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Game Thread Amalgamation of Anime Atrocities - Traps vs Girls Mafia

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Deleted member 14134

@Bok of the Wild So if I understand correctly, your suspicions on me are from my comment to Mez and a sense of something being off that you haven't yet developed on, right?
That and I agree with some of the other reasoning people have against you. Just didn't feel like regurgitating that again. I'll re-read though everything before (probably) switching my vote on you or Pendio tonight.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Ok I suppose that makes sense, just didn't read that way to me at first.

Traditional Bok reasoning is boring. Traditional Bok reasoning makes everyone say "ok Bok is town yet again, lets give him some lego, put him in the corner and ignore his posts for the rest of the game" (see Korra book 3 mafia). Btw it would be very hypocritical of me to stick to you all game after preaching about tunnel vision if you started looking better. You still have lots of time to so my opinion about you can change but I don't think I've seen enough to convince me yet.

Karu would look good if Kuro flipped town, i feel like their interaction earlier wasn't w/w (I think you were the one to bring that up). If Pendio flipped scum I think I'd go after you for sure but not necessarily the other way around. That has to do more with his posting and I what I saw as seed planting (though it's apparently too early for me to suggest that. I'd still be pretty wary of Pendio if you flipped. I probably need to go back and look more at interactions and the wagons if I want to give you a better answer but right now I'm voting based on who looks the worst to me, not who I think will give us the most information.

I literally rolled laughing at that second paragraph for a long time. XD

I can easily believe that actually, it must be boring being town read all the time.

Yes that was me, but wouldn't kuro flipping scum make karu look better than him flipping town?

You're going to have to run that by me again, you think out of everyone in the entire game to randomly wagon you think I'd pick my scum bud? And then not even switch off? That's pretty hard core bussing for me.
Also @Mido @karu @Minish_Link @DekuNut @EMIYA Shirou I'd prefer if everyone had a vote by the end of the day that wasn't RVS. There's no excuse not to vote someone and not having an opinion is not a real opinion in my opinion.

You forgot @Feenie you ham sandwich. :P


Sep 6, 2017
Could you clarify what you're saying here? I don't know why, but I'm just having a hard time understanding it.

You were the one to bring up reading into the kills. Which seemed to be a counter point to Mezlo saying that the vig should holster. Are you saying that was misinterpreted now?
Mez was suggesting the vig holster so that we could potentially read into the number of kills and I disagreed that meant anything. Is that really a crazy thing to understand?

That and I agree with some of the other reasoning people have against you. Just didn't feel like regurgitating that again. I'll re-read though everything before (probably) switching my vote on you or Pendio tonight.
My "opportunistic" vote, that is? And why wait, do you agree and suspect me (or Pendio) or not?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Mez was suggesting the vig holster so that we could potentially read into the number of kills and I disagreed that meant anything. Is that really a crazy thing to understand?

Yeah, actually it kinda was until you explained it in that way. Since it certainly looked like you were saying that the vig holstering wasn't a good idea, instead of saying that the number of kills wouldn't mean anything.

Deleted member 14134

Yes that was me, but wouldn't kuro flipping scum make karu look better than him flipping town?
Karu would look good if kuro flipped scum* you're right I said that wrong.
You're going to have to run that by me again, you think out of everyone in the entire game to randomly wagon you think I'd pick my scum bud? And then not even switch off? That's pretty hard core bussing for me.
Hmm you have a point but tbh if you do flip scum I think I'm really going to go after Pendio now because of this post. I meant it was the other way around that if Pendio flipped scum I would think you were scum but I wouldn't feel that strong if it was the other way around. Like I said my votes and suspicions have been mostly off of who I feel is scummy, not off the information I think we would get from it.
You forgot @Feenie you ham sandwich. :P
You're right again, I overlooked her because she is on the Kuro wagon. Didn't realize her vote was still RVS so @Feenie do you think that Kuro is the best option or do you think someone else looks like a better lynch now?

And right now I feel like my thoughts are becoming a bit disjointed so I'm going to go back and re-read before I post anymore so I can actually make sense of what I'm trying to say.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I explained that already. I said that my vote on him was partially to survive. I didn't say it was just to survive. I already explained quite clearly the other reasons for my vote.
You also said that your vote was there so that you could be able to enjoy the game longer. It's not exactly a reason to suspect you, but I think that more than partially tied in with wanting to survive.

I'd like to add a few extra things. Firstly I want to make it clear that I'm also fine with lynching funnier today. I've seen him play as both Mafia and Town in the past, and something that has become quite apparent to me is how actively and generally good funnier is at scum hunting and playing overall when he is Town. I'm not getting that same vibe from his play this game, so because of that I would be completely okay with having him lynched. The only reason I'm keeping my vote on Kuro for the time being is because that wagon has a better chance of leading to a lynch. If more interest in lynching funnier is being showed I may join that wagon.
Although it's just the beginning of the game, I agree that funnier's points are a tad bit more hectic than the last two themes. If it came down to it, I'd rather go after him than Kuro because Kuro hasn't really done much to be suspicious in my eyes.

Also, something I just wanna point out is how protective Mezlo seems to be of some players. It's not a scum tell or anything, but it's just an observation I'd like to get out there in case I die today or tonight. Maybe it's something or maybe it's nothing idk.
Who does he seem to be protecting? His suggestion for the Vig or SK to holster is peculiar, I'll give you that; maybe he thought they would go after one of the players under his "protection". (However, if I remember correctly, he made that call right before the Day got serious)


@musicfan @Lilac Are both of you content with a No Lynch?


The game is on!
But didn't you say you were voting kuro mostly out of self pres and you weren't that suspicious of him? I looked through your ISO but the only thing I saw you scum reading me for was voting you, which doesn't really make sense unless you were against me starting a wagon altogether.

I didn't say that. I said I'm voting Kuro partially to survive, but I gave my reasons for suspecting him as well. I stated that I agreed with Mezlo's accusations and I also added my own take on the matter. It seems you're trying to twist the truth by pretending things happened in a completely different way than they actually did.

Also, I've explained clearly why I find you suspicious in this game. I don't feel like repeating that again too. Honestly, this confusion from your end makes me doubt you more and more. You don't seem to be on top of your game as you usually have been while playing Town.

So could you tell me why your reasons for scum reading me and kuro and tell me what you would get out of our lynchs?

I've given my reasons for scum rading you. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand it. The reasons are right here in this thread. It shouldn't be hard to find.

As for what I'd get out of your lynches, well, Kuro's death would virtually clear some of our heads if he flipped scum. And honestly, so would your death. However, the way I see it Kuro's death would bring more information. Anyway, the main reason why I'm voting is not because of what I'll get out of the lynch. It's first and foremost because I'm suspicious of the player in question.

Who does he seem to be protecting? His suggestion for the Vig or SK to holster is peculiar, I'll give you that; maybe he thought they would go after one of the players under his "protection". (However, if I remember correctly, he made that call right before the Day got serious)

The holsering advice to the night killers was what I was mostly referring to, however, I was also thinking of how he has seemingly defended other players in the thread; myself in particular, but also the inactive players and even funnier to some extent.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I didn't say that. I said I'm voting Kuro partially to survive, but I gave my reasons for suspecting him as well. I stated that I agreed with Mezlo's accusations and I also added my own take on the matter. It seems you're trying to twist the truth by pretending things happened in a completely different way than they actually did.

Also, I've explained clearly why I find you suspicious in this game. I don't feel like repeating that again too. Honestly, this confusion from your end makes me doubt you more and more. You don't seem to be on top of your game as you usually have been while playing Town.

I've given my reasons for scum rading you. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand it. The reasons are right here in this thread. It shouldn't be hard to find.

As for what I'd get out of your lynches, well, Kuro's death would virtually clear some of our heads if he flipped scum. And honestly, so would your death. However, the way I see it Kuro's death would bring more information. Anyway, the main reason why I'm voting is not because of what I'll get out of the lynch. It's first and foremost because I'm suspicious of the player in question.

The holsering advice to the night killers was what I was mostly referring to, however, I was also thinking of how he has seemingly defended other players in the thread; myself in particular, but also the inactive players and even funnier to some extent.

Oh really, let's see about that.
I recall you saying in another Mafia game that you find my play as Town and as Mafia to be quite similar. Your reasons for voting me now seem a bit fishy to me. As other players have also pointed out, I don't really see your reasoning there. I'm inclined to vote for you since I find your vote on me so scummy, but I will let you explain it to me first. Maybe there was something I misunderstood.


My reasons for voting you were to start a wagon, what isn't to understand?
Neither specifically. I am slightly suspicious because of the circumstances surrounding your intended wagon.

This is incredibly vague.
Yeah I'm satisfied enough. I was going to keep my vote on just a little bit longer in case Lilac would say something else about it, but since the purpose of the vote has been discussed I'll remove it now. ^^


I do agree with this. It's also somewhat strange (at least to me) that Kuro joined that wagon on me with a pretty serious tone, yet he has barely talked about it since and he has yet to provide any evidence of his own against me. It seems to me like this could be a Mafioso trying to get an easy lynch down by joining a wagon that a Townie started on another Townie. So for now...

Vote: Kuro

He was helping me start a wagon, reasons aren't exactly required.

Would you mind elaborating a bit more on why you read Mezlo and Karu as Town?

I explained that already. I said that my vote on him was partially to survive. I didn't say it was just to survive. I already explained quite clearly the other reasons for my vote.

I'd like to add a few extra things. Firstly I want to make it clear that I'm also fine with lynching funnier today. I've seen him play as both Mafia and Town in the past, and something that has become quite apparent to me is how actively and generally good funnier is at scum hunting and playing overall when he is Town. I'm not getting that same vibe from his play this game, so because of that I would be completely okay with having him lynched. The only reason I'm keeping my vote on Kuro for the time being is because that wagon has a better chance of leading to a lynch. If more interest in lynching funnier is being showed I may join that wagon.

Also, something I just wanna point out is how protective Mezlo seems to be of some players. It's not a scum tell or anything, but it's just an observation I'd like to get out there in case I die today or tonight. Maybe it's something or maybe it's nothing idk.

This is the only other post you say something slightly different about why I'm scummy, and it's just to say I give you "a bad vibe"

I'm not desperate to have someone lynched, however I would prefer to have it that way. It's only day 1 so no one can have any ground breaking accusations or even suspicions, so with what I've got I simply happen to be just about equally suspicious of Kuro and you. I would be equally okay lynching either one. However, since I do want a lynch to go through today I'm staying on Kuro right now. I don't think there's anything strange about this. All I've done is share my thought process so far.

Maybe it is, but it's nothing I've picked up on. I don't necessarily see what it is that would make Bok particularly suspicious.

You say you have no ground breaking accusations or suspicions since it's day one and there isn't enough information, yet you are perfectly willing to lynch me on suspicion and not for information.

Well, I looked, and the reasons aren't there. I still don't see how you "explained" why I'm scummy or why kuro is scummy at all.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Also @Mido @karu @Minish_Link @DekuNut @EMIYA Shirou I'd prefer if everyone had a vote by the end of the day that wasn't RVS. There's no excuse not to vote someone and not having an opinion is not a real opinion in my opinion.

I get that, certainly. I admit I've been gripped by a fit of apathy lately although I have been busy as well with school-related things. This being said, I do have two suspicions, which I'll get to after responding to some points here.

I don't know if I'm understanding what you're asking but funniers reasoning for voting Pendio feels pretty forced. Idk how to explain it but it feels to me like it could be two scumbuds trying to distance each other, I can re-read and try to get a better explanationif you want.

Nah, I think you're fine. Not sure I get the two scumbuds vibe though, if only because funnier's push has been so aggressive. I still think there are legitimate questions surrounding both of the players, however. I'm more suspicious of Pendio of the two at this time because I got the impression his approach to the choice of funnier and kuro seemed very hands-off in the sense he was willing to go either way a la this post:

I'd like to add a few extra things. Firstly I want to make it clear that I'm also fine with lynching funnier today. I've seen him play as both Mafia and Town in the past, and something that has become quite apparent to me is how actively and generally good funnier is at scum hunting and playing overall when he is Town. I'm not getting that same vibe from his play this game, so because of that I would be completely okay with having him lynched. The only reason I'm keeping my vote on Kuro for the time being is because that wagon has a better chance of leading to a lynch. If more interest in lynching funnier is being showed I may join that wagon.

I'm also primarily suspicious of musicfan due to the no lynch movement. The way it came about, and now given the present situation, the whole idea seems like an easy attempt to avoid responsibility for a lynch and stay off wagon heat. This is why I wanted to hear more about his rationale behind his actions. At this time, I'm more worried about MF over Pendio, mainly because he set out with the no lynch idea and left it at that save for a few alignment pair ideas, and I would especially like to hear more from the former regarding the situation (although he could just be occupied with the crossover game).

Vote: musicfan

I'm going to be working on stuff right now, but the tab is open, so I'll be around.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I get that, certainly. I admit I've been gripped by a fit of apathy lately although I have been busy as well with school-related things. This being said, I do have two suspicions, which I'll get to after responding to some points here.

Nah, I think you're fine. Not sure I get the two scumbuds vibe though, if only because funnier's push has been so aggressive. I still think there are legitimate questions surrounding both of the players, however. I'm more suspicious of Pendio of the two at this time because I got the impression his approach to the choice of funnier and kuro seemed very hands-off in the sense he was willing to go either way a la this post:

I'm also primarily suspicious of musicfan due to the no lynch movement. The way it came about, and now given the present situation, the whole idea seems like an easy attempt to avoid responsibility for a lynch and stay off wagon heat. This is why I wanted to hear more about his rationale behind his actions. At this time, I'm more worried about MF over Pendio, mainly because he set out with the no lynch idea and left it at that save for a few alignment pair ideas, and I would especially like to hear more from the former regarding the situation (although he could just be occupied with the crossover game).

Vote: musicfan

I'm going to be working on stuff right now, but the tab is open, so I'll be around.

Why try to lynch music when we already have three wagons? Do you not find any of us scummy enough to vote?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Why try to lynch music when we already have three wagons? Do you not find any of us scummy enough to vote?

I voted music for both reasons that he stands out the most to me for the aforementioned reasons and also for pressuring reasons regarding my questions over his decision to move towards a no lynch. And what three wagons? Unless we're counting the no lynch one, we only have two players under the threat of a lynch as far as Bok's most recent collection of votes is concerned. I don't find kuro very suspicious as I've briefly mentioned before in discussion his previous voting; and while I'm suspicious of Pendio, I think his effort to go into a lynch looks marginally better than the no lynch scenario.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I voted music for both reasons that he stands out the most to me for the aforementioned reasons and also for pressuring reasons regarding my questions over his decision to move towards a no lynch. And what three wagons? Unless we're counting the no lynch one, we only have two players under the threat of a lynch as far as Bok's most recent collection of votes is concerned. I don't find kuro very suspicious as I've briefly mentioned before in discussion his previous voting; and while I'm suspicious of Pendio, I think his effort to go into a lynch looks marginally better than the no lynch scenario.

From the amount of people shading me that could change any second.

I think it's pretty late in the day to be starting a new wagon when everyone agrees the ones we have now will give good information.

Unless you think there's good information from a music lynch?
You also said that your vote was there so that you could be able to enjoy the game longer. It's not exactly a reason to suspect you, but I think that more than partially tied in with wanting to survive.

Although it's just the beginning of the game, I agree that funnier's points are a tad bit more hectic than the last two themes. If it came down to it, I'd rather go after him than Kuro because Kuro hasn't really done much to be suspicious in my eyes.

Who does he seem to be protecting? His suggestion for the Vig or SK to holster is peculiar, I'll give you that; maybe he thought they would go after one of the players under his "protection". (However, if I remember correctly, he made that call right before the Day got serious)


@musicfan @Lilac Are both of you content with a No Lynch?

I don't understand why you haven't voted yet, apparently you're suspicious of me, but there's little more than an hour left and you haven't decided yet?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Out of Kuro and Pendio, I'm definitely more suspicious of Kuro. And I think his lynch could give us quite a bit of information. People have already made connections with him and Bok, and him and karu. And while he did clarify his comments regarding the vig holstering, I'm still a bit weary of him jumping on the Pendio wagon so easily just for the sake of it.

Vote: Kuro
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