for the last dungeon in Spirit Tracks. I was also stuck in the same place like yourself :lol:
Feb 23, 2011
I've beaten (in order of completion) ALttP, MM (I always seem to forget that I played it before OoT), OoT, WW, LA, FS/A, TP, and SS; never used a guide to complete either of them. I guess it all depends one's skill level and patience. I personally have never needed a guide, as they are useless to me. Though, I wouldn't write off using one for the sake of "one-hundred percenting" the games.

My advice to you is to get used to the puzzles, as those seem to be wherein your problem lies. Once you have gotten those down pat, all else becomes significantly easier... with patience. Also do not be ashamed to use a guide if necessary or if you're working toward 100% completion... :J


Game Maven
Jan 30, 2013
Allentown Pa
I've beaten (in order of completion) ALttP, MM (I always seem to forget that I played it before OoT), OoT, WW, LA, FS/A, TP, and SS; never used a guide to complete either of them. I guess it all depends one's skill level and patience. I personally have never needed a guide, as they are useless to me. Though, I wouldn't write off using one for the sake of "one-hundred percenting" the games.

My advice to you is to get used to the puzzles, as those seem to be wherein your problem lies. Once you have gotten those down pat, all else becomes significantly easier... with patience. Also do not be ashamed to use a guide if necessary or if you're working toward 100% completion... :J

Thanks. I'm getting better at these puzzles for sure :D

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
Well most of the Zelda games I have played I played when I was young. So the only ones I haven't used guides for are Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword (the easiest home console Zelda game in my eyes), Phantom Hourglass and Link's Awakening. However difficulty is subjective, one man's challenge is anothers walk in the park. You find Twilight Princess hard while I find it easy, and likewise there may be a game that you found easy that I find really hard.

Well most of the Zelda games I have played I played when I was young. So the only ones I haven't used guides for are Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword (the easiest home console Zelda game in my eyes), Phantom Hourglass and Link's Awakening. However difficulty is subjective, one man's challenge is anothers walk in the park. You find Twilight Princess hard while I find it easy, and likewise there may be a game that you found easy that I find really hard.

I think you're right about different people finding different games challenging. I didn't find Twilight Princess all that easy the first time I played it and had to use a walkthrough several times. I'd hate it when people would say how laughably easy it was because it would just make me feel even more stupid and I'd wonder if there was anything wrong with me.

I then came to realize that part of my difficulty was that I came into the game relatively new to the Zelda series. Prior to that I attempted the original LoZ and AoL as a young child when my older sister introduced me to it and never got very far. Twilight Princess was the first 3D Zelda game I played and I knew nothing of Ocarina of Time, which many say the game resembles in some ways. It was also my first game on the Wii so there were the controls themselves to get used to as well.

I played Ocarina of Time after Twilight Princess and even though most would say it's more difficult than Twilight Princess, I found it easier just because I had more experience.

With each successive Zelda game, I started to see more patterns in the ways puzzles were constructed, in the ways enemies presented themselves, etc. So I needed a guide less and less. In Wind Waker (the last 3D console game I played) I didn't need a guide at all to complete the main quest. To get 100% though, I still used one a couple of times.

Spirit Tracks on the other hand, was the most recent game I completed and I had a very difficult time with it even though I had already played and beaten several Zelda games. I'll even go as far to say that it's one of the most frustrating Zelda games I've played. The puzzles were structured differently and some really left me stumped. Then there was the whole getting used to the controls, especially the stylus and the awful spirit flute. So there would be times when I knew exactly what I needed to do but I just could not make the controls cooperate.

AoL on the other hand is hard but I didn't have the issue that some people have. There are people who cannot beat AoL, who gave up on it who would find some of the things I found difficult to be a breeze. I'm not saying AoL is easy by any stretch. It certainly isn't when it comes to combat. I died many, many times playing it but I don't consider it impossible.

Then there are the minigames within the Zelda games. Although they are often optional, I've often found them to be much harder to beat than the actual main quest of the game itself. The minigames often require lightning fast reflexes or an extreme degree of timing and precision- especially the shooting ones. I can have passable skills in these areas and beat the main quest but it's not good enough to beat some of the minigames. I know because some of them I've played 100 or more times and still can't beat it even though I've watched videos or read guides about it. Someone else beats the same game after only a few attempts. There must be a difference in brain chemistry or something.


Game Maven
Jan 30, 2013
Allentown Pa
I think you're right about different people finding different games challenging. I didn't find Twilight Princess all that easy the first time I played it and had to use a walkthrough several times. I'd hate it when people would say how laughably easy it was because it would just make me feel even more stupid and I'd wonder if there was anything wrong with me.

I then came to realize that part of my difficulty was that I came into the game relatively new to the Zelda series. Prior to that I attempted the original LoZ and AoL as a young child when my older sister introduced me to it and never got very far. Twilight Princess was the first 3D Zelda game I played and I knew nothing of Ocarina of Time, which many say the game resembles in some ways. It was also my first game on the Wii so there were the controls themselves to get used to as well.

I played Ocarina of Time after Twilight Princess and even though most would say it's more difficult than Twilight Princess, I found it easier just because I had more experience.

With each successive Zelda game, I started to see more patterns in the ways puzzles were constructed, in the ways enemies presented themselves, etc. So I needed a guide less and less. In Wind Waker (the last 3D console game I played) I didn't need a guide at all to complete the main quest. To get 100% though, I still used one a couple of times.

Spirit Tracks on the other hand, was the most recent game I completed and I had a very difficult time with it even though I had already played and beaten several Zelda games. I'll even go as far to say that it's one of the most frustrating Zelda games I've played. The puzzles were structured differently and some really left me stumped. Then there was the whole getting used to the controls, especially the stylus and the awful spirit flute. So there would be times when I knew exactly what I needed to do but I just could not make the controls cooperate.

AoL on the other hand is hard but I didn't have the issue that some people have. There are people who cannot beat AoL, who gave up on it who would find some of the things I found difficult to be a breeze. I'm not saying AoL is easy by any stretch. It certainly isn't when it comes to combat. I died many, many times playing it but I don't consider it impossible.

Then there are the minigames within the Zelda games. Although they are often optional, I've often found them to be much harder to beat than the actual main quest of the game itself. The minigames often require lightning fast reflexes or an extreme degree of timing and precision- especially the shooting ones. I can have passable skills in these areas and beat the main quest but it's not good enough to beat some of the minigames. I know because some of them I've played 100 or more times and still can't beat it even though I've watched videos or read guides about it. Someone else beats the same game after only a few attempts. There must be a difference in brain chemistry or something.

Very Good post. Maybe this is My issue, as I am new to Zelda. I never played any Zelda title until Princess Twilight. As I continue Playing I'm sure its going to be easier for me.


Jul 1, 2012
I can see where your coming from!

A lot of us here are experienced Zelda gamers so we know the in's and out's of many games but however a new gamer to the series may indeed find the game tedious! Even if we see Zelda games as being rather easy they still have some complex Puzzles and it can be quite easy to get stuck in one of TP's Dungeons even when playing it blind never mind being completely new to the series.

Am sure a lot of us when we were new to the series had our own struggles, I know am not afraid to admit that I did but am sure as you get used to the seires you won't feel the need for guides anymore :)


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Zelda games are meant to be challenging, so nobody feel bad if you get stuck your first. Shigeru Miyamoto designed the original LoZ to be virtually impossible for any one person to beat. He wanted gamers to help each other and develop into a community. I guess ZeldaDungeon is simply his vision brought to life.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Only time I've used a guide are during the original LoZ and after I tried to 100% Wind Waker twice and failed due to missable pictographs. I wanted to see all the missable content so I wouldn't be trolled again. >.<
Feb 14, 2012
Well I also played Twilight Princess as my first Zelda game and wasn't able to beat it without a guide. Now I've played several Zelda games (look below) and though I used guides for the first ones, I began easily to see through the puzzles. The thing that still is a bit hard for me is getting 100% completion of the games, for that I need a guide, at least to see if I got everything. But hey, it's awesome you've joined the Zelda-squad, it's an amazing series.


Dec 29, 2012
a box >.>
Iv beaten TP, SS, ST, and MM with out a guide or any help. Yeah it does take quite a bit longer to complete the game but I think its worth it in the end any way. I feel more accomplished


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Okay. Let's all not pretend that we haven't ever used a guide before...
Most people run into this site because they've been stuck on a Zelda game, so they needed the walkthrough, then stumbled upon the forums. I did, and I'm most people did as well. I beat Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time N64 without a walkthrough, or any tips. Quite pleased with that, it's hard to not get really frustrated.

This pretty much. I won't lie and say I beat every Zelda game without a guide; I know I've used walkthroughs for every Zelda game to date, including Twilight Princess (Guardian puzzle) but sans Skyward Sword (well...I used the GameSpot video for Ghirahim, technically). But, it indeed is possible to beat a Zelda game without a guide, it'll just take a LOT of effort or innate ingenuity to do so. :)


Spoony Bard
Jan 13, 2013
Well back in the day when my parents were buying the games for me i never got a guide because they didnt deem it needed to pay an extra 20 bucks for a book on top of the 60 to 70 dollar price tags on the games themselves nor did we have internet so yes i had to beat every LOZ game up to about the Gamecube games without guides but we all are spoiled nowadays to have the internet with free guides whenever one pleases. So yes if i get stuck nowadays i will take a peek at guides :D


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
i agree with Squall above me (painmaster) growing up, my parents told me the same thing, they said if i need a guide to beat it, i was too young to play it, and i wasnt haveing that!

I have BEAT every zelda game without a guide, but have never 100% a zelda game without a guide. it was really frustrateing seeing empty holes in my inventory on ALttP when i was younger, and didnt 100% the game till about three years ago. But thats just how i roll. i refuse to use a guide on any zelda game before i have beaten it at least once. i started in the NES days, and feel i think like the dev's now, and if im stuck.... i try every item in my inventory till i get it. takes a lot of time, yes, but its well worth it, to use the guide the second time and see everything so simple that you missed.

Welcome to the world of zelda as well as the forums Hexone4life. always happy to see a newbie! and dont worry there is a pattern to these games, you will be blazeing through them in no time!

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