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Ask Link A Question

Ice Sage

these are words
Jul 25, 2011
Ice Temple
Unlike you humans, hylian have adapted to only sleep when we need to go into a state of deep rest so we don't have do things. (You try staying awake for a few years without getting bored!)

Link, what would you say if I told you you are a made up video game character?
Feb 23, 2011
Link: Sometimes there's a little chafing going on when I'm in colder climates, aside from that, no. They are actually pretty comfortable. ^^

Link, what kind of games do you and the rest of the Kokiri play in the forest?
Feb 23, 2011
Link: Fado was p. hawt, but she was also a little creepy. It is believed that she was to originally be the sage of wind in the early stages of OoT's creation.

Link, why do you like to beat up cuccos so much?
Feb 23, 2011
Link: Cough syrup... :yes: I don't feel trippy, though; :shake: just a bit light-headed.

Link, does Blue Potion taste like blueberries?
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Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
No actually. As you can tell, all signs have the same Hylian characters on them, so I usually just guess what they say. I'm usually very lucky.

Link, has Epona ever pooped in your boots?

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
It's delicious! Although I once heard a rumor that they put something called "nicotine" in it, whatever that is.

Link, how strong is the scent of your BO in a ten foot radius?

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