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Asgard Legends

Aug 18, 2009
This is that Mythology story I was talking about. All rights of Valkyrie Profile belong to Enix, etc. This is just a fan fic and I have altered it to my liking, the plot has nothing to do with the actual game. I rate this story PG-13 for the usage of bad words at certain times, characters dying, blood and gore. Do excuse any typos you may find.
Asgard Legends
Book 1: The New Chooser of the Slain


The moon shone brightly and the stars flickered with life high above the sky. A gentle breeze flew across the lands. Hidden behind the shadows of the night, two godly figures shared a conversation as they stood watch outside of the lonely monastery that served as an orphanage.

"This is as far as I am allowed to accompany you," a female's voice was heard. "Have you understood all my words of guidance up to this point, Valkyrion Saga?"

A simple nod was given in response by the other figure.

"Good. I believe you are you ready to perform for Lord Odin. The All-Father wouldn't have chosen you if he did not think you were able for the job. You have been given a new life, Saga, a new opportunity, prove to Lord Odin that he made the right decision in making you an Asgard God, the new chooser of the slain, a position coveted by many in Asgard."

"I...will," came the fidgety reply from Saga, who was young looking and dressed in a pearly, shiny light armor that covered his arms, legs and torso. A helmet in the form of a dragon's head covered and protected his head. "But Freya, what if I fail? What if I do something wrong during my missions?"

"Lenneth did not fail before, neither will you. Even though this is different than what she did millennia ago, you have her blessings, her sword, and all of Asgard's favor. Go, Saga, forget your past, forget that you were once a dark servant of queen Hel, forget that you obliterated many of my kin once, go and perform for Lord Odin and earn your place in Paradise. Your first mission begins in that orphanage there."

The lean warrior bowed slightly at the other figure. Freya, who was the 2nd in command in all of Asgard, the world of the gods, bowed right back, then she stepped closer to the warrior and kissed him on the forehead.

"I will be summoning you at times," she concluded. "You will know of it and will be told what to do. Go now, Saga, and help Asgard tip the balance of war back in our favor. And be careful, there will be many enemies to deal with, Queen Hel and Brahms already know of our movements and you know they are not happy with you..."

Saga nodded, already knowing all that Freya was repeating as a last warning for him to contemplate on. They shared a long, quiet stare. A few heartbeats later, Freya simply disappeared from his view, leaving him standing alone and very confused with his own self.

He drew his fine sword out and contemplated it thoroughly. Saga had already seen it too many times, it was a powerful and beautiful sword, once wielded by the lady valkyrie herself. It was much different from the dark sword he had once wielded.

Listening to his inner thoughts, the god turned to stare at the orphanage that was to be the place of his first appointment with a fallen Midgardian. He put the sword back in its scabbard. He then closed his eyes, lowered his stare to the ground and sighed deeply. Feeling profoundly saddened at the desperate shouts of horror he could already hear within his mind, even when those shouts still did not come to be, the Chooser of the Slain flew off toward the orphanage, eager to acquire his first companion in what was to be a long and arduous mission.


(Chapter 1 at a glance)
Characters Appearing: Valkyrion Saga, Shan-Tastic
Lifestealers, Mondragora.
Chapter Info
: Shan loves her orphan brothers and sisters, too much in fact that she decides to remain behind as head of the house when the Matron goes out to get supplies to make it through the harsh winter. Two days have passed since the matron's departure and all seems to be going well, however, as the late hours of the night began to fall...)

Also, if you are gonna follow the story, get used to this map and its locations. I might upload a better one with more details such as mountains, etc when I post again, I need to scan it first or take a pic of it.

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Type to myself in silence
Nov 8, 2009
Washington, USA
Well I've never heard of this series. What's the name of it, is it Valkyrie Profile. I might have heard the name,but I didn't know what the game was.
Aug 18, 2009
Good start atsie 4 1/2 stars so far :lol: JK 5 stars all the way ✰✰✰✰✰
Five stars, eh? You just made my day. :P The story will get much better as it goes, just wait, it's just starting, so I will attempt to earn those five stars.

Well I've never heard of this series. What's the name of it, is it Valkyrie Profile. I might have heard the name,but I didn't know what the game was.
Yes, the game is called Valkyrie Profile, I recommend it to anyone who has a PSP, once you start playing it and learn the game, it becomes addicting, that's what happened with me anyway.


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.
Looks very Good Atsuma, I got sucked right into your story. So Saga has a dark past. He was one of the bad guys?! o_O Chooser of the Slain... that doesn't mean he's going to kill all the people in the orphanage does it?! ... or is he going to get there after they're dead... :(

I don't know much about Valkyrie Profile, but you are writing the story well and describing things in a way that I'm not having any problems. Thanks for the map!
Aug 18, 2009
Looks very Good Atsuma, I got sucked right into your story. So Saga has a dark past. He was one of the bad guys?! o_O Chooser of the Slain... that doesn't mean he's going to kill all the people in the orphanage does it?! ... or is he going to get there after they're dead... :(

--Thanks. Yes, you can say Saga has a dark past, as you read in that brief chat between the characters. He was a servant of Hel, Queen of the Netherworld. Chooser of the Slain is a title given to that being who has the ability, or the right to choose a dead person's destiny. Being Chooser of the Slain gives Saga the ability to acquire the souls of fallen midgardians and use them as warriors in his mission. These souls are trained/shaped and later sent to Asgard, where they are trained further. You can say that the Gods are at war with dark forces, or dark gods, etc. Just as Asgard is home to the Gods, Netherrealm, Hel and other such places are home to dark gods/beings, etc. You will find out more as the story moves along. Also, Saga is free to do what he wants, he can interfere and save a midgardian/human from certain death, or he can just stand by and let the person die and then choose to give him/her a new chance at life, not as a human rather as a spirit, or he can do nothing at all and let that soul go to the realms of the dark side, Hel and Netherrealm, etc.

I don't know much about Valkyrie Profile, but you are writing the story well and describing things in a way that I'm not having any problems. Thanks for the map!

Thank you, I usually think my writing sometimes can confuse people, but I hope I don't do that with you and other readers.Like I told you in that pm, I will keep the story simple and moving along fast, I just need to get into a groove.

Answers in bold, Keyshe. :P And thank you for reading, gives me motivation to keep writing. ^^ *goes to work on chapter 1*

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Aug 18, 2009
Chapter 1

Keeping up with her smaller brothers and sisters was no easy task for the eighteen year old Shan, but she had always welcomed challenges with open arms, that is why she had risen to the occasion time and time again. That night, though, the kids were calmer and keeping order within the orphanage.

That could have been simply because Shan was telling them all a horror story about a monster who ate kids who behaved bad. Of course the story was made up by Shan, who only wanted to entertain them and keep them from making a mess around the place. Shan, hiding a smile, had noticed how the kids had gathered around her as she had been relating the story to them. Once she was about halfway through with it, the pack of seven kids who ranged from ages 7-15 were almost on her, obviously frightened of all the details they were hearing but also wanting to hear more. Being close to Shan guaranteed them a sort of safeness, so that is why they had gathered around her bit by bit as the story went on.

"And so the Marshjeen comes out at night when the kids are fast asleep," Shan told with a creepy a voice as she could muster. "Those that have behaved too bad through the years are unexpectedly dragged off from bed at night and are never seen again."

Shan was about to conclude her story when all of a sudden a loud thud came from the outside. The thud alerted everyone in the living room, the place where Shan had gathered all her brothers and sisters earlier. All eyes went to Shan, but her honey-colored eyes were already upon the door.

"Could it be..?" she started with a thought, thinking that the matron and her companions were already back from their trip. That was impossible, she thought as she stood up from the wooden bench she had been sitting on. Several other kids did the same but she eased up their fears by telling them that it was okay, that it was probably just the wind knocking some objects about.

"Maybe the matron mother is back," a blondish girl spoke too loudly, to what Shan reacted by placing a finger on her mouth and shushing her. "Shh! Keep your voice down, Marlene."

"She's back," someone else said and was about to rush to the door, but Shan caught the little fellow before he could go any further.

"No, that can't be," Shan told him as she kept him close to her. The little kid was named Ark, short for Arkpaksad. "They just left two days ago, Arkpaksad, they haven't even made it to Artolia yet."

Suddenly there came another loud thud, but this time from the back area of the orphanage where a barn housed several horses, cows and chickens. A loud growl was heard, making Shan and the rest of the kids back away scared. Then shortly after, the animals inside the barn reacted in their own frightened state as yet another loud thud was heard. Shan trembled but kept her wits about her. She recognized the growl right away and her eyes went to one of the stone walls where the matron kept several weapons in case of an emergency.

"Shan, I am scared," the kid who was holding on to her cried out, and the rest of the pack huddled around her and hugged her, also scared.

"Wait," Shan told them as they all surrounded her. "There is no reason to be afraid...let me get over to the wall so I can arm myself, it's just a dang coyote, I've dealt with those suckers before."

The kids did let her advance toward the wall, but they followed her closely, for they were all scared.

Shan armed herself with a bow, the weapon the matron mother had trained her with during her young teen years. She was good with it. Shan was known in the orphanage as a great hunter and shooter, and many of the younger orphans wanted to be just like her.

Countless of times she had killed rabbits and other small animals around the orphanage during her training. She had also dealt with the coyote threats, which happened almost every night and then.

"Sokia," she instructed the next oldest girl in line, a pretty girl of blue eyes and long, blond hair. "You stay here with the rest, I am going outside to deal with that dang coyote. Mother will have my head if I let the animals in the barn get killed."

Sokia nodded, knowing Shan spoke the truth. "I'll keep them safe, Shantastic," she told her, almost assured her. Shantastic was the nickname the younger orphans had given her, replacing the word fantastic with Shan's name at the beginning, for she was cool with all of them.

Bow in hand, and also an arrow already strung to it, Shan ordered, "Keep the door secured and don't open it unless it is me who tells you to, you understand me?"

"Yes of course," fourteen year old Sokia responded. Shan nodded at her, smiled at them all and then headed for the door.

"Be careful," the smaller brat called after her, his tone worried. Shan turned back and glanced upon him. She smiled at him to settle him and the others down, then she removed the cross bars that kept the door secured and then went outside, the door closing fast behind her and making her nervous as it shut with a loud thud.

(Part 1/3)

It was dark and the wind was hardly blowing, Shan noticed. She knew the outside of the place well so she did not have a hard time making out the tall trees and bushes that surrounded the orphanage. Slowly, Shan started to move toward the back, keeping herself near the walls of the monastery, which were composed mostly of gray cinderblock.

Shan was old for a teenager, eighteen, but being out at night had never appeased her. Something about the monastery had always given her the creeps, she knew for a fact that something horrid had happened there, she had asked the matron mother about the place, that's how she had come to know that a group of necromancers had held ancient rituals. But stories from the matron mother were not all she knew of, Shan herself had also felt a strange sensation when being outside alone, she had heard eerie voices and had felt a chocking feeling upon her that would make her want to leave running back inside in a hurry. Inside was different, the matron herself had expelled all evil spirits and weird sensations, so being inside the monastery was different.

Shan gulped hard and kept her wits about her though, it was not the first time she was outside by herself. She knew she had to get rid of the coyote, or coyotes, or whatever the heck was back there inside the barn. She started hearing the low murmurs, but she closed her eyes briefly, made a face and ignored them. She kept on moving even as she felt her skin become full of goosebumps.

"Gee, that's the last time I'll ask the matron mother to relate me stories about this place," she told herself as she moved slowly. She was beyond frightened, but that was nothing compared to how she would be feeling in a bit.


Valkyrion Saga, though in much flesh and bone form, was invisible to any worldly beings that might have been about the place around that time of the night. He could shift from being made of flesh and bone to being a spirit, the difference not showing really to those that lived in midgard, unless he wanted to.

He was watching as the human girl moved slowly toward the back. Saga moved toward the back as well, following her closely. He could smell the fear in her, could feel it even, for he could read her mind, her thoughts. She was frightened.

He, just like Shan, could hear the laments, the cries of agony from the victims that had been sacrificed in rituals long ago. He could also feel the presence of evil specters looming about, specters who in their long dead conscious knew he was there yet could do nothing to announce his presence or hurt him. He could see them as they flew around the place going to nowhere in particular. Those specters had not yet been granted entrance to Hel nor Asgard, so they would remain lamenting themselves until their time came.

Saga lamented himself when he knew the time for the girl to die had come, the two lifestealers that had come down from the Artolian mountains would not pass up the opportunity to suck a human's life away, humans were their favorite meal. He saw as the girl proceeded into the barn.

Suddenly, just as Saga was about to follow her in, he was alerted of a new threat behind him. He had barely managed to hear the Mandragora's slight breathing. He turned around and was barely able to fly away before the Hellish Invitation, the Mandragora's elite attack, reached him. Had it hit him fully, he would of had found himself on the ground, burned, jolted, dazed and confused and seconds away from dying in a painful way.

The valkyrion caught sight of the Hellish flower as it came out from behind the trees. The plant was his own ex-deity's creations, they had once been allies back in the underworld, but when Saga laid eyes on it, he knew that they were enemies now.

The Mandragora, which could be described as being a gigantic red tulip having the upper body of a demoness and resembling a spider altogether, followed his flight with her reddish eyes and smiled devilishly at him. She was not just some Mandragora, this one was a general, that is why Saga had not felt her presence, she had shut her thoughts completely for a while and had blended well with the trees and shrubs around the place, thing that a normal Mandragora was not able to do.

"The ***** sent you to deal with me?" Saga asked from above as he hovered in mid-air, Valkyrie Favor sword in hand and radiating luminously. His stare was also red as fire, for Saga was a Hel realm born being, he could see in the night as well as he could in the day, just like the flower.

The flower, just to tease the traitor, nodded and said in her deep, demonic voice, "But mostly I was to have my fun with the children inside. If I want that to happen, which I do, then I must deal with you first, traitor."

She blew forth another attack his way, which Saga easily dodged, but the flower went after him, walking fast underneath him. Her attack could be described as being a gust of flying leaves and spores, which glittered in the night as they went.

Saga landed a few feet away as the Hellish Invitation evaporated above and to the side of where he was. The Mandragora knew too well who he was, so she stopped some ten feet away from Saga.

A shriek came from the barn then, and Saga realized that the poor girl had met the two lifestealers, or lifesuckers, as they were also known in the world of the Midgardians. He felt his heart being torn as the cries for help reached his conscious.

The Mandragora smiled evilly, almost reading his thoughts. "Is she suppose to be your first Einherjar? I bet she got it good, lord Saga."

"Don't call me that, you *****! I am not Queen Hel's second anymore."

The flower blurted out laughing. "Look at you. You look the same to me, just dressed in elegant, shiny armor. Your aura is still as dark as the night. Come, master, let us join forces and have fun torturing those poor kids before consuming them thoroughly, I promise it will be fun, you can enjoy killing them all."

Saga stood staring at the flower with a hateful stare. He shook his head slowly, to which the flower showed an angry face. Bored of the plant from his ex-home, Saga extended his right arm toward her, his fingers extended out and pointing directly at her, he called forth a mighty magical fire spell known as Fire Lance and tossed it at her.

The Mandragora shrieked and tried to evade the spell, and could have had if it had been sent by another weak sorcerer, but this was Valkyrion Saga sending it. Saga was not just some cheap *** sorcerer from midgard, he had been Queen Hel's second for a long time, had slain many gods before, had frightened and kept the Asgard folk in check for generations. No, the evil flower wasn't able to evade his spell. Being weak to fire, the Mandragora got hit fully by the two roaring flames and burned to nothingness, but not before uttering a curse at her killer.

"You will regret this, you fool! One day you will burn in Hel!"

"Return from whence you came, pathetic *****!" Saga cried out and then hurried off to the barn, where he knew already that the girl laid dying, the two lifestealers having their way with her, draining her of her life force.

He entered the barn madder than ever and noticed the two fleshy creatures sucking the girl's life.

From her dying position on the floor, Shan's eyes were barely able to see the radiant figure as it entered, but it was already too late, most of her life force was already gone. Even though she knew she was seconds away from dying, she managed a light smile at the figure, then her eyes closed and her head fell to the side.

The two lifestealers, feeling the powerful aura of the intruder, disconnected their long suckers they had for mouths from the girl's body and tried to run past him in an attempt to escape, but Saga was incredibly fast. He sliced one of them in two parts with the sword and let the blade fall to the ground as blood from the creature splattered all over the barn. With his free left hand he grabbed the other lifestealer as it attempted to flee. He hoisted it up in a chocking position, the beast, knowing it was about to be dead, tried as a last resort to lash its mouth on to the powerful being, who was able to grab the mouth with his right hand and twist it aside.

"You pieces of crap like stealing life, eh?" Saga shouted, angrily. He tore the beast to pieces using nothing but his bare hands. Moments later, bathed in blood and breathing heavily, Valkyrion Saga knelt in front of the girl, obviously saddened at the loss of her life. He removed his helmet and placed it at the side. He then lifted up one of the girl's arm, which was covered completely in blood. He checked for a pulse, there was none. She was gone.

(Part 2/3)

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The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
Wow, amazing story. I always do like the way you put members in your stories. Keep up the good work.
Aug 18, 2009
Wow, amazing story. I always do like the way you put members in your stories. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Epwna, I will definitely try.

I like it, but make sure you include me.:lol:
P.S. I think you posted twice.
I know, I edited the first post but I forgot to hit save, it is corrected now. :P And yeah, you will be included.

Here is part 3/3. :P

Saga, having been nothing but a killing machine before, caressed the fallen girl's face. It was slowly turning cold. That made him remember just how many victims had suffered the same fate at his hands. Hundredths, no, thousandths had, before Saga himself had come to know such a feeling at the hands of the supreme god himself.

Saga calmed down and with his other free hand he brought out a pendant that he wore underneath his torso's plate. The Pearl of the Chooser it was known as, it served as a house for souls. Saga had received it from Lord Odin himself weeks ago when he had been appointed the new chooser of the slain, a position that had been handled by three valkyries who were sisters. Being the first male who was to perform such a job, he had been given the title Valkyrion and the pendant.

Feeling a little tense, for this was the first time he did that kind of thing, Saga closed his eyes, focused his thoughts on what Freya had told him to do when capturing a soul, and attempted to call the girl's soul on to the pendant, and he succeeded. He smiled proudly when he felt the girl's soul dancing within the pendant.

Moments later, from within the pendant, he heard the girl's alarmed cry. He could hear her in his own thoughts as if she was standing next to him.

"Do not be frightened, Shan! I assure you everything is alright." he spoke it out aloud, for Shan, who was trapped inside the pendant, would be able to hear him.

Eh? Where am I? Why is everything so dark?

Then, suddenly, Shan realized what had happened earlier, her thoughts came back to her as a rampaging river running loose over the country side. She was in spirit form yet could remember the past, the life that she had lived. Ahhh! Gahhh! Am I really dead? Those damned beasts...they killed me, they drained me completely of my blood, didn't they?

"They did, to the very last drop," Saga answered with a low and saddened tone, his eyes closed and the chooser of the slain feeling guilty of it. "But I killed them too, not that that will be making you feel any better. If anything will make you feel better, perhaps it is these news: You have earned the right to live."

The right to live? But I am dead, how is that possible? Who are you, anyway, are you God?

"I...my name..." Saga coughed, feeling embarrassed with himself for stuttering so. "My name is Valkyrion Saga, Saga to you, missy. I am a servant of the all-father Lord Odin, I am the chooser of the slain."

Silence, Shan was too confused to say anything. She could not see anything wherever it was that she was, she could only think and feel her own feelings, everything was darkness all around.

"Take your time with it, Shan," Saga went on to tell her, he knew how confused she must be feeling, he himself had been like that many weeks ago when he had been granted life again. "I know it's not easy at all. You will be fine. I'd summon you out and let you see the world, but now is not the moment, it is a mess here, I'd hate for you to see the mess I made."

Never mind me, Saga. The kids! Are they safe? That's all that matters to me at the moment.

"They are fine but frightened," Saga replied and grabbed his helmet from the ground. "Your shout surely scared them, I can feel their fear and their worries for you..." He put the helm back on and then went for his sword, feeling nauseous at the sight of so much blood.

Is there a way I can see them? I...I would do anything if you could let me do that, Saga.

Saga considered her question as he put the sword back in its scabbard. He could summon her out to the world if he chose to, but she would be in spirit form, nothing much but a specter as the ones circulating the monastery that night, except Shan was special, she had been chosen by Saga, she had a place to call home. Saga could also summon her and give her back her flesh and bone state, but he was not about to do that, Lord Odin had prohibited that. The warriors he was to seek out were to aid him in spirit only, not in bone and flesh. Saga and his Einherjar would be traveling to other dimensions as soon as he gathered a few fallen Midgardians.

Saga...you are quiet. Did you hear my plea?

"Yes, There is a way, but you will be in spirit form and will see the world a little different than what you were use to. You still want to see them?"

Yes. And what do you mean by me being in spirit form?

"I will explain all that much later. For now you just have to know that you have stopped living a human's life. You are now a spirit, you have become an Einherjar and will serve me in times ahead."

How am I to serve you? And what the heck is an Einherjar?

"As I said," Saga clarified, moving toward the front of the creepy monastery. "all that will be explained to you much later. For now, just wait a bit, I am on my way out of here and you will get to see your brothers and sisters one more time before we move on."

That is all I ask of you now...and Saga?


Thank you for the opportunity.

Saga walked on, saying nothing. Aside from having to deal with the Einherjar, he also had other perturbing thoughts in his mind. How had Queen Hel known that he would be coming here for his first task? Why hadn't she sent other strong foes to await for him if she knew he would be coming to the monastery? Saga shrugged it off and continued to the front as he said in a low voice, "You are welcome, Shan."

He disappeared from view and flew off into the monastery. Using a quiet order, he summoned Shan out of the pendant. An invisible silver light spread out from the pendant and moments later, Shan hovered near Saga in spirit form.

She was surprised to find herself hovering.

"There they are," Saga pointed out. Shan glanced upon him, investigated him fully now that she had come out from that dark place. She had many questions she could ask him, but upon seeing that he had a fair face and a reddish stare, she simply gulped her troubles away and glanced down upon the group of kids, who were all huddled together, some crying, others trying to calm them down.

Can they see or hear us? Shan said but knew that had been a stupid question. Of course they could not see them, they were nothing but spirits, invisible figures to them.

Saga confirmed her fears with a nod. "I could let them see us and hear us..."

Shan instantly turned his way. Though she knew she was dead, her human life gone, she knew she now belonged to Valkyrion Saga. Asking him for something would have to become a habit for her.

But you wouldn't do that, right? It would scare the kids even more and perhaps...

"Perhaps," Saga said as he looked at her dreamy eyes. "But believe me, it would alleviate their fears. Even if they saw you as you are right now, you would be able to talk to them and let them know that you are okay and that you will always be watching out for them."

Shan looked from her master to the kids below and couldn't help but feel pity for them. She closed her eyes and started sobbing.

No. Even though I love them too much, the right thing to do would be to leave it all to the matron mother. She will explain what happened.

"The kids will be alright. They have food and water and will make it till the matron mother and the rest of her crew return. Are you sure you don't want to say good bye to them? Our road will get tougher as we move on."

Shan kept her head down and she simply shook her head.

"Dear Shan, believe me when I tell you that there are more roads ahead of us, death is not the end. Even if we are spirits now, we still will face new trials that will put our spiritual lives at risk, we could be obliterated from total existence by other supreme beings that you don't know about...yet."

At that, Shan turned to stare at him, and though she was just a spirit, she realized she could still fear death.

"Yes...you have been chosen to help me out in a series of missions that are important to the Aesir and their war against their enemies. You are now an Einherjar, a warrior that is to serve me and the gods of Valhalla. So believe me when I tell you that things are just beginning for you."

Shan listened on, for she knew how important all the information her master was sharing was. She still could not believe any of it. She could not believe she was dead and now living in spirit form. But she was, she had been granted a new life by Valkyrion Saga, and she knew she would now have to walk the road beside him, wherever that road led, just as she had walked down the road in her human life.

"Are you sure you will be okay without saying good bye?"

Shan turned to the kids again. She felt pity for them, but she knew leaving without causing more fear to them was the right thing to do, they would understand in due time. Her eyes went back to Saga.

I am. Let us leave, Saga. I trust in your word that the kids will be safe and sound. I am dead to them now...I must adjust to my new Einherjar life, so let us get going...you will explain more, right? I mean...I'm still unable to fathom it all.

Saga nodded at her, then without letting her know, he summoned her back into the pendant. Shan did not protest, rather just said, Will I have any other companions besides yourself?

"Many others, yes," Saga said as he flew out of the monastery. The road awaited, and so did another Midgardian who was to become an Einherjar as well.

(Part 3/3)

(End of Chapter 1)

(I'll post a preview soon as I can, gotta go have fun tonight)
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nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
Oh man, this is totally great so far. You're really quite the writer!
And you've definitely got me interested in checking out this game, too. Just need to find where my PSP is at, and next time I'm out I'll pick up a copy. =)
Great job!


The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
Well, now that I'm wondering, will I be in it? On another note, part 3 is my favorite part of the chapter.
Aug 18, 2009
Oh man, this is totally great so far. You're really quite the writer!
And you've definitely got me interested in checking out this game, too. Just need to find where my PSP is at, and next time I'm out I'll pick up a copy. =)
Great job!
Thanks, Shan, I appreciate the comment. I'm not a good writer, but I do try my best.
The game is called Valkyrie Profile, just in case you forget the name. If you do get the game and have any trouble, just ask me about it and I will help you if you need it.

Well, now that I'm wondering, will I be in it? On another note, part 3 is my favorite part of the chapter.
Part 3, huh? I wonder why, but anyway, yes, you will appear in later chapters, remember, I am including ZD members one or two, maybe even three at at time, but not all ZD members that appear will be Einherjar, some will just appear as guests.

Anyway, here's that preview for chapter 2, sorry I couldn't do it yesterday night but I had to run to a party/dance. As promised, there it is. I will get to writing chapter 2 right now.

(Chapter 2 at a glance)
Characters Appearing: Valkyrion Saga, Freya, Pop, Shan, Kenji
Necromancers, Elder Vampire, Grey Bones.
Chapter Info
: Kenji Khor has always been a great practitioner of the arcane arts. On a stormy night, as he is attempting to summon a demon lord that can do his bidding against his enemies, things go extremely awry when enemies from several fronts decide to hit his home.
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Type to myself in silence
Nov 8, 2009
Washington, USA
Okay I read Chapter 1 finaly. It's great. I'll try and stick with this story. Are you only using the characters and lore from Valkyrie Profile and making a new story? Keep up the great stories.
Aug 18, 2009
Okay I read Chapter 1 finaly. It's great. I'll try and stick with this story. Are you only using the characters and lore from Valkyrie Profile and making a new story? Keep up the great stories.
I am using stuff from the game, not all of it but portions of it. Most of the Characters that appear in the game will not be mentioned, rather I will replace them with ZD members. I am only using important characters such as Odin, Freya, the three valkyries, Brahms, Hel, and others. This short story is mainly about Saga, who use to be Queen Hel's 2nd, or Champion. He was defeated by Lord Odin himself during the ever-lasting war that the forces of evil have had going against the forces of good. Why was a dark soul such as Saga's chosen to handle the duty that a valkyrie had? That remains to be seen in the story. I'd say more but I hope I explain it all as the story goes along.

Here is the map I promised. Note, not all places will be mentioned during the story, just a few. The map is huge, I will try to crop it and replace it soon with another size. Also, here is part 1/3 of Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

Saga had heard Freya's call in his mind as he had been flying the night after he had secured Shan's soul. It was a summoning, Freya had told him she would be summoning him at times. What for? Saga did not know, but he wasn't about to pass the opportunity to see that beautiful goddess again.

So he flew toward the direction the call was coming from, as fast as his invisible wings would take him. He found himself flying above the Artolian mountain range, mountains that stood off to the east of the monastery where Shan had lived a human life just hours ago.

And he came to find an entrance to some old ruins he knew little of. He could smell Freya's sweet scent as he descended down and came into the ruins through a roofless portion. There stood Freya in the middle of a messy room. Stone pillars, stone walls and rubble laid all about the room. Freya's powerful aura radiated all around her, lighting the old ruins. Saga landed in front of her, noticing that the goddess was not alone. A small impish creature hovered at her right side, a brown haired fairy who was dressed in blood-red fairy-clothing. Just like Freya, the fairy was surrounded by a strong aura, which told Saga that the imp might be small but she was powerful. Saga wondered why the imp was with Freya.

"Good evening, Saga," Freya bowed at him when she noticed him standing in front of her. The imp did likewise and investigated him thoroughly, for seeing a being such as Saga caused the imp to unsettle herself. She had heard many a stories about Saga, Queen Hel's ex second. Saga noticed the reaction of the fairy but ignored it, he had seen that kind of reaction with other gods and folks from Valhalla. So he bowed at them both.

"I see you have collected your first soul," Freya added. "Shan is her name, eh? Not bad an archer she is, and that is precisely why I have summoned you."

"I am at your disposal, Freya. Should I summon her out here?"

"Yes, she needs to be present out here with us."

Saga nodded and then summoned Shan out of the pendant. Shan was still too confused at all that had happened earlier. She had been traveling inside the pendant mostly in silence, remembering her encounter with the lifesuckers and also praying for the safety of her beloved brothers and sisters from the monastery. When she noticed the two beings in front of her, she sort of panicked and took a step back.

"It's okay, Shan. They are friends."

Shan wasn't afraid of them, mostly their powerful aura had caused her to retreat, she was a weak being compared to them, their life source energy differed and had hurt her a bit.

"I am Freya," the goddess introduced herself. "And this is Pop, she's a fairy from Yggdrasil."

Saga nodded and waited for Shan to say something. She did, but not before taking a reassuring glance at Saga, who had to nod at her to assure her everything was fine.

I am Shan, or was Shan, I don't know...I'm too confused.

"You are still Shan," Freya assured her, making the girl to lower her head in embarrassment. "You have stopped living a human's life. You have been granted a new life by Valkyrion Saga. You are now an Einherjar, a warrior for the Gods, your service as such is required." Freya then turned to Saga and added. "I have brought gifts from Valhalla, Saga. The lord Odin is pleased with you, he bids me I give you these artifacts." Freya turned to face Pop and said, "Poppy, if you will."

The fairy smiled, flew around a bit and then brought out a small staff, from which there came a sparkle of light that resembled small stars. The sparkling light headed to the ground where it traced something for Saga and Shan to see. When the sparkling shower of light faded, three blue chests had materialized and could be seen in between Freya and Poppy.

"Those chests contain a weapon and equipment for Shan and an extra weapon for you, Saga," Freya explained after seeing how curious the Valkyrion and the Einherjar seemed to be. "Also, Poppy will be traveling with you from now. She's the one who will handle giving your Einherjar usable dimensional weapons and equipment."

Dimensional weapons? Shan was at a loss.

"Weapons that you can use in your spirit state, these weapons are very much like you, invisible but usable in all places that Valkyrion Saga will take you and any others he gathers."

Even in the human world? Shan was curious to know.

Freya simply nodded.

"That pretty much explains it all, yes?" Saga nodded and glanced at Shan. "You got all that, right?"

Shan nodded, feeling eager to see the weapon she would be using and the equipment as well. Freya, reading her thoughts as well as Valkyrion Saga, ordered her to go and open the two chests from the left, which meant the chest near Freya belonged to the chooser of the Slain. He also went forth to check out his new addition.

It turned out to be a Mage Slayer crossbow, which was very strong against any magic user type of enemy.

"Mage Slayer, Saga," Freya explained as Saga considered the weapon in his hands. He'd heard of special weapons like that back when he was residing in Hel. Creatures weak to those weapons feared them as much as any being who had confronted ancient Saga had."It will be very useful for your next trip. Handle it well, you know how dimensional weapons break as well."

Saga nodded at her then glanced to the imp, who patiently hovered about as she kept her eyes on Shan.

As to Shan, she was happy to have brought out a pearly Razor Shaft, the most powerful type of bow in existence in all dimensional worlds. For equipment, she received white Suede Boots, two Star Guard gauntlets, the pearly Armor of Aleph, an Anointed Tiara and an Angel Curio pendant. By the power vested in Poppy, Shan was able to put all those items on. When the transformation was over, she looked like something from another world, a warrior for the Gods, an Einherjar in all its splendor. With a wide smile, she looked upon Saga and Freya, who nodded at her in return.

"She's now ready to aid you in case you need help dealing with any foes from any world," Freya told with a smile.

"And I thank you," Saga bowed at the goddess.

And I as well. Shan said as she walked toward Saga, feeling more than ready to see action.

"I take my leave," Freya announced after several seconds went on. "The war with the Giants is not going well, Ull and Loki are having trouble placating the brutes, I must go and do something about it. Remember Saga, gather the warriors necessary for you to head to that place...do it quickly, we need that item if we are to succeed in the war against Hel and their allies."

Saga nodded and watched as the goddess departed yet again. He was left with Poppy and Shan. Glancing upon the fairy, Saga spoke, "I believe we better get moving too. Are you ready to come along, Pop?"

"You bet," Pop seemed more than ready.

"And you?" Saga glanced upon Shan's fair face.

I am ready, master Saga. Shan grinned.

"Good, because you will be using that bow of yours very soon. Very well...back to your home." He summoned her back to the pendant and told Poppy to follow him. Moments later, Valkyrion Saga and Poppy headed flying off to the west, where they noticed the weather was awful.

(Part 1/3)



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