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Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Well, that sucks. I'm off to remove that blue cookie from my siggy. I should have done it weeks ago... :yes:
There's no need to. They don't know anything that actually matters. yes, we have a group. Yes, we have badges in our sigs, but so what? Does that change anything? No. It makes the Forum Games more fun and it also keeps the Forum Games active. So... I don't get what the big deal is about all of this.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
We knew all that, actually.

Like I said, we know EVERYTHING.
Okay, who cares? All it is is a group. That's it. It's not worth wasting posts on a thread talking about it.

May I suggest a game? Any type of game? Or maybe a competition?

I say competition. I want you all to find the weirdest picture you can find and post it here. Ready... GO!


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Weirdest picture, huh? May I submit two?

click to enlarge

The weird part of those pictures, are that they are screenshots that I took, and I'm not in that group. You say it's a private group, huh?
Weird indeed Mandy. Very weird indeed.

Lawl. I find it funny that this is a big deal to you guys. It's a group, so what?
Last edited:
Feb 23, 2011
Weirdest picture, huh? May I submit two?

click to enlarge

The weird part of those pictures, are that they are screenshots that I took, and I'm not in that group. You say it's a private group, huh?

Uh... I understand wanting to figure out a mysterious organization and all that, but isn't revealing stuff about it taking it a bit too far? I couldn't really care less, but everything that just transpired in this thread made everything seem so pointless. It's like it was never worth it in the first place; a lost cause. Oh well, it used to be fun... :/


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Uh... I understand wanting to figure out a mysterious organization and all that, but isn't revealing stuff about it taking it a bit too far? I couldn't really care less, but everything that just transpired in this thread made everything seem so pointless. It's like it was never worth it in the first place; a lost cause. Oh well, it used to be fun... :/
I agree with Wolf Sage, we're all acting child-ish, and there's really no point in talking about this any further. This isn't the time nor the place to talk about any of this. If you want to voice your opinions and/or ask about the group further, VM or PM Wolf Sage and I.

Really guys, why does it matter?

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