The Quiet Man
- Joined
- May 30, 2011
Hello my children, it's me, Cel-Shaded Deku. Tonight I'll be reading you a bed time story. Tonight's story is called "The Giant Robot Alligator versus Donkey Kong. PG-13. are you seated comfortably? Oh, put some pants on. Alright, like I just said, this is the story of a giant robot alligator and donkey fighting and stuff.
Once upon a time on a peacefull planet called Uranus a mad scientist built a secret laboratory miles below the surface of Uranus. This mad scientist was much smarter than the rest, his name is......... Albert Einstein. Albert was working on a secret project; A giant robot alligator that would destroy the world! When Albert finished his evil creation he programmed it to attack major cities. Many professionals were called in to try to stop the giant robot alligator. Ghost Busters, Samus Aran, Ash Ketchem, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hary Potter, Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler, a Metapod, even Jesus mother f*cking Christ couldn't leave a dent! The last resourt was to hire Donkey Kong to stop the giant metal alligaror. The price was heafty, over nine THOUSAND bananas, but the lack of potassium in the diets of the people was worth it.
Donkey Kong knew that alligators, robotic or not, were immune to barrels. Drastic measures had to be taken. Donkey Kong thought of a new, non-violent, way to settle this: DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! Donkey Kong heroically marched up to the giant robot alligator and proclaimed his challange, "Ohh ohh ahh ahh ahhhhh ahhh grahh ahh ahhh!!!" The giant robot alligator had no idea what Donkey Kong was saying so he guessed and happened to guess right. Off to the world's largest working Dance Dance Revolution game in the world!
Donkey Kong and the giant robot alligator each deposited a quarter in the machine. They both perfectly matched the moves of the girls in mini skirts for a whole day. They simotaniously collapsed from exhaustion, both with a perfect score of 456,710,299,350,001,371,602,983,589,274 3/4. After a short water break Donkey Kong and the giant robot alligator agreed on a new way to settle this dispute once and for all: Super Smash Brothers Brawl! For much of the rest of the day Donkey Kong and the giant robot alligator fought using every possible character comination but tied every single time! Eventually the console broke from the epicness of the whole scene. The next and final battle was the most EPIC game of rock paper sissors EVAH!!1! It could have been much more epic if they didn't throw rock every single freakin' time. So anyway, the game ended after 86,400 seconds but could have lasted longer but everyone was too busy watching Donkey Kong and the giant robot alligator dance, play SSBB, and play rock paper sissors to free the four giants. The moon fell and Majora consumed everything. what was left of the planet and moon became a parking lot for aliens many years later.
The end.
I hape you had a great time listening to my nonsense story, children. Come back... umm... in five months. I'll probably stop being lazy and write a new story by then.
Too long; didn't spell check.
Mmm...I liek this one. If you actually take 5 months to write the next one, I will sadfaec.
Well, I guess it's karma getting me there. Anybody know how to counter that?
And yeah, Josie, that sig is awesome.