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Ocarina of Time Adult Link Temple Order


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
What are the possible orders for defeating the Temples? (This includes the Ice Cavern and Bottom of the Well).What other restrictions are there? Also, is it any different for the Master Quest?
(My preferred method.)
Ice Cavern

Here's all the restrictions I have found:

Forest Temple MUST be completed before the Well or Spirit. (You need to become Young Link for all of these, and only available after completing the Forest Temple.)
Forest, Fire, and Water MUST be completed before Shadow.
Ice Cavern MUST be completed before Water.
Well is not ever necessary (Lens of Truth makes things easier, but everything you can see with it is there without using it).

And finally, if entering is a stipulation for completing, then Forest MUST be done first, as the Bow is necessary in each dungeon afterwards.

So, it can go (assuming Ice Cavern anywhere before Water; Well anywhere after Forest):

Eight base possibilities given the stipulations you have provided. Then, throw the Ice Cavern anywhere and everywhere it can go, you have 23 possibilities. Multiply by the well and you have 115 different orders you can do the five adult dungeons, the Ice Cavern, and the Well, in. And out of those 115, I have played maybe 15 of the possibilities.
Now, if you factor in the possibility of entering a dungeon, getting the item, and leaving a dungeon (meaning you can complete Forest AFTER any temple but Shadow), you have 197 possibilities. (Although, I am 100% sure on the 115, I am not on the 197 because I'm unsure if my math was correct and I don't have a calculator handy.)

And if you add in glitches to do them in any order with absolutely no stipulations, you simply have 7! (5040) possibilities. (I think.)
May 8, 2010
Eagle River, Alaska
You can go to the Water Temple to get the longshot, without finishing it, and go and complete the Spirit Temple, it's much eaiser than going to the Shadow Temple and getting the hover boots. So with that in mind, you can go with this:
Ice cavern
Bottom of the Well
There are many variations, but I haven't played OoT in a long time so I don't know all the restrictions.


Sorry, I should have stated that I was talking about the normal quest only. Master quest does require the megaton hammer in that room. The non-master quest Spirit temple only has the two unnecessary rusty switches I mentioned before. I'm 100% sure on this since I've done the order Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow twice on the N64 and once on the 3DS without glitches or entering dungeons for the item and leaving.

I've done a lot of research on this and without glitches but allowing yourself to enter dungeons for the item and leaving there are 18 orders through the game excluding the minidungeons (adding the mindungeons creates 137 orders and adding jabu jabu before dondongo's cavern creates 274 orders through the game).
The 18 temple completion orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Fire, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Fire, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Water, Fire, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Water, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Water, Forest, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Water, Forest, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Forest, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Water, Forest, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Water, Fire, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Fire, Forest, Spirit, Shadow

My personal favorite weird way to complete OOT 3D is to do the Ice Cavern, then get the hookshot, then do part of the Water Temple up to the longshot (the first 4 keys don't require the bow so you can get the longshot without it), then with the longshot and without the lens of truth reach the Spirit Temple for the Requiem of Spirit, then do the Forest Temple, go back in time and do child Spirit, do adult Spirit, and finally finish the water, fire, and shadow temples in that order.

those are wrong you need the bow for the water temple and you need the longshot for the spirit temple(just to get there)

You can go to the Water Temple to get the longshot, without finishing it, and go and complete the Spirit Temple, it's much eaiser than going to the Shadow Temple and getting the hover boots. So with that in mind, you can go with this:
Ice cavern
Bottom of the Well
There are many variations, but I haven't played OoT in a long time so I don't know all the restrictions.

one of the restrictions is if you enter a temple you have to complete it, there are tons of orders if you could get the item and leave, doing that you could do any order you wanted except for the shadow temple

bow for water temple
hammer for spirit temple
longshot for spirit temple-----these are the most important items for completing temples
Jul 12, 2010
Kamina City
You must complete the Forest Temple before the Water Temple.
You must complete the Forest Temple and the Water Temple before the Spirit Temple.
You must complete the Forest, Fire, and Water Temples before the Shadow Temple.

Therefore, the possible orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow Spirit.
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit.
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow.
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit.
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow.

So that's a total of seven different orders if we're not getting the item and leaving.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
You must complete the Forest Temple before the Water Temple.
You must complete the Forest Temple and the Water Temple before the Spirit Temple.
You must complete the Forest, Fire, and Water Temples before the Shadow Temple.

Therefore, the possible orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow Spirit.
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit.
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow.
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit.
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow.

So that's a total of seven different orders if we're not getting the item and leaving.
Your last two about the Fire being 1st is impossible need the arrows for the Fire Temple because there is a eye switch in a certain room.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
those are wrong you need the bow for the water temple and you need the longshot for the spirit temple(just to get there)

one of the restrictions is if you enter a temple you have to complete it, there are tons of orders if you could get the item and leave, doing that you could do any order you wanted except for the shadow temple

bow for water temple
hammer for spirit temple
longshot for spirit temple-----these are the most important items for completing temples

Did you even read what I wrote? without glitches but allowing yourself to enter dungeons for the item and leaving. So I meant you could get the bow or longshot without completing the Temples. That list is just the order you can obtain the medallions without glitches. I already posted what I believe are the 7 orders in the no glitches and no entering dungeons for the item list. And I even checked the mirror room you mentioned before to be even more sure and the megaton hammer is definitely not needed to beat Spirit in the normal quest.

Sorry if this reply is rude, but I am just certain you are mistaken. BTW did you get the chance to read my reply to your tunic question a while ago in this thread?

You must complete the Forest Temple before the Water Temple.
You must complete the Forest Temple and the Water Temple before the Spirit Temple.
You must complete the Forest, Fire, and Water Temples before the Shadow Temple.

Therefore, the possible orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow Spirit.
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit.
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow.
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow.
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit.
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow.

So that's a total of seven different orders if we're not getting the item and leaving.

I agree completely with this. This is what I had for no glitches and not entering the temples for the items. I've finished the game with those restrictions in each of those 7 orders so anyone who says one of those is impossible is wrong. And adding to your response to Hylian Knight, you can get the dungeon map by climbing over the fence in the next room near the door leading to the top of the ball maze.

Here's all the restrictions I have found:

Forest Temple MUST be completed before the Well or Spirit. (You need to become Young Link for all of these, and only available after completing the Forest Temple.)
Forest, Fire, and Water MUST be completed before Shadow.
Ice Cavern MUST be completed before Water.
Well is not ever necessary (Lens of Truth makes things easier, but everything you can see with it is there without using it).

And finally, if entering is a stipulation for completing, then Forest MUST be done first, as the Bow is necessary in each dungeon afterwards.
And if you add in glitches to do them in any order with absolutely no stipulations, you simply have 7! (5040) possibilities. (I think.)

I agree with you on first restrictions you put, but you lost me when you said forest must be done first. The Fire temple can be completed without the bow, and you can even complete it 100% without it. I also believe that Spirit can't reached without the longshot (in a glitch free run of OOT 3D) which would cancel out 3 of your eight orders. Adding in the 2 Fire first orders makes the 7 orders that I believe are possible.

However, if you are referring to walking backwards across the river of sand, then Spirit can be beat without entering Water (I've done it on the N64 version without glitches unless you count backwalking across the sand as a glitch, I don't but could understand if someone did). The only problem with this is that in my experience (which could very easily be wrong in this case), it is impossible to backwalk across the river of sand in OOT 3D. So if you're talking about OOT 3D, I say Spirit can't be 2nd and you're missing 2 Fire first orders. And if you're talking about the original version, I agree with your 8 orders (if backwalking across the sand isn't a glitch) but say you're missing 3 Fire first orders (Fire, Forest... then Water, Shadow, Spirit; Water, Spirit, Shadow; and Spirit, Water, Shadow) creating 11 orders for the original version of OOT.

Just so no one is confused, I mean there are 11 orders without glitches or entering dungeons for the items and leaving in the original version of OOT unless you are counting backwalking across the sand as a glitch. I don't consider it to be a glitch because it is incredibly easy to pull off, only requires you to push the control stick to do, and the Spirit Temple itself doesn't require the longshot. Counterevidence would include the fact that the game states you need the the longshot or hover boots to cross the river of sand and that it was removed in OOT 3D (pretty sure) so it probably wasn't intended by the game designers. If it's considered to be a glitch then I say only 7 orders are possible without glitches or entering dungeons for items and leaving. And either way only 7 orders are possible for OOT 3D.
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I think that you have to do forest first so that u can get the bow n arrows, then you could go and do the Ice cavern followed by the water temple to get the long shot. Go and do the bottom of the well so that you can get the eye of truth so the ghost can lead you to the spirit temple. Next go to the fire and finish up with the shadow temple.
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