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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Staff member
ZD Champion
Spider flavored.
To go with the spider tea.
spider cupcakes and spider cookies to go with my spider tea in my spider teapot

how caught up with what we discussed are you yet lol

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Crazy stuff happening. I doubt Vro if he was Kingpin would take Tevish out over one vote, but the whole discussion is just a WIFoM type thing so it can go either way.

This is going to sound stupid, but fsr when I read the Kingpin post, the wording did have KoD vibes, lol.

To be clear, I'm not actually saying KoD is Kingpin over that, I can be completely wrong, but it's just a thought I had.


Staff member
ZD Champion
It is about time we got down to business. Gentlemen, I have a proposition to make. Rather than being separate we should be together. United. Those of you that live in the shadows of New York's day dwellers know what I refer to.

Most people are familiar with the strength of an arrow. On its own, it breaks between one's hands easily. Together with many arrows, they do not bend so easily. That is my proposition.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Hi ^^ (ty also whoever payed my bail!)

Good point. Although, I don't see a reason why mafia members couldn't also have origin stories, and AFAIK kingpin is canonically a supervillian (one of the real bad guys).

Vote: The Kingpin of Crime

Currently the only two threats that have been made clear to us are the mafia/kingpin and the green goblin. One thing I'd like to mention that it seems like people may have overlooked; In the character section of Norman's role it seems to imply that someone will become the green goblin this game if Norman doesn't, possibly even randomly.

Knowing that, Norman will probably try to become the GG first so their loss condition isn't met. A question is whether this would be worse for town than if an unknown player randomly gets the GG role in the future. Either way, I think we can assume that the GG will be someone we need to deal with in the future.

With the Tevish Incident, I'm wondering if it doesn't look too obvious. Tevish made their post accusing Vro of being kingpin and shortly after was moved to the unknown player pool. If we're assuming it was kingpin who did it, the only motivation that makes sense to me is to cast suspicion on another player (Vro) while removing someone who was probably not on their side (Tevish). Not trying to claim Vro is town here though or even not kingpin, just saying that it doesn't make any sense for vro-as-kingpin to have done this.
You might have a bit of ulterior motive here since it's highly likely that you're Stromm given the fact that you started the game in jail.

Another player becoming the Green Goblin isn't an issue as long as we can make them lose the game. If that happens then Freddeh can win the game with town.

That said, Freddeh's existence is scary given how powerful he is. It would be pretty funny if Peter Parker became the Green Goblin and Norman became Spider-Man, or something silly like that.

I think Norman being the Green Goblin is maybe the worst outcome, but having to fight both Freddeh and a future Green Goblin sounds like it would exhaust a dangerous amount of resources.


I can't place too much stock in what happened to tevish being based on anything timely given how delayed most actions are likely to be.

Appreciate your perspective on both these issues, though.
Jun 25, 2023
You might have a bit of ulterior motive here since it's highly likely that you're Stromm given the fact that you started the game in jail.
AFAIK I don't benefit from anti-Norman as a part of my role. Was just talking about him cause most of the information we have rn is on him.

Another player becoming the Green Goblin isn't an issue as long as we can make them lose the game. If that happens then Freddeh can win the game with town.
Yeah, when I think about it more, once another player becomes GG Norman would have motive to hurt them so that's probably the best outcome?


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
i mean just read the abilities, norman is a huge asset for town if we can get him to stay that way
if green goblin must make an appearance it might be worth it to turn someone else into the green goblin and then kill them to guarantee that norman stays town (or at least, guarantee that he has no reason to leave)
...of course, forcing the green goblin transformation onto someone is probably easier said than done, and then subsequently killing them may present yet another hurdle, but for *those* abilities? it might be worth it.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
AFAIK I don't benefit from anti-Norman as a part of my role. Was just talking about him cause most of the information we have rn is on him.

Yeah, when I think about it more, once another player becomes GG Norman would have motive to hurt them so that's probably the best outcome?
Makes sense, he's most of the public info we have role wise atm.

Norman is a useful ally to have in our pocket as long as there's not something terrible that we don't know about him yet or something that can be used to influence his actions in an anti-town way.
Jun 15, 2020
Hi ^^ (ty also whoever payed my bail!)

Good point. Although, I don't see a reason why mafia members couldn't also have origin stories, and AFAIK kingpin is canonically a supervillian (one of the real bad guys).

Vote: The Kingpin of Crime

Currently the only two threats that have been made clear to us are the mafia/kingpin and the green goblin. One thing I'd like to mention that it seems like people may have overlooked; In the character section of Norman's role it seems to imply that someone will become the green goblin this game if Norman doesn't, possibly even randomly.

Knowing that, Norman will probably try to become the GG first so their loss condition isn't met. A question is whether this would be worse for town than if an unknown player randomly gets the GG role in the future. Either way, I think we can assume that the GG will be someone we need to deal with in the future.

With the Tevish Incident, I'm wondering if it doesn't look too obvious. Tevish made their post accusing Vro of being kingpin and shortly after was moved to the unknown player pool. If we're assuming it was kingpin who did it, the only motivation that makes sense to me is to cast suspicion on another player (Vro) while removing someone who was probably not on their side (Tevish). Not trying to claim Vro is town here though or even not kingpin, just saying that it doesn't make any sense for vro-as-kingpin to have done this.
I'm going to let this slide because 1) everyone has seen the Role PM you quoted, and 2) this is your first game with us here.

But please note for future reference direct quoting of anything you receive by PM or find in a private Discord chat is against Rule 2.6.

You can paraphrase all you like but direct quoting is not allowed.

2.6 You may not directly quote anything from a PM or discord server anywhere else. You may paraphrase/claim whatever you like (claims can be false so no reason to disallow it), but be cautious who you share info with—they might not have your best interests at heart.

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