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Breath of the Wild Aonuma may have already CONFIRMED the Timeline Placement! (And it's the biggest mistake ever)

What do you think of this official Timeline Placement?

  • Don't we already have enough Downfall Timeline games for now?

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This is why I hate making threads like this! The EVIDENCE I show just keeps going over people's heads like it don't exist! So let me sum this up for you people ONE MORE TIME (this time, with more big pieces of evidence, and also this time, PLEASE ACTUALLY HEAR ME OUT and LISTEN):
  • The Sheikah is the SAME one from OoT!
  • Link IS the Hero of Time as confirmed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOtNo7uGTWQ
  • Link is asleep for ONE HUNDRED years! Not one thousand!
  • GANON (NOT Ganondorf) is being CONTAINED at HYRULE CASTLE! Hmm, I wonder why that is!
  • The Master Sword's location is reminiscent to the one from ALttP and ALBW.
  • The Temple of Time is still there.
  • Link will be wearing Knight's Armor at some point in the game. And as we ALL KNOW, it's said the Hero of Time was a KNIGHT OF HYRULE once in the Downfall Timeline as hinted in ALttP!
  • Old Man mentions the decline of Hyrule.
  • Miyamoto brings up the connections the game has with the original.
  • And lastly Aonuma's TEASING QUOTE "Aonuma: You can decide what this means."! Like I said, based on all the above, you can CLEARLY tell that it's his playful cryptic way of saying "Aonuma: You KNOW what THIS means! *WINK* *WINK*".
With all that said, it's ALL CRYPTICALLY CONFIRMED! So it IS confirmed! Just in a CRYPTIC, DISCRETE, and SNEAKY manner! Which is why a lot of people, including ALL of you, keep OVERLOOKING that IS confirmed! I mean, ALL throughout the E3 Treehouse Live Stream, they REALLY SPOON-FED us the idea that the game IS in the DOWNFALL TIMELINE! And then you Aonuma SUM IT UP with this:
  • Ocarina of Time
  • 100 year slumber
  • "You should know what this means"
Thus, straight putting nail in on the timeline topic, cryptically, but, at the SAME TIME, so OBVIOUSLY pointing the nail at the IMPRISONING WAR ERA! How ANYONE can MISS that is beyond me!

It's JUST like when ALBW was first announced. Bill Trinen stated the game was after ALttP. But people like me overlooked and thought as if there could've been a chance that it was before ALttP. I even did an old theory thread about it. And people on here all said it was wrong and that it was confirmed after ALttP at first announcement. I didn't believe it at first, then when by the time I did, it was made 100% official in the fall close to release of the game. Then later when I brought up when Bill confirmed ALBW was after ALttP, people on here said that it wasn't set in stone at the time. Which is when I started getting the gist that people on here just love to find excuses and reasons to disagree with me all because they don't like me. Which is wrong! Hear me out first, before you judge!

My point is, the evidence I showed does confirm that BotW is after OoT, before ALttP. If you put it all together, PLUS Aonuma's TEASE, there is your CONFIRMATION! There! It's CONFIRMED! And don't say "Oh it's not set in stone yet!", cause that's what was said in discussion about the first time ALBW was said to be after ALttP, which was used to prove my old outdated ALBW theory wrong at the time.

And now that I'm saying that this tease by Aonuma is way of confirming that the placement is exactly what Imprisoning War Era placement believers thought of, don't refuse to believe and don't let it fly over your head like I did with ALBW, when that game was still a new thing coming out. Don't be like I was in 2013 just to get back at me cause that would be cruel, mean, and immoral.

Oh, and yes, in case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty angry right now. So if you want me to chill, I'd suggest that you actually READ this WHOLE thing FIRST, then take a moment to THINK about it, let it SINK in, think of a PROPER response that actually makes sense, and one that actually SHOWS that you were ACTUALLY LISTENING, before you send something!

I'd like to know that there are people that actually listen to others like myself, rather than just plugging ears and going "lalalalalalalalalalala".
Less on topic but I'm still kind of wondering why there aren't any positive "I like the downfall timeline" poll choices(there are only choices that line up with your opinion, thus defeating the purpose of a poll)

Also, people are reading the whole thing and letting it sink in, and they are giving proper responses that show that they are actually listening. If they weren't reading it all and listening, they'd agree with your silly arguments for no reason.
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Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
I hope to God that this is a new Link, and not the hero of time in Breath of the Wild. I be honest, he's not my favorite incarnation of Link, plus he already have enough games about him already. So I hope they don't glorify him again:dry:.
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
This makes no ****ing sense from start to finish. They are going to retroactively make their games non-canon? Yeah, whatever.
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Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
That's IT! I give up! I'm done! No matter HOW MANY TIMES I show ANY kind of PROOF, EVIDENCE, or ANYTHING, you people just letting it all FLY above your heads like as if it DOESN'T EXIST!

I've officially HAD IT with this site! It seems like almost everyone here can't tell when Aonuma is TEASING a TIMELINE PLACEMENT. You people clearly don't care when one of BIG MEN himself teases a potential timeline placement. You should KNOW that if it's from Aonuma (NOT me), IT'S CONFIRMED! And that tease IS from AONUMA (again NOT me)!

Here's the source to prove that wasn't just making this **** up:


And make sure you actually READ the whole damn thing!

The Sheikah is always the same one from OoT? I mean. They are the exact same tribe. The ones that made Gossip Stones, that were later used as communication stones as wind waker... So yes? It's been blatantly obvious that this is after OoT. But this means nothing.

I meant to say "Sheikah Symbol"! It was a practical mistake since I wasn't thinking straight, being all pissed off and in bad mood because people keep DENYING or IGNORING EVIDENCE as USUAL!
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That's IT! I give up! I'm done! No matter HOW MANY TIMES I show ANY kind of PROOF, EVIDENCE, or ANYTHING, you people just letting it all FLY above your heads like as if it DOESN'T EXIST!

I've officially HAD IT with this site! It seems like almost everyone here can't tell when Aonuma is TEASING a TIMELINE PLACEMENT. You people clearly don't care when one of BIG MEN himself teases a potential timeline placement. You should KNOW that if it's from Aonuma (NOT me), IT'S CONFIRMED! And that tease IS from AONUMA (again NOT me)!

Here's the source to prove that wasn't just making this sh*t up:


And make sure you actually READ the whole damn thing!

I meant to say "Sheikah Symbol"! It was a practical mistake since I wasn't thinking straight, being all pissed off and in bad mood because people keep DENYING or IGNORING EVIDENCE as USUAL!
Tbh I think YOUR'RE the one that's not reading, understanding, or comprehending OUR posts
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Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
A teaser is not the same thing as a confirmation, not by a long shot. This has as much merit as saying that Link's house in ALBW used to be owned by the Happy Mask Salesman because Majora's Mask is on the wall inside it. You can't take a teaser and call it confirmation. That's not evidence. It's not hard to understand.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
That's IT! I give up! I'm done! No matter HOW MANY TIMES I show ANY kind of PROOF, EVIDENCE, or ANYTHING, you people just letting it all FLY above your heads like as if it DOESN'T EXIST!

I've officially HAD IT with this site! It seems like almost everyone here can't tell when Aonuma is TEASING a TIMELINE PLACEMENT. You people clearly don't care when one of BIG MEN himself teases a potential timeline placement. You should KNOW that if it's from Aonuma (NOT me), IT'S CONFIRMED! And that tease IS from AONUMA (again NOT me)!

Here's the source to prove that wasn't just making this sh*t up:


And make sure you actually READ the whole damn thing!

I meant to say "Sheikah Symbol"! It was a practical mistake since I wasn't thinking straight, being all pissed off and in bad mood because people keep DENYING or IGNORING EVIDENCE as USUAL!
You do realize that the exact article that you linked me, goes exactly against what you are saying right?

The article theorizes that BotW is after far after Wind Waker, not directly after OoT/Before ALttP. So yeah.
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Jul 1, 2012
I didn't get that conclusion from anouma whatsoever. To be honest like, I don't really care until it's confirmed wherever it takes place. Actually if people aren't ****s it would be nice to play a zelda game not knowing anything about it or the story :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
There is such a thing as bad faith debating, getting overly worked up because someone does not share the same opinion or

It does not matter if you fail to convince anyone, just as it does not matter if they disagree. People most often do not form opinions based on "I don't like this guy, Imma think the exact opposite."

It is way too early to have even a single absolute about the storyline of this game.


Staff member
Ok, a couple of things.

1. I added an option to the poll for "I like it!" and changed the options so that you can change your votes.

2. I removed all posts that did not contribute to the main topic itself and edited some others to get rid of parts that are now irrelevant.

3. This is a debate about Zelda, there is no need to over react as has just happened.

4. This is just a reminder that using humour or sarcastic replies to mock people is against the rules.

Insulting or Flaming Another Member: Talking down to another member based on who they are or what they have posted is considered flaming. Talking about another member in a demeaning way is also not allowed. There is a clear difference between flaming and constructive criticism. If another member has posted something that you feel is wrong, that you disagree with, or that you feel is not appropriate, there is a better way to get the point across than insulting them or giving feedback in a demeaning fashion. This rule also forbids ad hominem attacks in debates. (Infraction: 5, 10, or 15 points, based on severity and repetition)

Trolling or Baiting: Trolling and baiting describe actions which attempt to elicit negative - often humorous, emotional, or inappropriate - responses from others, and will not be tolerated. This includes mocking, antagonizing, harassing, or otherwise targeting the nerves of another member or group. Although by definition these depend on a member's intentions, moderators will judge incidents based on the perceived effects on the target. Be careful to respect other members' dignity. (Infraction: 8 or 15 points, based on severity and repetition)

Basically, if there is a member who is exploding with anger or unreasonably angry responses do not mock them or post things that will further erode the situation. You know that this will elicit a negative response. Use the report button and continue to debate. If you aren't going to get anywhere then just stop replying. There should be minimal foul language in debates (it is unnecessary especially here, we are talking about Zelda) so avoid this too.

5. Finally, this should be the last post on this topic in this thread. I don't want any further discussion aside from reasonable and non-baiting/non-mocking replies regarding the main topic.

Thank y'all.


Apr 3, 2014
I hope to God that this is a new Link, and not the hero of time in Breath of the Wild. I be honest, he's not my favorite incarnation of Link, plus he already have enough games about him already. So I hope they don't glorify him again:dry:.
Me too. They go on about OoT Link too much, and it's not even the Link that started the franchise. I'd love it if this Link is someone completely new and not just another chapter of "How much we love and wank OoT Link."
Oct 1, 2016
When Mike realizes this thread is completely irrelevant because Nintendo showed off The Temple of Time in ruins, pretty much confirming its after Ocarina of Time. Who cares where it stands though? A new Zelda is a new Zelda, as long as it's not Tri Force Heroes XD
Nov 14, 2015
When Mike realizes this thread is completely irrelevant because Nintendo showed off The Temple of Time in ruins, pretty much confirming its after Ocarina of Time. Who cares where it stands though? A new Zelda is a new Zelda, as long as it's not Tri Force Heroes XD
His main theory was it being in between OoT and aLttP, iirc

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