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Ocarina of Time Adult Link Temple Order



Why does the Spirit Temple require the Prelude of Light? Say you beat the Ice Cavern and Forest Temple... Instead of using the Prelude of Light to warp to the Temple of Time... can you just use the Serenade of Water to warp to Lake Hylia and then travel to the Temple of Time on foot/horse?

That doesn't matter since... you still need the Bow to beat the Water Temple... unless you do that glitch you referred to. So WITH that glitch you can do Water > Spirit > Forest/Fire > Shadow.
now that i think about it im pretty sure spirit has to be fourth or fifth. you need the hammer for the spirit temple, so its now second. you also need the longshot to get there so its now third. and you need the bow to get the longshot so its now fourth.

spirit and shadow both have to be fourth or fifth

Ah okay. So this is what I've gathered... Again, assuming once you enter a Temple you beat the whole thing. (Not counting the Well and the Ice Cavern)

--Forest MUST be done before Water and Shadow Temple
--Fire MUST be done before Shadow Temple
--Water MUST be done before Shadow Temple

Question: Can you do the Spirit Temple before the Water Temple? [Do you need the Longshot?]
Question: Do you need the Bow and Arrow to do the Spirit Temple???
Question: Based on the above... Can you do the Spirit Temple first?

You could do Fire before Forest
You could do Water before Fire
You could do Spirit before Fire
You could do Spirit before Shadow

Forest has to be either #1 or #2
Shadow has to be #4 or #5
Fire can be #1,2,3,4
Water can be #2,3,4?
Spirit can be #?????
the fire and water could not be fourth because to activate the shadow you need to complete them and to activate the spirit you need the longshot(which requires bow) and you need the hammer too. and you also cant do the spirit third(same for shadow)

forest, fire, water, spirit, shadow
forest, fire, water, shadow, spirit
fire, forest, water, spirit, shadow
fire, forest, water, shadow, spirit
forest, water, fire, shadow, spirit
forest, water, fire, spirit, shadow
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
now that i think about it im pretty sure spirit has to be fourth or fifth. you need the hammer for the spirit temple, so its now second. you also need the longshot to get there so its now third. and you need the bow to get the longshot so its now fourth.

spirit and shadow both have to be fourth or fifth

You don't need the hammer in the spirit temple. I don't understand how this misconception is so widespread. I looked through this thread and found at least 5 people who say fire can't go before spirit and I only found one person who agrees with my argument that the hammer is not necessary for the Spirit temple. The fact is that there are two rusty switches in the Spirit temple. One opens the center door in the snake woman room. That door leads you to another switch to hammer after pushing some silver gauntlet blocks first. Hammering this switch opens the elevator to the first room of the dungeon. This passage contains nothing of relevance besides an elevator and silver gauntlet blocks. So the only possible reasons to go in this room are 1) you feel you must explore every room of the dungeon or 2)you plan on dying in the boss room in which case the elevator provides a shortcut back to the boss room.By the way this shortcut saves you only about 10 seconds if you die in the boss room (assuming you know where you're going if you don't use the shortcut). But the point is that in order to complete the dungeon (including getting the map, compass, boss key, opening every chest, getting every item, collecting every gold skulltula, and defeating the boss), the megaton hammer is unnecessary.


i was just watching a spirit temple walkthrough two minutes ago in the room with the big mirror there is a rusty switch in the upper left corner


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
forest, fire, water, spirit, shadow
forest, fire, water, shadow, spirit
fire, forest, water, spirit, shadow
fire, forest, water, shadow, spirit

You don't need the Megathon hammer for the Water Temple, I usually complete the Water Temple second and I did that just now and I have yet to do anything on the Fire Temple (saving it for as long as I can) save for getting the song and tunic.

So here are two more possibilities:
forest, water, fire, spirit, shadow
forest, water, fire, shadow, spirit

and if we can go in get the bow and then exit we can also do:
water, forest, fire, spirit, shadow
water, forest, fire, shadow, spirit
water, fire, forest, spirit, shadow
water, fire, forest, shadow, spirit
fire, water, forest, spirit, shadow
fire, water, forest, shadow, spirit

King of Hyrule

After I get the hookshot I go straight to the Fire Temple. After beating it I do Forest, Ice Cavern, Water, Gerudo's Fortress, Young Link Spirit Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, and Ganon's Castle. (if you practice enough you can skip the Bottom of the Well)
Jun 16, 2011
After I get the hookshot I go straight to the Fire Temple. After beating it I do Forest, Ice Cavern, Water, Gerudo's Fortress, Young Link Spirit Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, and Ganon's Castle. (if you practice enough you can skip the Bottom of the Well)

Don't you need the lense of truth for the invisible chests containing small keys in shadow temple?

edit: You definitely need it to kill the boss, no?

King of Hyrule

Don't you need the lense of truth for the invisible chests containing small keys in shadow temple?

edit: You definitely need it to kill the boss, no?

Thats why it takes practice. You can get the invisible chests without the Lens of Truth if you know where they are.

And if you are talking about killing Bongo Bongo, you can also kill him without the Lens of Truth. If you time your arrow right you can hit his eye when he charges at you even when he is "invisible".


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
My uneducated assumption, based on the puzzles I've encountered, has always been that you can switch around the Fire and Water temples, as well as the Spirit and Shadow temples. Thus yielding:

Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit (Game Default)
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow (Beta Default)
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit (Alternate GD)
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow (Alternate BD)

I've only tested the first two, however. I'm afraid of game glitches if I break sequence too much. I will test the other two to make sure.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
i was just watching a spirit temple walkthrough two minutes ago in the room with the big mirror there is a rusty switch in the upper left corner

Sorry, I should have stated that I was talking about the normal quest only. Master quest does require the megaton hammer in that room. The non-master quest Spirit temple only has the two unnecessary rusty switches I mentioned before. I'm 100% sure on this since I've done the order Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow twice on the N64 and once on the 3DS without glitches or entering dungeons for the item and leaving.

You don't need the Megathon hammer for the Water Temple, I usually complete the Water Temple second and I did that just now and I have yet to do anything on the Fire Temple (saving it for as long as I can) save for getting the song and tunic.

So here are two more possibilities:
forest, water, fire, spirit, shadow
forest, water, fire, shadow, spirit

and if we can go in get the bow and then exit we can also do:
water, forest, fire, spirit, shadow
water, forest, fire, shadow, spirit
water, fire, forest, spirit, shadow
water, fire, forest, shadow, spirit
fire, water, forest, spirit, shadow
fire, water, forest, shadow, spirit

I've done a lot of research on this and without glitches but allowing yourself to enter dungeons for the item and leaving there are 18 orders through the game excluding the minidungeons (adding the mindungeons creates 137 orders and adding jabu jabu before dondongo's cavern creates 274 orders through the game).
The 18 temple completion orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Fire, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Fire, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Water, Fire, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Water, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Water, Forest, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Water, Forest, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Forest, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Water, Forest, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Water, Fire, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Fire, Forest, Spirit, Shadow

My personal favorite weird way to complete OOT 3D is to do the Ice Cavern, then get the hookshot, then do part of the Water Temple up to the longshot (the first 4 keys don't require the bow so you can get the longshot without it), then with the longshot and without the lens of truth reach the Spirit Temple for the Requiem of Spirit, then do the Forest Temple, go back in time and do child Spirit, do adult Spirit, and finally finish the water, fire, and shadow temples in that order.
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Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
A lot of times I will rather then go in the normal order choose to beat the forest temple then immediately try and beat the Ice Cavern, Bottom of the Well, and Spirit Temple (child). This allows me to get all of the little temples out of the way so that I only have to go through the other temples in quick succession. I also sometimes choose to do the Spirit Temple before the Shadow Temple though I don't think I have done that in a very long time.


Sorry, I should have stated that I was talking about the normal quest only. Master quest does require the megaton hammer in that room. The non-master quest Spirit temple only has the two unnecessary rusty switches I mentioned before. I'm 100% sure on this since I've done the order Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow twice on the N64 and once on the 3DS without glitches or entering dungeons for the item and leaving.

I've done a lot of research on this and without glitches but allowing yourself to enter dungeons for the item and leaving there are 18 orders through the game excluding the minidungeons (adding the mindungeons creates 137 orders and adding jabu jabu before dondongo's cavern creates 274 orders through the game).
The 18 temple completion orders are:
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Fire, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Fire, Water, Shadow
Forest, Spirit, Water, Fire, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Forest, Water, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Forest, Water, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Forest, Water, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Water, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Fire, Water, Forest, Spirit, Shadow
Fire, Forest, Spirit, Water, Shadow
Water, Forest, Fire, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Forest, Fire, Spirit, Shadow
Water, Forest, Spirit, Fire, Shadow
Water, Fire, Forest, Shadow, Spirit
Water, Fire, Forest, Spirit, Shadow

My personal favorite weird way to complete OOT 3D is to do the Ice Cavern, then get the hookshot, then do part of the Water Temple up to the longshot (the first 4 keys don't require the bow so you can get the longshot without it), then with the longshot and without the lens of truth reach the Spirit Temple for the Requiem of Spirit, then do the Forest Temple, go back in time and do child Spirit, do adult Spirit, and finally finish the water, fire, and shadow temples in that order.

ya i was watching a master quest walkthrough but i though that was one of the few rooms that was the same

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