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Bath or Shower?

Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
Showers are great for their convenience, baths are great for their relaxing powers.

Which do you prefer?

I went a whole year only taking about 5 showers. Basically I'd take a nightly bath instead. It was relaxing. It was a time to release my stress, and focus on prepping for bed.

Now water pressure was my main reason for changing to baths. Basically our shower head didnt have enough power to rinse my hair properly. So being able to use the tub was an added benefit.

These days I'm back to the general shower, mainly because I feel pressed for time. you don't have to wait for the tub to fill up, you just hop in and get clean, and continue on with your day. Not so much time for reminiscing and stress relief.


Jul 26, 2010
When I was younger I was scared to take showers, don't ask me why, but now, since I hate getting clean almost as much as I hate being gross, I take showers for less time consumation.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
These days I'm back to the general shower, mainly because I feel pressed for time. you don't have to wait for the tub to fill up, you just hop in and get clean, and continue on with your day. Not so much time for reminiscing and stress relief.

O rly?

I can do plenty in the shower to make it a one-hour experience. Baths get cold after a while, thus making "bath-time" shorter. You can only stay in a bath for 30-45 minutes before you start to freeze. Showers, on the other hand, stay warm forever, unless your water heater is broken or old.

Of course, showers can be faster than baths. You can take a five minute shower, but not a five minute bath. You can also take a 2 hour shower, but not a 2 hour bath. Unless you do like to freeze, in which case you can bathe for hours on end. I, on the other hand, like warm water. A matter of personal preference, I suppose.

Seeing as I take 40+ showers a year, and maybe 2-5 baths during that time, I think showers rule out. Let's not forget that while taking a bath with bubbles and fragrant candles might be relaxing, you're still sitting in your filthy bath water the whole time. Lavender does not mask dirt, good people.

This thread is beast. Good job, Jo! ^^


Oct 4, 2010
Well, when I used to live in Europe, I used to have a pretty big bathtub that had no shower so automatically when I moved to the US I was suprised that showers are actually better for me. I am a "clean freak" and I do agrre with the fact that when you take a bath, you really do sit in your dirt.... the idea kind of grossed me out, so I prefer showers.
Jan 1, 2011
I don't like bathing in my own dirty water. Shower is the way to go. The only time I "bathe" is so I can relieve stress. I've been stressed these past 2 week's and I take a quick shower and then I sit down in the tub, put hot water in the tub and relax. It's like the best thing to ever do.
But, I mostly shower, I can't bathe, it's just gross. :<
Dec 12, 2010
If I'm really worried I'll take a bath. They are kind of boring after awhile though. I shower every day though. I love them :D Bath before bed is a good idea if you need to sleep though.

Forgot to mention my bathroom is being redone at the moment. It means I can't have a power shower before I go to bed, which I used to do because it's a good feeling to get into bed clean. Hopefully it'll be done before next weekend. Sigh


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I usually take showers. Baths just take too long, and they tend to wrinkle my skin up, which I do not like. I might take a bath once or twice a year during vacations, but that's about it. Plus, I do not like wasting a lot of water (on a sidenote, I made my father buy another toilet for our bathroom because the old one used too much water when it flushed).


I like baths more but never have the time to take them. Sometimes I wish I could but I'm always so buys these days.


Mrs. Caleb
Aug 20, 2008
We just have a shower, no bathtub :( I stopped taking baths when I outgrew the bathtub at my parents' house. I've taken a handful of baths since, usually in hotels, and while they are fun, they definitely aren't truly relaxing cause I am still too big for the tub :(


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
Hmm... depends on which one I feel like doing. If I'm in a relaxed moos and want to sit and listen to some music, I take a bath. (ironically, I don't listen to relaxing music at all. I usually listen to Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, or whatever is on 93.1 The Fox.)
If I'm in a hurry or just want to get it out of the way (or if my mom tells me I stink), I take a shower. I still listen to music while in the shower though :D


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
I prefer showers. Why would I want to soak in my own filth?

Plus I'm 6'4'' (and I'm only 17) so I can't lay in our little tub anyway.

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