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Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

Feb 23, 2011
What ever happened to contests in this thread? Someone should start another contest. Big Octo was the best at starting contests, but he's not here right now, so yeah...

Anyway, starting a contest could totes serve to give this thread a bit of a purpose... :yes:
And you'll never know what it stands for.

*laughs evilly*
Why do you elol? Dx
But I'm not sure you know what utsf and itnod stand for, so we're even. (Not that I'm directing those at you... well, not right now, anyways. ;p)
ZH is alive?

Brb, fixing that.
First, PT and now ZH? Do you have a victim list? :rolleyes: Please don't tell me I'm on it... :kawaii:
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