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Sign Ups AMAZING FANTASY: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel (CLOSED)

Jun 15, 2020
You know, I was thinking, if you've got some users who aren't ZD regulars and haven't confirmed, you might want to reach out to them where they are regulars because I at least don't get any sort of outside contact from an @ ping that tells me "hey, check ZD, you're being called out"

This is true.

It's also the weekend though so their activity levels might be lower.

And it's also helpful knowledge to learn who shows up following a ping and who doesn't, so giving it a bit of time before I track people down is useful for that reason.

It's Sunday. I'm not going to bug people on a Sunday. Anyone who hasn't confirmed by tomorrow morning will for sure be hearing from me directly.
Jun 15, 2020
Also, those of you that are new-ish to this forum should know: posts in the Mafia section of these forums do not count towards your account's post count (I know, it's stupid, and I will never stop saying it's not stupid, but it is what they do here). You can see your post count by going to your profile.

It is generally advised that you get your post count up to 5 (which you can't do here because of the aforementioned stupid policy, you must do it in other parts of these forums) because until you do the bots and mods are going to be watching you like a hawk wondering why a user exists without any posts, suspecting you of being a spam bot.

Just a little PSA for you newbies.

And for everyone who has already confirmed, thank you for being prompt and ready when called to action! While you're waiting for the last 10-or-so players to confirm, if you'd like to go over to the game thread and familiarize yourselves with the rules and mechanics you're welcome to do so. Everything is pretty well set up there by now so it's all there for you to digest and absorb in anticipation of the game.


Staff member
that is, uh. silly. Is there a good place to post where I won't seem like I'm needlessly spamming?
The General Discussion subforum has plenty of threads where you can make somewhat mundane posts that will count towards your profile.
You can always make an introduction post in the Community Area and reply to people there too (you might want to avoid mentioning you're here just for mafia cuz there's been some drama about that though lol)
Jun 15, 2020
(you might want to avoid mentioning you're here just for mafia cuz there's been some drama about that though lol)

ZD Community: We don't want the Mafia section to count against post counts because Mafia isn't a proper contribution to the Forums' purpose.
Also ZD Community: We don't like it when the Mafia members have to come into other sections to get their 5 mandatory posts in, even though our own stupid rules is why this happens in the first place.


Is what it is.
Jun 15, 2020
do you think spiderman should shoot web from its ass instead of wrists
would be more spidely accurate

First of all, unlike in the (still 100% awesome) Tobey Maguire films, the webs aren't part of his power set inherited from the spider-bite in the comic books. Peter invents the web-fluid himself, as well as the wrist-mounted shooters. So there's no anatomy confusion going on there.

But second, even if we were adhering to the organic web shooters theory... No, I still don't think Spidey should shoot webs out of his butt. :fpalm:

That said, we really shouldn't get into the topic of what would be most scientifically accurate for Spider-Man. For one, it's been done...

...and for two, it would make for a pretty gross and not-very entertaining superhero. :lol:

MOD NOTE: some people were a bit bothered by the video, so I'll inline spoiler it if you don't mind lol
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Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
If the Green Goblin kidnapped Peter Parker's then-girlfriend Gwen Stacy and dropped her off a bridge. Peter tried to save her, but when his webbing caught Gwen, the whiplash broke her neck, and she died instantly, sauce "Amazing Spider-Man #121", doesn't that technically mean Spider-Man killed her since he was the one to make physical contact?

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